Kadunud riigid. Norman Davies

Kadunud riigid - Norman Davies

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C. Diaz, „Toulouse: The Shadow of the Roman Empire” väljaandes Heather, The Visigoths, lk 330.


      Vt Ian Wood väljaandes Kathleen Mitchell ja Ian Wood (toim), The World of Gregory of Tours (Leiden, 2002).


      T. Hodgkin, Theodoric the Goth: The Barbarian Champion of Civilization (London, 1923).


      Vt J. Gaudemet, „Bréviaire d’Alaric” väljaandes Jean Leclant (toim), Dictionnaire de ll’antiquité (Pariis, 2005).


      Vt Edward James, The Franks (Oxford, 1998).


      Gregory of Tours, Historia Francorum, 2.35; ladinakeelne tekst aadressil www. thelatinlibrary.com/gregorytours/gregorytours2. shtml; ingliskeelne tõlge aadressil www.fordham. edu/halsall/basis/gregory-hist.html.


      Samas, 2.37.


      Ian Wood, väljaandes Rosamund McKitterick ja Roland Quinault (toim), Gibbon and Empire (Cambridge, 1997).


      Gibbon, Decline and Fall, 38. ptk.


      Vt John Moorehead, Justinian (London, 1994).


      Vt B. Young, „The Missing Archaeology of the Visigoths”, väljaandes The Battle of Vouillé: Symposiumcommemorating the1500th Anniversary, University of Indiana at Urbana Champaign, 12 April 2007; http://theheroicage.blogspot. com/2007_04_01_archive.html.


      „La Bataille de Voulon”, http://voulon.fr/histoire_42.htm (2010).


      www.jacobins. mairie-toulouse.fr/patrhist/edifices/menu/listeed_.htm (2010); www.visite.org/aquitaine/fr/patrimoine. php (2010).


      A. Ferreiro, The Visigoths in Gaul and Spain, AD 418–711: A Bibliography (Leiden, 1998).


      „Clôitres et monastères disparus de Toulouse”, http://pedagogie.ac-toulouse. fr/culture/religieux/clodaurade.htm (2010).


      www.corbieresweb.com/montagne-dalaric (2010).


      Henry Lincoln, The Holy Place: Decoding the Mystery of Rennes-le-Château (Moreton-in-Marsh, 2005); www.rennes-le-chateau-archive.com/ (2010).


      Henri Boudet, La Vraie Langue celtique et le cromlech deRennes-les-Bains (Carcassonne, 1886; Nîmes, 1999).


      http://redpill.dailygrail.com/wiki/rennes_le_chateau (2010); http://dreamscape. com/morgana/metis.htm (2010); www.magie-arcadie.be/rennes-le-chateau.htm (2010).


      Gérard de Sède, L’Or de Rennes, ou La vie insolite de Bérenger Saunière (Pariis, 1967); Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh ja Henry Lincoln, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (London, 1982, 2005); R. Andrews ja P. Schellenberger, The Tomb of God (London, 1996); Lynn Picknett ja Clive Prince, The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ (London, 1997, 2007); Christian Doumergue, Rennes-le-Château, le grand héritage (Nîmes, 1997); Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code: A Novel (London, 2003) [e k „Da Vinci kood”, Ersen, 2003].


      Vt Joseph O’Callaghan, A History of Mediaeval Spain (Ithaca, NY, 1975), 1. ptk, „The Visigothic Kingdom’; Harold Livermore, Twilight of the Goths: The Rise and Fall of the Kingdom of Toledo, 575711 (Bristol, 2006).


      Kuningapalee juures Plaza de Oriente väljakul. – Autor


      D. A. Pharies, A Brief History of the Spanish Language (Chicago, 2007).


      V. Kouznetsov, Les Alains: cavaliers des steppes, seigneurs du Caucase (Pariis, 1997).


      August von Platen (1796–1835), „Das Grab in Busento” (1820).


      Panoraamse ülevaate Dumbartoni kaljust saab aadressil www.flickr.com/photos/ccgd/5512793/. Samuti Dumbarton Rock, John Crae foto; www.clydesite. co.uk/articles/upperriver.asp.


      Roomlased kutsusid selle nimega Iirimaa kirdeosas elavaid gaeli keelt rääkivaid hõime, kes tungisid Britanniasse 4. sajandi lõpul ja asusid hiljem elama Põhjaväina mõlemale küljele. Nimetus „šotlane” aga hakkas järjest rohkem levima. Algul kasutati seda Iirimaalt Argylli ümber asunud keltide kohta, edaspidi nimetati nii 9. sajandil gaelide ja piktide ühinemise tulemusena tekkinud riigi asukaid ja veelgi hiljem kõiki Šotimaa kuningriigi alamaid, küsimata nende keelelist või etnilist päritolu. – Autor


      R. Jeffrey ja I. Watson, Doon the Watter: A Century of Holidays on the Clyde, kaks köidet (Edinburgh, 1999).


      Iain McCrorie, The Royal Road to the Isles (Glasgow, 2001); F. M. Walker, Song of the Clyde: A History of Clyde Shipbuilding (Edinburgh, 2001); vt ka www. shipsofcalmac.co.uk/history_timeline.asp.


      Lallans on Šotimaa lõunaosas räägitava nn madalikušotlaste keele kohalik nimetus (vrd lowlands). – Autor


      www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/folk-song-lyrics/roamin_in_the_gloamin_.htm; vt ka Gordon Irving, Great Scot: The Life Story of Sir Harry Lauder (London, 1968).


      Tsit aadressil www.turningwoosurn fsnet.co.uk/dumbarton.html (2004); www. undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/dumbarton/dumbartoncastle (2008); vt ka Iain MacIvor, Dumbarton Castle (Edinburgh, 2003).


      Vt Brian Lavery, „The British Government and the American Polaris Base on the Clyde”, Journal of Martime Research (Sep. 2001).


      www.whiskymag.com/whisky/brand/ballantine_s (2004); www.ballantines.com.


      Incorporated 1765, vt www.dunbartonnh.org.


      T. Mommsen, „Petrarch’s Conception of the Dark Ages”, Speculum, 17/2 (1942), lk 226–242.


      Vanagermaani sõna walchaz

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