Великая война. 1914–1918. Джон Киган

Великая война. 1914–1918 - Джон Киган

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War to the Moroccan Crisis // Kennedy. P. 105.


      См.: Turner L. The Signifi cance of the Schlieffen Plan // Kennedy. P. 200.


      См.: Taylor A. J. P. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe. Oxford, 1954. P. 317.


      См.: Ritter G. The Schlieffen Plan. London, 1958. P. 71.


      См.: Ritter. P. 22–25, 27–48. Карты 1, 2, 3, 6.


      См.: Craig G. The Politics of the Prussian Army. New York, Princeton, 1955. P. 278, 279.


      См.: Herwig H. Strategic Uncertainties of a Nation State: Prussia-Germany, 1871–1918 // Murray, Knox, Bernstein. P. 259.


      См.: Herwig H. Strategic Uncertainties of a Nation State: Prussia-Germany, 1871–1918 // Murray, Knox, Bernstein. P. 260.


      См.: Ritter. P. 173.


      См.: Ritter. P. 180.


      Ritter. P. 139.


      Ritter. P. 141.


      Ritter. P. 142.


      Ritter. P. 174.


      Ritter. P. 144.


      Ritter. P. 145.


      Ritter. P. 143.


      См.: Edmonds J. Military Operation, France and Belgium, 1914, I. London, 1928, Appendix 31.


      Ibid. Sketch 5.


      Ritter. P. 141, 178.


      См.: Bucholz A. Moltke, Schlieffen and Prussian war Planning. New York, 1991. P. 267.


      См.: Gat A. The Development of Military Thought, 2. Oxford, 1992. P. 153–157.


      Etat-major de l’armée. Les armées françaises dans la Grande guerre. Paris, 1922. I, i, annexes. P. 21.


      См.: Williamson S. Joffre Reshapes French Strategy // Kennedy. Р. 145.


      См.: Gat. P. 155.


      См.: Williamson // Kennedy. P. 147.


      См.: Williamson // Kennedy. P. 147.


      См.: Williamson // Kennedy. P. 135.


      См.: Sayder L. The Ideology of the Offensive. Ithaca, 1984. Р. 182.


      Menning B. Bayonets Before Bullets: The Russian Imperial Army, 1861–1914. Bloomington, Ind., 1992. P. 245.


      Menning. P. 247, 248.


      См.: Stone N. // Kennedy. P. 224.


      Stone // Kennedy. P. 228.


      Stone // Kennedy. P. 223.


      Tunstall G. Planning For war Against Russia and Serbia: Austro-Hungarian and German Military Strategies, 1871–1914. New York, 1993. P. 138.


      См.: Herrmann D. The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World war. New York, Princeton, 1996. P. 156.


      См.: Gooch J. Italy During the First World War // Millett A., Murray W. Military Effectiveness, I. Boston, 1988. P. 294.


      Herrmann. P. 176.


      Bucholz. P. 309.


      Bucholz. P. 285.


      См.: Macartney C. The Habsburg Empire 1790–1918. London, 1968. P. 806.


      См.: Dedijer V. The Road to Sarajevo. New York, 1996. P. 374–375.


      См.: Macartney. P. 806.


      См.: Jelavich B. History of the Balkans, II. Cambridge, 1983. Р. 111, 112.


      См.: Macartney. P. 807.


      Jannon W. The Lions of July, Novato. Calif, 1995. P. 18, 19.


      Jannon W. The Lions of July, Novato. Calif, 1995. P. 31.


      См.: Jannon. P. 31.


      См.: The Annual Register, 1914. London, 1915. P. 312.


      См.: Tuchman B. August 1914. London, 1962. P. 115.


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