The Twickenham Peerage. Marsh Richard

The Twickenham Peerage - Marsh Richard

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about Twickenham's being alive; he's as dead as that is.'

      He rapped his knuckle against the table. His aunt leant over the board.

      'Reggie, he's alive. Miss Sandford is right.'

      'Miss Sandford?'

      'Miss Sandford sees things which we don't see, and she knows things which we don't know. But now I've seen things, and I know. And what's more, Mr. Howarth knows too.'

      'Douglas, what does my aunt mean by saying that you know Twickenham's alive?'

      'I have not the least conception.'

      'Do you know?'

      'I do not.'

      'Have you any reason to suppose that he's alive?'

      I hesitated. Whether it was or was not a lie which I told, I could not say.

      'None whatever.'

      'You see, aunt: there's his answer for you.'

      'For reasons of his own, Mr. Howarth has chosen to conceal the truth. But he does know; and he knows I know.'

      The old lady's persistence roused me.

      'May I ask, Lady Desmond, on what grounds you base your assertion?'

      'I am unable to tell you; on no grounds, if you like to put it that way. But you do know; and you know I know you know.'

      I rose from my chair.

      'In that case discussion would be fruitless. Since Lady Desmond's reasons are of such an extremely recondite nature it would be useless for me to attempt to probe for them. Let us understand each other before I go. Edith, is it to be with us as your mother desires?'

      'Not with my goodwill. I certainly will never marry Colonel Foljambe.'

      'Then you never shall be asked to. I will not give you up, nor shall you give me up; but you shall be my wife before the year is out.'


      'I don't know how it is to come about, but it shall come about; I do know so much. All these years have been wasted, but they shall be made up for you before long. You shall be as happy a wife as a man can make you.'


      She had her elbows on the table, and her face upon her hands.

      'What nonsense is this?' demanded Lady Desmond. 'Haven't I said that I brought you here to tell you that I would have no more of it?'

      'My dear Lady Desmond, I think you will admit that Edith and I have arrived at years of discretion?'

      'You'll never do that if you live to be a hundred. You've ruined my life, and you've ruined hers. You've made her prematurely old. Look at her! Who would think, to see her now, that not long ago she was the most beautiful girl in England, and that she had only to lift her finger to have any man in England at her feet? She has no father or brother to protect her, or she'd have been rid of you long ago. But you've promised that you'll stand no longer in her way, and if you've a shred of manhood in you, you'll keep your word.'

      I went round to where she sat.

      'Edith, what am I to do?'

      Getting up, she put her hands upon my shoulders.

      'Marry me in what I stand up in; and take me to live with you in country lodgings.'

      'You hear, Lady Desmond. Edith is going to be my wife.'

      'Then she'll be no daughter of mine.'

      'Excuse me,' cried Reggie, 'but it strikes me that I ought to have a word in this. You seem to forget, aunt, that if Douglas is in a hole, it's because of what he's done for me.'

      'I forget nothing. If you choose to behave like a sensible person, you will be able to repay Mr. Howarth any moneys he may have advanced you, together with sufficient interest, within three months.'

      'In other words, if I choose to behave like a blackguard, perjure myself all round, make myself and every one connected with me unhappy, I may be able to wheedle enough money out of the woman I've lied to to enable me to treat the best friend a man had as if he were a sixty per center. Then, when it does turn out that Twickenham's dead, where shall I be? Saddled with a wife I hate; more in love than ever with the girl I've treated badly; in the bad books of the man who has stuck to me closer than any brother I ever heard of. Thank you; I'm obliged. If Vi won't marry me, it won't be because I'm not willing. Do you know, aunt, I believe that you're a bad lot.'

      'How dare you speak to me like that, sir?'

      'I use the term in a Parliamentary sense only. Of course I know that as a matter of fact your goodness is established beyond all question. But you don't seem to realise what Vi is to me. If it weren't that I've been living on her brother I'd have made her marry me long ago; for, hang me if I wouldn't marry her on nothing rather than not marry her at all. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to bring it off the same day Douglas brings off his little event; especially if he can manage to make the date an early one.'

      Reggie winked at me. I am afraid that his aunt perceived the movement of his eyelid. She rose with an air of extreme dudgeon.

      'I will not say what I think of you all. It would only be a waste of good words. You have heard me give expression to my wishes. If you choose to act in opposition to them, you must do so. You have all arrived at what Mr. Howarth was pleased to call, I presume ironically, the age of discretion. Some of you got there a good many years ago. It only remains for me to wash my hands of any responsibility for what you may do, and, if I think it necessary, to decline your further acquaintance. Edith, are you coming with me?'

      'Good-night,' I said to Edith as she turned to accompany her mother. 'I shall not see you again.'

      'I shall hear from you?'

      'You shall hear from me very soon. I will lose no time in making arrangements for our joint occupation of those country lodgings.'

      She smiled. I held the door open for her mother and herself to leave the room. As she passed she whispered:

      'I mean it.'

      Reggie and I went away together. In the street he asked:

      'Can I come in and see Violet?'

      'Better not. At least not to-night. Just as well that you should sleep on it.'

      'What do you mean by that?'

      I considered a moment before I answered.

      'You see, Reggie, we're all four of us playing the part of Don Quixote; Violet and you, Edith and I. I'm beginning to fear that we've been playing the part for years. It's all very well for us to talk of marrying the women of our hearts; but there are things to be considered. There are the women.'

      'Would you have me throw Vi over?'

      'The word's ill chosen. It ill becomes me to play the part of mentor after the way in which I've just behaved, but-suppose Twickenham were to turn up?'

      'It would be pretty bad.'

      'If that were all! I doubt if he'd give you a penny: as for me, he'd laugh me to scorn. You and I'd be beggars. Would it be chivalrous to drag the women into the ditch with us?'

      'But Twickenham's dead.'

      We've no proof of it. We've been looking for proof for some time. A pretty penny the search has cost us.'

      'What makes you talk like this? You've seemed convinced enough about his being dead. You've gone Nap on it.'

      'Precisely. And I'm now inclined to wonder if I haven't gone Nap on a pretty bad hand.'

      'Surely you don't believe any of that stuff about my aunt's dreams?'

      'Your aunt's dreams are neither here nor there. But between ourselves, I tell you candidly that I think it's quite possible that Twickenham's alive.'

      'Good God! What have you heard?'

      'I have heard nothing. By the purest accident I have chanced on what may turn out to be a clue. If it does, you shall hear more next week. At present I can tell you nothing.'

      'Douglas, where is he?'


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