Steven. Crazy on You. Colin Palmer

Steven. Crazy on You - Colin Palmer

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Steven was blasé about it. Brad could handle that, at least Steven didn’t directly ask for anything from him as other so called friends had done in the past.

      Brad and Steven now stood in front of the girls, most of whom were perched on the church fence. Glenda was still eyeing off Steven and he realized quickly that what set her apart was her apparent maturity compared to the girls around her.

      “How’s the dance goin?” Steven asked, walking directly up to stand in front of her.

      “‘S’okay. Hey, you’ve been drinking! Got any more?”

      Her enthusiasm to share something from him made Steven smile – he thought he knew how to get somewhere with her now.

      “No, but let’s go down and get some?”

      He invited her with an exaggerated flourish, holding out his arm as an open gesture for her to lead off. Steven glanced behind and saw Brad standing back, uncomfortable in the presence of girls but warmed by the alcohol in his belly.

      “So, lead off Stag” she said.

      She dropped her legs off the wall and looped her arm through the crook of his elbow pulling him slightly off balance. He fell a bit further against her than he would have normally, probably because of the alcohol but mainly because she had addressed him as Stag.

      “My, you are a forward young thing” Steven told her.

      They fell into step, her arm rested comfortably in his, their shoulders touching and their hips brushing against each other as they walked.

      “Hey, Glenda where ya goin’?”

      Glenda looked back over her shoulder, stopped and turned around, swiveling Steven around with her.

      “C’mon Cass” she yelled back and noticed Brad for the first time. “What d’ya want?”

      “He’s with me, ok.” Steven replied instead. He made it a statement not a question as he knew he needed Brad to buy the booze. “Cassie is it?” said Steven, “this is Brad, I’m Steven.”

      They were both ignored as she rocketed past Brad, and up to Glenda, where she stood on her toes and whispered something in her ear. Steven then realized that Glenda was the same height as he was, or close enough to it, and that was something he hadn’t noticed before.

      “Oh c’mon Cass, it’s okay. Do you listen to everything your mother tells you?”

      Cassie evidently didn’t, because she mulled it over for at least half a second before grabbing Glendas’ other arm.

      “Ok, let’s go then, you too” she said back over her shoulder to Brad.

      Steven shot Brad a ‘you’re in like Flynn’ look, and Brad needed no more encouragement to step forward and catch them up. The alcohol in him made him braver than ever and he grabbed Cassie by the trailing arm so that they were all walking down the street arm in arm. Only Cassie looked uncomfortable, but Steven knew a couple of quick shots of Blackberry Nip would relax her. They shared another bottle (an obliging passerby having agreed to buy it for Glenda “for her Mum to cook with”) in the park beside the river, laughing and carrying on, mucking around climbing the monkeys bars, and taking turns to push each other on the swings. Steven managed to avoid most of the drink, but made sure the girls got more than their fair share.

      He was a bit concerned about Brad, who seemed to be drinking too much when he needed to be in control of his faculties, but he was coming out of his shell and having fun, so Steven let him be, after giving one frown in his direction when he had taken a particularly deep shot out of the bottle.

      Steven and Glenda melted into one of the little picnic huts, after Brad and Cassie ran off down to the beach. These were the type of huts that were divided into four, a solid brick wall between them so that on two sides, they were completely blocked from view. They sat nursing the bottle between them, and Glenda was very tipsy and being quite physical with Steven, though their conversations had been little other than fun small talk.

      Steven just leaned over and kissed her while she was still talking. She appeared startled but she already had one arm over his shoulder and the other in his hands. She hesitantly responded by tightening her arm around him and crushing her lips back against his. Steven leaned backward to release his arms and slid one around her waist, not wanting to break the kiss. She cuddled in tighter though, and slightly parted her lips so Steven began teasing her with his tongue. They both fell back to lean against the wall behind them, at the same time Glenda opened her mouth and began to wildly devour his tongue. Steven gently placed his free hand under the hem of her skirt and brought it down on her bare leg. Glenda clutched him tighter, so Steven began sliding his hand slowly half way up and down her thigh, moving ever so slowly toward her inner thighs. She closed her thighs against his hand the first time he went a bit higher but her lips and mouth, and now her tongue, were playing a different tune to Steven so he put pressure against her outer leg and she slowly parted her thighs to allow him to slide his hand higher.

      They made out that way for some time, Steven ever aware that Brad and Cassie could come back at any time and spoil the moment. Glenda opened her eyes and looked at him, the pleasure evident on her face. She leaned forward to kiss him again. She was no longer thrusting at his hand but sort of maintaining the pressure and rotating her hips against him now. Steven felt one of her hands slide down off his shoulder into his lap, the contact even through his jeans made him involuntarily shudder.

      “One day we’ll deal with that.” She whispered at him and Steven opened his eyes to look at her again. As their eyes met she grasped him through his jeans and gave him a little smile and a little squeeze down there. “Know what I mean?” she asked, quickly kissing him again before he could answer. “God, my first ever orgasm, I am so wet, that was unbelievable!”

      The words were just tumbling out of her mouth now as she removed his hand from between her legs. Steven looked down as she adjusted her panties to cover herself. “I am so saturated” she half whispered, half giggled. She drew her skirt down and threw her arms around him again, kissing him hard on the lips. “You’re not saying much.”

      Steven responded by putting one hand down directly onto her upper thighs this time, comfortable with their physical contact. His other arm was still around her waist and he pulled her closer and likewise, kissed her hard on the mouth. He was still stunned at the speed of all that had just occurred.

      “When?” was all he could say, breathless and a bit befuddled.

      “You haven’t said hardly a word since we sat down” she said.

      “I mean when are we going to deal with this?” He glanced down toward his groin as he spoke. Glenda giggled again, but this time she jumped up and bounded over the table, her blonde hair trailing off behind her.

      “C’mon” she yelled back at him “let’s go find the other two”.

      “Hey, but when?” he yelled at her fleeing back.

      Glenda stopped and turned around about five metres from him by now. She cocked her head to one side, and looked at him smiling.

      “When I’m ready Steven”.

      He hated that, all of a sudden he was Steven now.

      “What’s wrong with now?” he mumbled frowning heavily at her.

      She stopped smiling. “You’re serious aren’t you,

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