Learning Express of telepathy. Валерий Жиглов
me. I was furious. We had a struggle. I seized his umbrella and struck him, but it broke, and I was beginning to fear that he would master me, when the train began to slow up before arriving at Guilford Station. He got frightened, let go of me, and before the train reached the platform he jumped out and ran away. I was very much upset. But I have the umbrella.”
William Thomas Stead sent his secretary up with a note saying merely he was very sorry to hear what had happened, and added, “Be sure and bring the man’s umbrella on Wednesday.” She wrote in reply, “I am very sorry you know anything about it. I had made up my mind to tell nobody”.
The woman’s decisiveness not to tell anyone about the incident, witnesses in favor the assumption, that not only the telepathic message may be subconscious, but it may be in direct contradiction with the intentions of the mind.
The phenomenon of telepathy exists not only in the human society. Among the most remarkable may be the example of telepathic communication between a human and an animal, which was described by Sir Henry Rider Haggard, in Journal of S.P.R., in October 1904. It was the night of July 7th, 1904, when Missis Haggard, his wife, heard her husband was making strange sounds, as if he had been a wounded beast. After he woke up, Sir Henry Rider Haggard told her about his dream, when he felt some sore feeling of oppression as of asphyxiation. He mentioned also he saw the world through the eyes of his dog.
“I dreamed that a black retriever dog, a most amiable and intelligent beast named Bob, which was the property of my eldest daughter, was lying on its side among brushwood, or rough growth of some sort, by water. My own personality in some mysterious way seemed to me to be arising from the body of the dog, which I knew quite surely to be Bob and no other, so much so that my head was against his head, which was lifted up at an unnatural angle. In my vision, the dog was trying to speak to me in words, and, failing, transmitted to me mind in an undefined fashion the knowledge that it was dying”.
Four days later, the Haggards’ dog was really found dead lying in water with the skull crushed and legs broken. A train hit him and threw him into the water. A collar with blood traces was found on a bridge the next morning after the owner had his weird dream.
In his book “How Animals Talk” William J. Long described multiple cases of telepathic communication among beasts, in particular, in a horde of wolves, where wolf cubs obey silent signals emitted by their mother.
In the middle of the XX century, when popular press was highlighting the theme of “paranormal phenomena”, Zener cards were widely used as a method for testing extrasensory perception.
In Nazi Germany, there was the department of “SS Ahnenerbe”, which specialized not only in occultism, but also it studied telepathy and searching for knowledge via telepathy. There are documented facts that Nazi psychics used their extrasensory perception methodologies to obtain some specific technical information from extraterrestrials, and the information was later used to develop new weapons.
Alice Ann Bailey wrote in her book “Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle”, that there are two laws governing telepathic communication: “The first law is: The power to communicate is to be found in the very nature of substance itself. It lies potentially within the ether, and the significance of telepathy is to be found in the word omnipresence. The second law is: The interplay of many minds produces a unity of thought which is powerful enough to be recognized by the brain”. Here we have a law governing a subjective activity and another law governing objective manifestation”. The understanding of the first law produces results in the mind or mental body. The understanding of the second law produces results in a lesser receiving station, the brain”. The center that the psychics work through is the solar plexus. Therefore, the communication line extends from one solar plexus to another one. Such is the instinctive telepathy, which in any case relates to feeling. It inevitably involves a sort of radiation from a solar plexus, which in the beast world acts as an instinctive brain. The telepathic communication of this type definitely characterizes the brute body of a human, and the best illustration of such telepathic communication is the communication between a mother and her child. The second type of telepathic communications relates to those from one mind to another mind; it is this specific form of communication, which undergoes nowadays the most thorough study possible. This second form may be found only in people of mental type, and with the more emotions, feelings, and strong desires are eliminated, the more preciously it works. A strong enough wish to succeed in telepathic functioning and a fear of failure both are the shortest path to the failure. Just like anywhere else, being unbound to the result and the “never mind” attitude are of real help.
Addressing the subject of telepathy, one has to realize that the ether body of any form of nature is a part of the substantial form of The God Himself, not any dense physical shape, but the one that esotericists consider the formalizing substance. We say “God” to express the Uniform Life that gives life to any object on the external objective plane. Therefore, etheric, or energetic body of each human being is a part of the etheric body of the planet itself, thus, of the Solar system, too. It is through this that any individual is fundamentally associated with any other, small or large, expression of the Devine Life. The etheric body function is to receive energetic pulses and to be activated by those pulses, or the streams of forces from one or another source. The etheric body is nothing else but energy. It consists of the tiniest flows of energy, linked to the emotional and the mental bodies and the soul, coordinated therewith. Those streams of energy, in turn, influence the physical body, activating it in one or another manner, in accordance with nature and the power of the energy of such type that is capable of controlling the etheric body at any time.
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