Царь и султан: Османская империя глазами россиян. Виктор Таки

Царь и султан: Османская империя глазами россиян - Виктор Таки

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M.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2008; Кушко А., Таки В. Бессарабия в составе Российской империи, 1812–1917. M.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2011.


      Finer S. The History of Government from the Earliest Times. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997. Vol. 1. P. 8.


      Bobroff B. Roads to Glory: Late Imperial Russia and the Turkish Straits. London: I.B. Tauris, 2006; Davies B. Warfare, State and Society on the Black Sea Steppe, 1500–1700. London; New York: Routledge, 2007; Davies B. Empire and the Military Revolution: Russia’s Turkish Wars in the Eighteenth Century. London; New York: Continuum, 2011.


      Bell D. The First Total War: Napoleon’s Europe and the Birth of Warfare as We Know It. Houghton: Mifflin Co., 2007; Black J. A History of Modern Diplomacy. London: Reaktion Books, 2010.


      Наиболее значимыми работами по теории международных отношений, написанными с позиций «реализма», являются: Carr E. The Twenty Years Crisis, 1919–1939: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations. London: Macmillan, 1946 [1939]; Morgenthau H. Politics Among Nations. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1948; Aron R. Peace and War: A Theory of International Relations. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1966; Bull H. The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1977; Wright M. Power Politics. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books, 1986; Gilpin R. Global Political Economy – Understanding the International Economic Order. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001.


      Miller А. Between Local and Inter-Imperial: Russian Imperial History in Search of Paradigm // Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. 2004. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 7–26; Rieber A. The Comparative Ecology of Complex Frontiers // Imperial Rule / Eds. A. Miller, Al. Rieber. Budapest: Central European University Press, 2004. P. 177–208; Miller A. The Value and the Limits of a Comparative Approach to the History of Contiguous Empires on the European Periphery // Imperiology: From Empirical Knowledge to Discussing the Russian Empire / Ed. Kimitaka Matsuzato. Sapporo: Slavic Research Center, 2006. P. 11–24.


      Полезный обзор этого направления исследований можно найти в: Werth P. Lived Orthodoxy and Confessional Diversity: The Last Decade on Religion in Modern Russia // Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. 2011. Vol. 12. No. 4. P. 849–865.


      Из этих работ наиболее важными являются: Geraci R. Window on the East: National and Imperial Identities in Late Tsarist Russia. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2001 (см. рус. пер.: Джераси Р.Окно на Восток: Империя, ориентализм, нация и религия в России. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2013); Of Religion and Empire: Missions, Conversion, and Tolerance in the Russian Empire / Eds. R. Geraci, M. Khodarkovsky. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2001; Вишленкова Е. Заботясь о душах подданных: религиозная политика в России в первой четверти XIX века. Саратов: Издательство Саратовского университета, 2002; Werth P. On the Margins of Orthodoxy: Mission, Governanace and Confessional Politics in Russia’s Volga-Kama Region, 1805–1917. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003; Crews R. Empire and the Confessional State: Islam and Religious Politics in Nineteenth-Century Russia // American Historical Review. 2003. Vol. 108. No. 1. P. 50–83; Crews R. For Prophet and Tsar: Islam and Empire in Russia and Central Asia. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006; Brower B. Turkestan and the Fate of the Russian Empire. London: Routledge Curzon, 2003; Арапов Д.Ю. Система государственного регулирования ислама в Российской империи, последняя треть XVIII – начало XX в. M.: МПГУ, 2004; Staliunas D. Making Russians: Meaning and Practice of Russification in Lithuania and Belarus after 1863. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007; Morrison A. Russian Rule in Samarkand, 1868–1910: A Comparison with British India. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008; Skinner B. The Western Front of the Eastern Church: Uniate and Orthodox Conflict in 18th-Century Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2009; Долбилов М.Д. Русский край, чужая вера: этноконфессиональная политика империи в Белоруссии и Литве при Александре II. M.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2010.


      Breyfogle N. Heretics and Colonizers: Forging Russia’s Empire in the South Caucasus. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2005; Kozelsky M. Christianizing Crimea: Shaping Sacred Space in the Russian Empire and Beyond. DeKalb, IL: Northern Illinois University Press, 2010.


      Karpat K. The Formation of Modern Nationhood: Turkism and Pan-Islamism in Russian and the Ottoman Empire // Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith and Community in the Late Ottoman State. Oxford University Press, 2001. P. 276–307; Meyer J. Immigration, Return, and the Politics of Citizenship: Russian Muslims in the Ottoman Empire, 1870–1914 // International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.2007. Vol. 39. No. 2. P. 15–32; Kane E. Odessa as a Hajj Hub, 1880s – 1910s // Russia in Motion: Cultures of Human Mobility Since 1850 / Eds. E. Avrutin, J. Randolph. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2012. P. 107–125; Smiley W. The Meanings of Conversion: Treaty Law, State Knowledge, and Religious Identity among Russian Captives in the Eighteenth Century Ottoman Empire // International History Review. 2012. Vol. 34. No. 3. P. 559–580.


      Figes O. Crimea: The Last Crusade. London; New York: Penguin, 2011.


      Свежий анализ проблемы российского протектората представлен в: Taki V. Limits of Protection: Russia and the Orthodox Co-Religionists in the Ottoman Empire. Pittsburgh, PA: Center for Russian and East European Studies, 2015.


      Среди «ревизионистских» исследований особенно стоит отметить: Owen R. The Middle East in the World Economy, 1800–1914. London: Methuen, 1981. P. 1–24; Abou-El-Haj R. Formation of the Modern State: The Ottoman Empire, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries. Albany:

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