The House in Town. Warner Susan

The House in Town - Warner Susan

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behind their respective chairs, waiting. Matilda's face was towards the western windows.

      "Are you very miserable, Pink?" said Norton, watching her.

      "I am so happy, Norton!"

      "I want to get home now," said Norton, drumming upon his chair. "I want you there. You belong to mamma and me, and to nobody else in the whole world, Pink; do you know that?"

      Except Mr. Richmond – was again in Matilda's thoughts; but she did not say it this time. It was nothing against Norton's claim.

      "Where is the minister?" Norton went on. "You called him."

      "O he has got some stupid body with him, keeping him from tea."

      "That is what I said," Norton repeated. "I wouldn't live such a life – not for money."

      Mr. Richmond came however at this moment, looking not at all miserable; glanced at the two happy faces with a bright eye; then for an instant they were still, while the sweet willing words of prayer went up from lips and heart to bless the board.

      "What is it that you would not do for money, Norton?" Mr. Richmond asked as he received his cup of tea.

      Norton hesitated and coloured. Matilda spoke for him.

      "Mr. Richmond, may we ask you something?"

      "Certainly!" said the minister, with a quick look at the two faces.

      "If you wouldn't think it wrong for us to ask. – Is the – I mean, do you think, – the life of a minister is a very hard one?"

      "So that is the question, is it?" said Mr. Richmond smiling. "Is Norton thinking of taking the situation?"

      "Norton thinks it cannot be a comfortable life, Mr. Richmond; and I thought he was mistaken."

      "What do you suppose a minister's business is, Norton? that is the first consideration. You must know what a man has to do, before you can judge whether it is hard to do it."

      "I thought I knew, sir."

      "Yes, I suppose so; but it don't follow that you do."

      "I know part," said Norton. "A minister has to preach sermons, and marry people, and baptize children, and read prayers at funerals and – "

      "Go on," said Mr. Richmond.

      "I was going to say, it seems to me, he has to talk to everybody that wants to talk to him."

      "How do you get along with that difficulty?" said Mr. Richmond. "It attacks other people besides ministers."

      "I dodge them," said Norton. "But a minister cannot, – can he, sir?"

      Mr. Richmond laughed.

      "Well, Norton," he said, "you have given a somewhat sketchy outline of a minister's life; but my question remains yet, – what is the business of his life. You would not say that planing and sawing are the business of a carpenter's life – would you?"

      "No, sir."

      "What then?"

      "Building houses, and ships, and barns, and bridges."

      "And a tailor's life is not cutting and snipping, but making clothes. So my commission is not to make sermons. What is it?"

      Norton looked at a loss, and expectant; Matilda enjoying.

      "The same that was given to the apostle Paul, and no worse. I am sent to people 'to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified.'"

      "But I do not understand, Mr. Richmond," said Norton, after a little pause.


      "If you will excuse me. I do not understand that. Can you open people's eyes?"

      "He who sends me does that, by means of the message which I carry. 'How can they believe on him of whom they have not heard?'"

      "I see – " said Norton very respectfully.

      "You see, I am the King's messenger. And my business is, to carry the King's message. It is possible to make sermons, and not do that."

      "I don't think I ever heard the message, or anything that sounded like a message, in our church," said Norton.

      "Do you know what the message is?"

      Norton looked up from his toast and seemed a little taken aback.

      "You might have heard it without knowing it"

      "Might I? What is the message, sir?"

      "This is it. That God wants and calls for the love of every human heart; and that on his part he loves us so well, as to give his own Son to die for us, that we might be saved through him."

      "Why to die for us?" inquired Norton.

      "Because we all deserved to die, and he took our place. 'He tasted death for every man.' So for you and for me. What do we owe to one who gave his life to ransom ours?"

      "I see," – said Norton again thoughtfully. "But Mr. Richmond, people do not always hear the message – do they?"

      "You can tell," said Mr. Richmond, shortly.

      "I see!" repeated Norton. "It isn't making sermons. I don't see, though, why it isn't a hard life."

      "That requires another explanation, but it is not difficult. How would one naturally feel, Norton, towards another, who by his own suffering and death had saved him when he was bound to die?"

      "You mean, who had done it on purpose?" said Norton.

      "On purpose. Just because he loved the lost one."

      "Why," said Norton, "if the man had any heart in him" —

      "Well? What then?"

      "Why, he wouldn't think that his hand was his own."

      "He would belong to his redeemer?"

      "Yes, sir."

      "So I think, Norton. Then, tell me, do you think it would be hard work to do anything to please or serve such a friend? Would even hardships seem hard?"

      "I can't think what would seem hard," said Norton eagerly.

      But then a silence fell upon the little party. Matilda had opened all her ears to hear Norton speak in this manner; she was excited; she almost thought that he was about to enter into the life he seemed to understand so well; but Mr. Richmond went on with his tea quite composedly, and Norton was a little embarrassed. What was the matter? Matilda wished some one would speak again; but Mr. Richmond sent his cup to be filled, and stirred it, and took another piece of toast, and Norton never raised his eyes from his plate.

      "That idea is new to you, my boy?" said Mr. Richmond at last, smiling.

      "I never – well, yes; – I do not understand those things," said Norton.

      "You understood this?"

      "Your words; yes, sir."

      "And the thing which my words meant?"

      "I suppose – yes, I suppose I do," said Norton.

      "Do you understand the bearing of it on all of us three at the table."

      Norton looked up inquiringly.

      "You comprehend how it touches me?"

      "Yes, sir," – Norton answered with profound respect in eye and voice.

      "And Matilda?"

      The boy's eye went quick and sharp to the little figure at the head of the table. What his look meant, Matilda could not tell; and he did not speak.

      "You comprehend how it touches Matilda?" Mr. Richmond repeated.

      "No, sir," was answered rather stoutly. It had very much the air of not wanting to know.

      "You should understand, if you are to live in the same house together. The same Friend has done the same kindness for Matilda that he has done for me; he has given himself to death that she might live; and she has heard it and believed it, and obeyed his voice

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