The Fall of a Nation. Thomas Dixon

The Fall of a Nation - Thomas Dixon

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a quiet determined manner that forbade sentimental reflections and began without preliminaries.

      “We lost track of our subject last night, Mr. Vassar, in an absurd personal discussion. I’ve asked you to come back this morning to make a determined effort to win you for our cause – ”

      She paused, leaned forward and smiled persuasively.

      “We need you. Your influence over the foreign-born population in New York would be enormous. I see by this morning’s paper an enthusiastic account of your work among the children. You are leading a renaissance of American patriotism. Good! So am I – a renaissance of the principles of the Declaration of Independence. ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal! that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure those rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.’ Come now, I appeal to your sense of justice. What right have you to govern me without my consent? Am I not created your equal?”

      Her eloquence was all but resistless. The word of surrender was on his lips, when the voice of an honest manhood spoke within.

      “You’re not convinced. The magnetism of a woman’s sex is calling. You’re a poltroon to surrender your principles to such a force. In her soul a true woman would despise you for it.”

      She saw his hesitation and leaned closer, holding him with her luminous eyes.

      “Come now, in your heart of hearts you know that I am your equal?”

      Something in the tones of her voice broke the spell – just a trace of the platform intonation and the faintest suggestion of the politician. The voice within again spoke. There was another reason why he should be true to his sense of right. He owed it to this woman who had moved him so profoundly. He must be true to the noblest and best that was in him.

      He met her gaze in silence for a moment and spoke with quiet emphasis.

      “If I followed my personal inclinations, Miss Holland, I would agree to anything you ask. You’re too downright, too honest and earnest to wish or value such a shallow victory – am I not right?”

      The faintest tinge of red colored Virginia’s cheeks.

      “Of course,” she answered slowly, “I wish the help of the best that’s in you or nothing – ”

      “Good! I felt that instinctively. I could fence and hedge and trim with the ordinary politician. With all respect to your pretensions, you’re not a politician at all. You’re just a charming, beautiful woman entering a field for which God never endowed you either physically, temperamentally or morally – ”

      Virginia frowned and lifted her head with a little gesture of contempt.

      “I must be honest. I must play the game squarely with you! I’m sorely tempted to cheat. But there’s too much at stake. You ask if you are not my equal? I answer promptly and honestly. I know that you are more – you are my superior. For this reason I would save you from the ballot. It is not a question of right, it is a question of hard and difficult duty. The ballot is not a right or a privilege. It is a solemn and dangerous duty. The ballot is force – physical force. It is a modern substitute for the bayonet – a device which has been used to prevent much civil strife. And yet man never votes away his right to a revolution. The Declaration of Independence embodies this fact – ‘Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it– ’ There you have the principle in full. Back of every ballot is a bayonet and the red blood of the man who wields it – ”

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