Английский для PR-специалистов. Ксения Симонова

Английский для PR-специалистов - Ксения Симонова

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also legal issues to take into consideration.

      7. Such vast changes will not happen overnight. It is impossible to say exactly how many texts there are on the Web as the number is changing all the time. One thing which is certain, however, is that a growth in the use of Internet is guaranteed. Companies doing e-business simply need time to translate their sites into the various languages necessary to do business. Meanwhile, more and more material in different languages is being added to the Web at a fast pace.

      8. While all this is happening, local companies, with few employees, doing e-business only in the language of their target market and who are aware of the cultural aspects of that market, will certainly be at an advantage. The problems of language and culture could well limit larger companiesfrom expanding and so offer more opportunities to smaller businesses in poorer areas of the world.


      I. Do you ever need to surf the Internet for study work purposes? Which language do you tend to use?

      II. Look at the following sentences and decide whether you think they are true or false. Read and check.

      • Approximately 75 % of web pages on the Internet are in English.

      • 7 % of the world's population speaks English well.

      • Chinese languages are more widely spoken than English.

      • Most people prefer to use English when shopping online.

      III. Read the text and choose the most suitable heading (A-I) for each paragraph (1-8). There is one extra heading which is not needed. Which words in each paragraph helped you decide? How have they been paraphrased in the headings?

      A. Smaller firms will benefit

      B. False impressions

      C. A challenge for translators

      D. Realizing the need for variety

      E. Different cultures, different needs

      F. Surprising figures

      G. Time is needed

      H. Personal preferences

      I. Proficiency in English

      IV. Here are some phrases from the text you have just read. Choose the correct meaning of each phrase.

      1) … a threat to cultural diversity

      a. cultural variety might be attacked

      b. cultural variety might disappear

      2) … are growth areas…

      a. are increasing in size

      b. are increasing their business activities

      3) … this huge challenge

      a. having to translate sites into different languages

      b. having to improve the quality of existing systems

      4) … translating websites is only the beginning

      a. there will be further problems to face

      b. websites need to be translated first

      5) … change their way of doing business

      a. companies will need to change the products they sell

      b. companies will need to change their approach to business

      6) … could well limit larger companies…

      a. larger companies will be limited by smaller companies

      b. larger companies will be at a disadvantage

      V. Now scan the text, underline and note down the reasons why websites will need to become multilingual in the near future. Then, in pairs, discuss any other reasons you can think of for developing multilingual websites.

      VI. In pairs, discuss the following questions.

      • How might a multilingual Internet help you in your studies/work?

      • Can you think of any drawbacks to such a system?


      This is «branding» for creative people. Those of us who bring the brand to life in print, TV, or web sites.

      1. To do that, there are three things you need to understand or create:

      2. The brand's personality.

      3. The relationship the brand has with the audience.

      Visual icons, symbols or other representations of the brand such as the logo or a character.

      So the three steps to building a brand are:

      1) Create a character or personality for the company, the product or service. Just as you would for a real person, based on that brand-person's reputation, attitudes and behavior.

      2) Build a relationship with your target market based on that personality. Do this over time, using advertising in addition to all other communications, including the way employees are trained to interact with customers.

      3) Reinforce the relationship and trigger recognition with consistent visual symbols. These symbols can include everything from a color scheme and logo to an imaginary character, or even the president of the company.


      Generally, the corporate brand should be based on genuine qualities that exist in the company itself. Ideally, the corporate identity should reflect the company's culture, values and practices.

      It's difficult or impossible for a competitor to duplicate your client's culture. Much easier to copy the product or service.

      Generally, when creating product and service brands you can exercise greater tactical freedom. Take a sharp, critical look at competitors in the market category. Then devise a brand identity that will appeal to consumers.

      Yes, it's great if that identity is similar to the parent or corporate brand. A recognizable part of the family. But it doesn't have to be so, so long as it works.

      OK, with apologies to all the theorists who are wincing at these generalizations, let us now venture into the mysterious realm of the Real World.

      Think of some brands. Could be Sony or McDonald's. Microsoft or Nestle. Maybe Yahoo. Now think of those brands, or one of their products, as a person.

      Get real here, the way you really think and feel. Go beyond generalizations like, «young, exciting, professional», or the like.

      Obviously, some brands you recognize, but don't really know. Some you like, perhaps some you detest.

      And some brands, like some people, are a part of your life.

      Those are the brands you know very well. And by owning or using them, well, it says something about you. In fact, when you can't buy them or find them or use them – when you cannot interact with your favorite brands – you may feel disappointed. Dare we say disgruntled or depressed? «Mom, me and my friends want to watch MTV!»

      There are probably other brands you would like to bring into your life. Brands you aspire to posses. Because they would say something about who you are by virtue of association. «Hey, check out my genuine Rolex, man. Yeah, I'm making the big bucks».

      Or more quietly, «I think I'll buy the Brand Zed pharmaceutical instead of the less expensive generic. That way I feel I'm getting the best. And nothing is more important than my good health».

      The artistry in all of the above lies in creating a brand that has a relationship with consumers, one that fulfills a genuine psychological need, one that is meaningful in human terms. Like a good friend. Or interesting person. Or someone you admire or would like to associate with.


      For some clients you will need to create a brand personality for the company, and

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