The Devil in Britain and America. Ashton John

The Devil in Britain and America - Ashton John

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my bosome, said the man,

      where no man did come nigh.

      Looke there againe, (quoth he)

      then said the Man, I shall,

      And found his bosome full of Toads,

      as thicke as they could crawle.

      The poore man at this sight,

      to speak had not the power,

      See (q’d the Devill) vengeance doth

      pursue thee every hour.

      Goe, cursed wretch, (quoth he)

      and rid away thy life,

      But murther first thy children young,

      and miserable Wife.

      The poore man, raging mad,

      ran home incontinent,

      Intending for to kill them all,

      but God did him prevent.

      For why, the chiefest man

      that in the Parish dwelt,

      With meat and money thither came,

      which liberally he dealt.

      Who, seeing the poore man

      come home in such a rage,

      Was faine to bind him in his bed,

      his fury to asswage.

      Where long he lay full sicke,

      still crying for his Gold,

      But, being well, this whole discourse

      he to his neighbours told.

      From all temptations,

      Lord, keep both Great and Small,

      And let no man, O heavenly God,

      for want of succour fall.

      But put their speciall trust

      in God for evermore,

      Who will, no doubt, from misery

      each faithfull man restore.

      ‘Being a very particular and True Relation of one Abraham Joiner, a young man about 17 or 18 Years of Age, living in Shakesby’s Walks in Shadwell, being a Ballast Man by Profession, who, on Saturday Night last, pick’d up a leud Woman, and spent what money he had about him in Treating her, saying afterwards, if she wou’d have any more he must go to the Devil for it, and, slipping out of her Company, he went to the Cock and Lyon in King Street, the Devil appear’d to him, and gave him a Pistole, telling him he shou’d never want for Money, appointing to meet him the next Night, at the World’s End at Stepney; Also how his Brother persuaded him to throw the Money away, which he did; but was suddenly taken in a very strange manner, so that they were fain to send for the Reverend Mr. Constable and other Ministers to pray with him; he appearing now to be very Penitent; with an Account of the Prayers and Expressions he makes use of under his Affliction, and the Prayers that were made for him, to free him from this violent Temptation.

      ‘The Truth of which is sufficiently attested in the Neighbourhood, he lying now at his Mother’s house,’ etc.

      Stepney seems to have been a favourite haunt of the Devil, for there is a tract published at Edinburgh, 1721, entitled ‘A timely Warning to Rash and Disobedient Children. Being a strange and wonderful Relation of a young Gentleman in the Parish of Stepheny, in the Suburbs of London, that sold himself to the Devil for 12 Years, to have the Power of being revenged on his Father and Mother, and how, his Time being expired, he lay in a sad and deplorable Condition, to the Amazement of all Spectators.’


‘Strange and True News from Westmoreland’ – ‘The Politic Wife’ – ‘How the Devill, though subtle, was guld by a Scold’ – ‘The Devil’s Oak’ – Raising the Devil – Arguments in Favour of Devils – The Numbers of Devils

      In the foregoing examples we have seen the Devil in human form, and properly apparelled, but occasionally he showed himself in his supposed proper shape – when, of course, his intentions were at once perceived; and on one occasion we find him called upon by an Angel, to execute justice on a bad man. It is in


      Attend good Christian people all,

      Mark what I say, both old and young,

      Unto the general Judgment day,

      I think it is not very long.

      A Wonder strange I shall relate,

      I think the like was never shown,

      In Westmoreland at Tredenton,

      Of such a thing was never known.

      One Gabriel Harding liv’d of late,

      As may to all men just appear,

      Whose yearly Rent, by just account,

      Came to five hundred pound a year.

      This man he had a Virtuous Wife,

      In Godly ways her mind did give:

      Yet he, as rude a wicked wretch,

      As in this sinful Land did live.

      Much news of him I will relate,

      The like no Mortal man did hear;

      ’Tis very new, and also true,

      Therefore, good Christians, all give ear.

      One time this man he came home drunk,

      As he us’d, which made his wife to weep,

      Who straightway took him by the hand,

      Saying, Dear Husband, lye down and sleepe.

      She lovingly took him by the arms,

      Thinking in safety him to guide,

      A blow he struck her on the breast,

      The woman straight sank down and dy’d.

      The Children with Mournful Cries

      They ran into the open Street,

      They wept, they wail’d, they wrung their hands,

      To all good Christians they did meet.

      The people then, they all ran forth,

      Saying, Children, why make you such moan?

      O, make you haste unto our house,

      Our dear mother is dead and gone.

      Our Father hath our Mother kill’d,

      The Children they cryed then.

      The people then they all made haste

      And laid their hands upon the man.

      He presently denied the same,

      Said from Guilty Murder I am free,

      If I did that wicked deed, he said,

      Some example I wish to be seen by me.

      Thus he forswore the wicked deed,

      Of his dear Wife’s untimely end.

      Quoth the people, Let’s conclude with speed,

      That for the Coroner we may send.

      Mark what I say, the door’s fast shut,

      The People the Children did deplore,

      But straight they heard a Man to speak,

      And one stood knocking at the door.

      One in the house to the door made haste,

      Hearing a Man to Knock and Call,

      The door was opened presently,


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