Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John. Baum Lyman Frank

Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John - Baum Lyman Frank

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said that in case we ran into cold weather in Denver, which was possible – "

      "Quite possible!"

      "Then we had best go south to Santa Fe and take the route of the old Santa Fe Trail as far as Albuquerque, or even to El Paso. Either way we will be sure to find fine weather, and good roads into California."

      "So Haggerty says."

      "It stands to reason," continued Mr. Merrick, "that on the Southern route we will escape the severe weather. So I have decided to adopt that plan."

      "I think you are quite wise in that," broke in Patsy, before her father could object.

      "All those queer Spanish names sound interesting," said Beth. "When do we start, Uncle?"

      "In a day or two. I have some things here to attend to that may delay us that long. But when once we are started southward we shall bowl along right merrily."

      "Unless we run into more snowstorms." Of course it was the Major who said that, and pointedly ignoring the remark Uncle John turned to Patsy and said:

      "How did you find Myrtle Dean this morning?"

      "She is rested, and seems very bright and cheerful, Uncle; but of course she is much distressed by the news that her Uncle Anson has vanished from Leadville. Yet she thinks she will continue her journey by the next train, as she has paid for her ticket and can't afford to waste the money."

      "It would be absurd for the child to go to Leadville on that account.

      A mining camp is no place for such a frail thing," returned Mr.

      Merrick. "What would you suggest, Patsy?"

      "Really, Uncle John, I don't know what to suggest."

      "She can never earn her living by sewing," declared Beth. "What she ought to have is a trained nurse and careful attention."

      "I'll have a doctor up to look her over," said Uncle John, in his decisive way. He was a mild little man generally, but when he made up his mind to do a thing it was useless to argue with him. Even Major Doyle knew that; but the old soldier was so fond of arguing for the sake of argument, and so accustomed to oppose his wealthy brother-in-law – whom he loved dearly just the same – that he was willing to accept defeat rather than permit Mr. Merrick to act without protest.



      A young physician was appointed by the management to attend any guest who might require his services, and Uncle John had a talk with him and sent him to Myrtle's room to give her a thorough examination. This he did, and reported that the girl's present condition was due largely to mismanagement of her case at the time she was injured. With care she would get better and stronger rapidly, but the hip joint was out of its socket and only a skillful operation would serve to permanently relieve her of lameness.

      "What she needs just now," continued the doctor, "is a pair of crutches, so she can get around better and be in the fresh air and sunshine as much as possible. She is a very frail little woman at present and must build up her health and strength before submitting to the operation I have mentioned. Then, if it is properly done, she ought to recover completely and be as good as new."

      "I must inform you," said Uncle John, "that Myrtle Dean is just a little waif whom my nieces picked up on the train. I believe she is without friends or money. Such being the circumstances, what would you advise?"

      The doctor shook his head gravely.

      "Poor thing!" he said. "She ought to be rich, at this juncture, instead of poor, for the conditions facing her are serious. The operation I speak of is always an expensive one, and meantime the child must go to some charitable institution or wear out her feeble strength in trying to earn enough to keep the soul in her body. She seems to have a brave and beautiful nature, sir, and were she educated and cared for would some day make a splendid woman. But the world is full of these sad cases. I'm poor myself, Mr. Merrick, but this child interests me, and after you have gone I shall do all in my power to assist her."

      "Thank you," said Uncle John, thoughtfully nodding his bald head.

      "I'll think it over and see you again, doctor, before I leave."

      An hour later Myrtle was fitted with crutches of the best sort obtainable, and was overjoyed to find how greatly they assisted her. The Major, a kindly man, decided to take Myrtle out for a drive, and while they were gone Uncle John had a long conversation with Beth and Patsy.

      "Here is a case," said he, "where my dreadful money can do some good. I am anxious to help Myrtle Dean, for I believe she is deserving of my best offices. But I don't exactly know what to do. She is really your protégé, my dears, and I am going to put the affair in your hands for settlement. Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it. Spend my money as freely upon Myrtle as you please."

      The girls faced the problem with enthusiasm.

      "She's a dear little thing," remarked Patsy, "and seems very grateful for the least kindness shown her. I am sure she has never been treated very nicely by that stony-hearted old aunt of hers."

      "In all my experience," said Beth, speaking as if her years were doubled, "I have never known anyone so utterly helpless. She is very young and inexperienced, with no friends, no money, and scarcely recovered from an accident. It is clearly our duty to do something for Myrtle, and aside from the humane obligation I feel that already I love the child, having known her only a day."

      "Admitting all this, Beth," returned her uncle, "you are not answering my question. What shall we do for Myrtle? How can we best assist her?"

      "Why not take her to California with us?" inquired Patsy, with sudden inspiration. "The sunshine and roses would make a new girl of her in a few weeks."

      "Could she ride so far in an automobile?" asked Beth, doubtfully.

      "Why not? The fresh air would be just the thing for her. You'll get a big touring car, won't you, Uncle John?"

      "I've bought one already – a seven-seated 'Autocrat' – and there will be plenty of room in it for Myrtle," he said.

      "Good gracious! Where did you find the thing so suddenly?" cried


      "I made the purchase this morning, bright and early, before you were up," replied Mr. Merrick, smilingly. "It is a fine new car, and as soon as I saw it I knew it was what I wanted. It is now being fitted up for our use."

      "Fitted up?"

      "Yes. I've an idea in my head to make it a movable hotel. If we're going to cross the plains and the mountains and the deserts, and all that sort of thing, we must be prepared for any emergencies. I've also sent for a chauffeur who is highly recommended. He knows the route we're going to take; can make all repairs necessary in case of accident, and is an experienced driver. I expect him here any minute. His name is Wampus."

      "But about Myrtle,"' said Beth. "Can we make her comfortable on a long ride?"

      "Certainly," asserted Uncle John. "We are not going to travel day and night, my dear, for as soon as we get away from this frozen country we can take our time and journey by short stages. My notion is that we will have more fun on the way than we will in California."

      "Myrtle hasn't any proper clothes," observed Patsy, reflectively. "We'll have to shop for her, Beth, while Uncle is getting the car ready."

      "Are you sure to leave to-morrow, Uncle John?" inquired Beth.

      "To-morrow or the next day. There's no use leaving before the

      'Autocrat' is ready to ship."

      "Oh; we're not going to ride in it, then?"

      "Not just yet. We shall take the train south to Santa Fe, and perhaps to Albuquerque. I'll talk to Wampus about that. When we reach a good climate we'll begin the journey overland – and not before."

      "Then," said Patsy, "I'm sure we shall have time to fit out Myrtle very nicely."

      Mr. Wampus was announced just then, and while Uncle John conferred with the chauffeur his two nieces went to their room to talk over Myrtle Dean's outfit

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