Did You Know That ? Encyclopedia of Curious and Interesting Facts. Оксана Вячеславовна Иванова
– гиппокамп
prefrontal cortex – префронтальная кора
amygdala – миндалевидное тело
general knowledge – общие знания
skills – навыки
habits – привычки
currently – в настоящее время
throughout your life – на протяжении всей жизни
age – возраст
keep your memory sharp – поддерживать остроту памяти
are born – рождаются
nutrition – питание
Approximately how much data can the human brain store?
How does the brain store memories?
Name the main types of memory.
What is the role of the hippocampus in memory formation?
How does the brain's plasticity affect memory?
What are some factors that can affect memory capacity?
How can we optimize our brain health and maximize our memory potential?
Fact 9. Did you know that the average person produces enough saliva to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool over their lifetime?
That's a lot of spit! But saliva is more than just a wet substance that helps us talk and swallow. It's a vital fluid that plays a crucial role in our oral health, digestive system, and even our immune response.
Saliva's Symphony of Functions
Saliva is not just one thing. It's a complex mixture of water, proteins, enzymes, and minerals that work together to keep our mouths healthy and functioning properly. Here are just a few of saliva's many functions:
● Protects teeth and gums : Saliva contains antimicrobial proteins and enzymes that help to protect our teeth from cavities and gum disease. It also helps to neutralize acids that can damage tooth enamel.
● Aids digestion : Saliva starts the digestive process by breaking down starches into sugars. It also lubricates food, making it easier to swallow.
● Fights infection: Saliva contains antibodies and white blood cells that help to fight off bacteria and viruses that enter our mouths.
● Enhances taste : Saliva helps us to taste food by dissolving chemicals and carrying them to our taste buds.
● Lubricates the mouth: Saliva keeps our mouthsmoist , which reduces friction and makes it easier to speak, chew, and swallow.
The Importance of Saliva Production
Saliva production is essential for maintaining good oral health and overall well-being. When we don't produce enough saliva, we can experience a range of problems, including:
● Tooth decay
● Gum disease
● Oral thrush
● Difficulty chewing, speaking, and swallowing
● Bad breath
Factors Affecting Saliva Production
Several factors can affect saliva production, including:
● Age: Saliva production naturally decreases with age.
● Medications: Some medications, such as antidepressants and decongestants, can have a drying effect on the mouth.
●Medical conditions: Certain diseases, such as diabetes and autoimmune disorders, can also affect saliva production.
● Lifestyle: Smoking, alcohoconsumption, and caffein intake can all reduce saliva flow.
Maintaining Optimal Saliva Production
There are a few things you can do to help maintain optimal saliva production:
● Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist.
● Chew sugar-free gum: Chewing sugar-free gum can help to stimulate saliva production.
● Use a saliva substitute: If you have dry mouth, you can use a saliva substitute or rinse to help keep your mouth moist.
● See your dentist or doctor: If you have persistent dry mouth, see your dentist or doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
Saliva is an essential fluid that plays a vital role in our health. By understanding its functions and how to maintain optimal saliva production, we can help to keep our mouths healthy and our bodies functioning properly.
spit – плевать
saliva – слюна
substance – вещество
swallow – глотать
vital fluid – жизненно важная жидкость
crucial role – решающая роль
oral health – здоровье полости рта
digestive system – пищеварительная система
immune response – иммунный ответ
gums – дёсны
cavities – полости
acids – кислоты
aids digestion – помогает пищеварению
starches – крахмалы
lubricates – смазывает
white blood cells – белые кровяные тельца
enhances taste – усиливает вкус
taste buds – вкусовые рецепторы
moist – влажный
reduces friction – уменьшает трение
chew – жевать
for maintaining – для поддержания
overall well-being – общее благополучие
a range of – ряд
tooth decay – кариес зубов
oral thrush – молочница полости рта
bad breath –