Знамениты и влюблены. Увлекательные истории для изучения английского языка. Анжелика Ягудена
did Gabo move back in with his parents?
7) When and where was Mercedes Barcha born?
8) How would you characterize Mercedes Barcha?
9) What did Mercedes look like?
10) Where did the couple meet?
11) How old were they when they first met?
12) What was Gabo like? And what was Mercedes like?
13) How long had Gabo and Mercedes known each other before they finally got married?
14) When did Gabo and Mercedes finally get married?
15) How would you comment on the following statemen: “Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it inflames the great”?
16) Why did Gabo ask his wife to destroy all their love letters?
17) How long did it take Márquez to write his most famous novel One Hundred Years of Solitude?
18) How long were they married?
19) When did Márquez die?
20) What were Gabriel Garcia Márquez’s most famous works?
Exercise 2. Find the equivalents of the following words and phrases in the text:
роман, в одночасье ставший сенсацией; отвергать ухаживания поклонников; в глубине души; вести домашнее хозяйство; первоначально; стать двумя половинками одного целого; он был поражен ее неземной красотой; сохранить ауру загадочности и интриги; по настоянию его семьи; вложить всю душу в его воспитание; недаром говорят; верить в сверхъестественное; переехать к родителям; бросить учебу в университете; отличить реальность от вымысла
Exercise 3. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases:
a heart-touching story; to act immediately; to get lost in the maze of fantasies; without a shadow of a doubt; to spend a lifetime together; with one’s beloved, even a hut is heaven; under no circumstances; to borrow money from friends; to pawn home appliances; to pay all the postage fees; they complemented each other; a girl of an extraordinarily charming beauty; a retired colonel; an unsurpassed masterpiece; pure, sublime love
Exercise 4. Match each word with its antonym:
Romantic stories with happy endings cure our hearts and souls. They make us believe in miracles and give us hope for a bright future. Have you ever tried creating your own perfect story? Let’s check if you have a talent for writing. Read the passage carefully and then write your own happy ending:
Jessica and James were meant to be together. They fell in love with each other at the first sight. The couple quickly got close for they had much in common and looked at the world in the same way. They started dating and were really happy. They enjoyed going to the gym and spending time together. James nicely cared for Jessica. He arranged weekends by the river, made amazing surprises, gave beautiful flowers, and set up romantic dinners. Jessica cooked delicious meals and helped him prepare for his final exams. They dreamed of a wedding in Greece and a big family. But things were not so simple.
James was an orphan. He was raised by his grandparents who taught him to love and respect people regardless of their social status. His family was not rich, and he was dreaming of a successful career. He wanted to make a better life for his grandparents and worked tirelessly after school. James was a very purposeful and responsible young man who knew what he wanted.
Jessica was born into a wealthy family. Her father built a successful career in real estate, and her mother was a highly reputed criminal lawyer. Both were money-oriented, ambitious, and pragmatic. They strongly opposed the marriage between their daughter and a young man who came from a poor background. They finally got their way and separated the two lovers. Jessica was forced to marry a man she didn’t love to clear her family’s debts. Her father allegedly owed a large sum of money to his business partners, and her potential husband was the only one who could help him out. He was rich and influential. As you might have guessed, this was all part of her parents’ cunning plan. Jessica was devastated but obeyed the will of her family.
Time passed, and Jessica was resigned to her fate, trying to forget the past. Her lovely daughter was her only joy in life. The girl was obedient, loving, and caring. But overall, Jessica was unhappy. She wanted to change her life but didn’t know how. She had nowhere to go, and it was almost impossible to get a job while caring for a small child. But one day after so many years of despair, fortune smiled upon her. While walking in the park with her little daughter, she accidentally met James…
Use these prompts as a springboard. They’ll help you think deeper and take your writing to a whole new level:
• How did James’ life turn out? Did he achieve success in life and build a career?
• Is James married or single?
• Will Jessica and James find a way to be together?
• Will their feelings become even stronger after a long time apart?
Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. It gives us wings to fly and inspires us to greatness. Everyone wants to find their soulmate and create a strong family, but that’s not always easy. After all, not everyone is lucky enough to experience true and mutual feelings. Personally, I think that marriages are made in heaven, and love is a great blessing. And even if you don’t believe my words, this touching story won’t leave you indifferent and melt your heart. You have probably heard about Marie and Pierre Curie, the brilliant scientists whose discovery changed the world forever. Their marriage was the union of two kindred spirits, passionate about science. This is an inspiring story about enduring love and faithfulness, true dedication, and commitment. Let’s take a closer look at the lives of these genius scientists.
Marie Curie was a strong person of a complicated fate who proved that willpower, hard work, and persistence always help overcome obstacles and achieve success. “The mother of Modern Physics” was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and the only woman in history who received this award twice in two different fields. Her remarkable discoveries save millions of lives throughout the world to this day. Maria Skłodowska (later known as Marie Curie) was born on November 7, 1867, into a big poor family in Warsaw. Her parents, Władysław and Bronisława, worked as educators. From an early age, the girl had to go through lots of hardships. As a little girl, she lost her mother and elder sister. Marie grew up in really tough circumstances. The family had barely enough money to pay for their basic needs. This experience probably shaped her worldview, which resulted in her lack of interest in wealth, fame, and comforts of life. She learned to be content with little and was a person of science: self-sacrificing, purposeful, and enthusiastic about her ideas. Early in life, the girl discovered one simple truth: it is always better to rely on yourself. So, one day she worked out a deal with her sister: Marie would work and pay for Bronya’s medical school, and once her education was complete, they would reverse their roles. For five years, Marie worked as a tutor and governess but still managed to find time for science. Her first love broke her heart. Marie fell in love with the son of her employers. The young man returned her feelings, but his parents strongly opposed their marriage because she came from a poor family and was not a match for their son. So, after being persuaded by