По следам детективов: увлекательные истории для изучения английского языка. Анжелика Ягудена

По следам детективов: увлекательные истории для изучения английского языка - Анжелика Ягудена

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      Let’s go back to the childhood of Edgar Poe. Taking pity on the baby, John and Frances Allan became his foster family, but they never adopted him officially. Poe seemed to have a strong bond with his foster mother, but he couldn’t find a common language with his foster father. In fact, John Allan was a wealthy merchant and wanted Edgar to follow in his footsteps. He didn’t approve of his passion for literature. Edgar, in turn, had no interest in taking up the family business. It’s not surprising that they didn’t get along well with each other. Though it’s commonly believed that opposites attract, in reality, the reverse is true. As I see it, Edgar Poe lived for his ideas and, like most writers, needed inspiration and privacy. Poe was a dreamer who lived in his little world, while his foster father was more down-to-earth and focused on material goods. Money had always been a touchy subject for John Allan, and he often accused Edgar of being ungrateful. No matter how complicated the relationship between Edgar and his foster father was, he got education at expensive boarding schools. Frances Allan was the complete opposite of her husband. She always gave Edgar care and attention and even encouraged his desire to become a poet.

      In his teens, Poe fell in love with his neighbor Sarah Elmira Royster. They were secretly engaged to get married soon. Unfortunately, their plans were not destined to come true. At the time, they were too young: Sarah was fifteen and Edgar was sixteen. Besides, Sarah’s father was against their relationship and disapproved of his daughter’s choice. Later, Mr. Royster would confess that his disapproval was only because of their young age. Personally, I believe that Edgar was seen as an unsuitable match for his daughter because he was an orphan. So, when Poe went to the University of Virginia, he sent love letters to his sweetheart but got no answer. As it turned out later, Mr. Royster intercepted and destroyed his letters, and Sarah thought that Edgar had forgotten her. Heartbroken, she married Alexander Shelton, a merchant from a well-to-do family. Nobody knows how the life of Edgar and Sarah would have turned out if Mr. Royster hadn’t interfered with their relationship. However, it’s definitely clear that those events changed the course of Poe’s life forever. What may come as a surprise is that fate brought them together anyway, but that was many years later.

      In 1827, after a year of studying at the University of Virginia, Poe dropped out. It is said that money was not enough for Edgar to pay for classes, textbooks, and a room. Mr. Allan gave him about a third of what he needed for his studies. It could have been one of the reasons why he started gambling and got into debt. The second most probable reason could have been longing for his lost love. Anyway, Edgar abandoned his studies and decided not to return to Richmond. You might have guessed why. His fiancée married another man, and that was a terrible blow for him. He headed back to his birthplace city Boston. I wonder why our hearts leap when we return to the place where we were born or grew up. As I see it, Edgar returned to his hearth and home to reflect on his family and to find spiritual harmony. Besides, he seemingly decided to burn his bridges with his foster father. Having started his life afresh, Edgar worked at any job that would allow him some income. Yet, money was tight, and things went wrong at work. When he realized that he had no means of livelihood, Poe enlisted in the army, hiding his real name and age. It was 1827, and he was just eighteen. While serving in the army, Edgar Allan Poe devoted his time to writing. His first literary work, a short collection of poems called Tamerlane and Other Poems, was published anonymously (the author was listed as “A Bostonian”). Today, it’s believed that only twelve of approximately fifty copies of the collection still exist. Unfortunately, this work wasn’t an immediate success.

      He served for two years and even became a sergeant major of artillery. However, like a caged bird who dreams of flying in the sky, the legendary writer was also dreaming of freedom. He didn’t want to serve in the army anymore. When he revealed his true age and name, his commanding officer agreed to release him on one condition: Poe was to get in touch with his foster father, but it was not that easy. Shortly after, it turned out that Frances Allan was seriously ill, and Edgar was unable even to see her on her last journey. Her passing away was a big loss for both Edgar and Mr. Allan. The writer felt he had to work things out with his foster father. They were able to reconcile but not for long. They would have frequent fights and disputes. At the end of his life path, John Allan didn’t even mention Edgar in his will.

      In 1829, Edgar Poe entered the U.S. Military Academy at West Point but soon realized that it wasn’t for him. What do you think happened next? He was expelled from the Academy for disciplinary reasons. As I see it, it was a way to rebel against his foster father, teachers, or society. He was trying to find himself, the purpose of life, and his true calling by breaking rules. That same year, Edgar Poe headed to New York, where he planned to focus on writing stories. No sooner had he settled in a new place than he received terrible news: it turned out that his older brother Henry was seriously ill. Edgar left everything and went to Baltimore. As the saying goes, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” For a short while he reunited with his relatives: his older brother, aunt Maria Clemm, and grandparents. Unfortunately, shortly after, Henry died. Poe had a hard time, but all hardships, defeats, and setbacks seemingly built his character.

      His personal life was also clouded in mystery. The genius writer married his cousin Virginia Clemm, who was many years younger than him, but the nature of their relationship was controversial. Some biographers speculate that Poe treated his wife like a sister, and his mother-in-law, Maria Clemm, like a mother. One thing is for sure: the iconic writer finally found a family. Virginia admired her husband. She filled his life with joy and meaning. She would often follow him on walks or sing songs for him sitting by the fireplace. The legendary writer taught her French and encouraged her to take singing and piano lessons. Poe’s friends mentioned that he flourished after getting married. The family was poor but happy, indeed.

      Do you know that Edgar Poe had his muse? His inspirer was a tortoiseshell cat named Cattarina. Poe really enjoyed Cattarina’s company and would let her sit on his shoulder while he was writing. When his wife Virginia became seriously ill, the cat would curl up in the bed beside her. Historians believe that Cattarina became a part of Poe’s family. In 1847, Edgar suffered another terrible blow: Virginia died of tuberculosis. He was devastated and couldn’t cope with the pain of losing his beloved wife for a long time.

      After much suffering, fortune seemed to smile on Edgar. He began seeing his adolescent sweetheart Sarah Royster Shelton, who had been widowed by then. It turned out that she had cherished the memory of her childhood love for all those years. Poe became engaged to her again, but their dreams weren’t destined to come true – the writer died under suspicious circumstances. Not long before he was to be married, Edgar Allan Poe disappeared, and no one knew where he had been for nearly a week. On September 27, 1849, he left his home in Richmond and had to go first to Philadelphia on business and then to New York to escort his aunt back to Richmond for his upcoming wedding. As it turned out, he never made it to either. On October 7, Poe was found semi-conscious wandering outside a local pub in Baltimore. How he could get there is still unknown. Poe never gave any explanation about what had happened to him, leaving crucial questions unanswered. The legendary writer was delirious and wearing someone else’s cheap clothes: a spotted worn-out coat, a pair of old shoes, and a straw hat. The man who found Edgar Poe recognized the well-known writer and offered his help. Then Poe was taken to hospital where he spent his last four days. The cause of his death remains a mystery, as all medical records, including his death certificate, have been lost. It’s known that Poe was kept in a windowless room, and the only one who interacted with him was Dr. John Moran. However, the question about the accuracy of the information provided by him remains controversial. Poe is said to call out the name Reynolds, but it’s still unclear to whom he referred. There was much speculation about the cause of his death including rabies, murder, alcohol, and illness. One of the most popular theories

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