Homo periclitatur. Путь к вымиранию человечества. Владимир Александрович Маслов

Homo periclitatur. Путь к вымиранию человечества - Владимир Александрович Маслов

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Headline Britons 1921-1925, Peter Pugh, 2017

      33. Born for each other: How family planning and porn keep company, Carolyn Moynihan, MercatorNet (https://mercatornet.com/born-for-each-other-how-family-planning-and-porn-keep-company/63197)

      34. Birth of the Abortion Industrial Complex: Marie Stopes International, Hayden Ludwig, Capital Research Center (https://capitalresearch.org/article/birth-of-the-abortion-industrial-complex-part-6/)

      35. MSI Reproductive Choices, 2020 Annual report and financial statements (https://www.msichoices.org/media/4217/msi-annual-report-2020-single.pdf)

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      37. Cain’s False Attack on Planned Parenthood, Lori Robertson, FactCheck.org (https://www.factcheck.org/2011/11/cains-false-attack-on-planned-parenthood/)

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      41. Birth Control Organizations – Birth Control Review History, The Margaret Sanger Papers Project, New York University (https://sanger.hosting.nyu.edu/aboutms/organization_bcr/)

      42. Birth Control Organizations – Brownsville Clinic and Committee of 100 History, The Margaret Sanger Papers Project, New York University (https://sanger.hosting.nyu.edu/aboutms/organization_brownsville_clinic/)

      43. Newsletter #3 (Fall 1992). Documenting a Friendship, The Margaret Sanger Papers Project, New York University (https://sanger.hosting.nyu.edu/articles/documenting_friendship/)

      44. Birth Control Organizations – New York Birth Control League History, The Margaret Sanger Papers Project (https://sanger.hosting.nyu.edu/aboutms/organization_nybcl)

      45. Frederick A. Blossom resigns post as Director of the National Birth Control League, The University of Richmond (https://historyengine.richmond.edu/episodes/view/5493)

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      47. ЛГБТ-движение как гегемония, Владимир Маслов, Наше Завтра, 2021 (https://xn–8sbalcgsi5aih6o.xn–p1ai/29297-lgbt-dvizhenie-kak-gegemoniya-maslov-v)

      48. Clarke, Adele E. Disciplining Reproduction: Modernity, American Life Sciences, and the Problems of Sex. Berkeley: University of California Press, c1998 1998.

      49. The First American Birth Control Conference, Margaret Sanger Papers Project (https://sangerpapers.wordpress.com/2010/11/12/the-first-american-birth-control-conference/)

      50. Margaret Sanger: Birth Control's Successful Revolutionary, Dorothy Wardell (https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdfplus/10.2105/AJPH.70.7.736)

      51. A History: the Diaphragm, The Reproductive Health Access Project (https://www.reproductiveaccess.org/2013/04/a-history-the-diaphragm)

      52. Woman of Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America, Ellen Chesler 53. When Condoms Were Avant-Garde: A History, Jaap Harskamp, New York Almanack (https://www.newyorkalmanack.com/2020/03/when-condoms-were-avant-garde-a-history/)

      54. The Birth Control Movement and American Society: From Private Vice to Public Virtue, James Reed, Princeton University Press, 2014

      55. The History of the IUSSP, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (https://iussp.org/en/about/history)

      56. Birth Control Organizations – Birth Control International Information Centre. Birth Control International Information Centre – History, The Margaret Sanger Papers Project, New York University (https://sanger.hosting.nyu.edu/aboutms/organization_bciic/

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      Экологизм – идеология и социальное движение с декларируемой целью защиты окружающей среды от последствий деятельности человека, радикальная его часть проповедует равноправие человека с другими формами жизни, включая растения и насекомых, запущено в середине прошлого века на деньги клана

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