The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Lever Charles James

The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly - Lever Charles James

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as thorough as of the actual events of the time.

      The world at large, however, had not this estimate of him. They read of him as a special envoy here, an extraordinary minister there, now negotiating a secret treaty, now investing a Pasha of Egypt with the Bath; and they deemed him not only a trusty servant of the Crown, but a skilled negotiator, a deep and accomplished diplomatist.

      He was a little short-sighted, and it enabled him to pass objectionable people without causing offence. He was slightly deaf, and it gave him an air of deference in conversation which many were charmed with; for whenever he failed to catch what was said, his smile was perfectly captivating. It was assent, but dashed with a sort of sly flattery, as though it was to the speaker’s ingenuity he yielded, as much as to the force of the conviction.

      He was a great favorite with women. Old ladies regarded him as a model of good ton; younger ones discovered other qualities in him that amused them as much. His life had been anything but blameless, but he had contrived to make the world believe he was more sinned against than sinning, and that every mischance that befell him came of that unsuspecting nature and easy disposition of which even all his experience of life could not rob him.

      Cutbill read him thoroughly; but though Lord Culdufif saw this, it did not prevent him trying all his little pretty devices of pleasing on the man of culverts and cuttings. In fact, he seemed to feel that though he could not bring down the bird, it was better not to spoil his gun by a change of cartridge, and so he fired away his usual little pleasantries, well aware that none of them were successful.

      He had now been three days with the Bramleighs, and certainly had won the suffrages, though in different degrees, of them all. He had put himself so frankly and unreservedly in Colonel Bramleigh’s hands about the coal-mine, candidly confessing the whole thing was new to him, he was a child in money matters, that the banker was positively delighted with him.

      With Augustus he had talked politics confidentially, – not questions of policy nor statecraft, not matters of legislation or government, but the more subtle and ingenious points as to what party a young man entering life ought to join, what set he should attach himself to, and what line he should take to insure future distinction and office. He was well up in the gossip of the House, and knew who was disgusted with such an one, and why So-and-so “would n’t stand it” any longer.

      To Temple Bramleigh he was charming. Of the “line,” as they love to call it, he knew positively everything. Nor was it merely how this or that legation was conducted, how this man got on with his chief, or why that other had asked to be transferred; but he knew all the mysterious goings-on of that wonderful old repository they call “the Office.” “That’s what you must look to, Bramleigh,” he would say, clapping him on the shoulder. “The men who make plenipos and envoys are not in the Cabinet, nor do they dine at Osborne; they are fellows in seedy black, with brown umbrellas, who cross the Green Park every morning about eleven o’clock, and come back over the self-same track by six of an evening. Staid old dogs, with crape on their hats, and hard lines round their mouths, fond of fresh caviare from Russia, and much given to cursing the messengers.”

      He was, in a word, the incarnation of a very well-bred selfishness, that had learned how much it redounds to a man’s personal comfort that he is popular, and that even a weak swimmer who goes with the tide makes a better figure than the strongest and bravest who attempts to stem the current. He was, in his way, a keen observer; and a certain haughty tone, a kind of self-assertion, in Marion’s manner, so distinguished her from her sister, that he set Cutbill to ascertain if it had any other foundation than mere temperament; and the wily agent was not long in learning that a legacy of twenty thousand pounds in her own absolute right from her mother’s side accounted for these pretensions.

      “I tell you, Cutty, it ‘s only an old diplomatist like myself would have detected the share that bank debentures had in that girl’s demeanor. Confess, sir, it was a clever hit.”

      “It was certainly neat, my Lord.”

      “It was more, Cutty; it was deep, – downright deep. I saw where the idiosyncrasy stopped, and where the dividends came in.”

      Cutbill smiled an approving smile, and his Lordship turned to the glass over the chimney-piece and looked admiringly at himself.

      “Was it twenty thousand you said?” asked he, indolently.

      “Yes, my Lord, twenty. Her father will probably give her as much more. Harding told me yesterday that all the younger children are to have share and share alike, – no distinction made between sons and daughters.”

      “So that she ‘ll have what a Frenchman would call ‘un million de dot.’”

      “Just about what we want, my Lord, to start our enterprise.”

      “Ah, yes. I suppose that would do; but we shall do this by a company, Cutty. Have you said anything to Bramleigh yet on the subject?”

      “Nothing further than what I told you yesterday. I gave him the papers with the surveys and the specifications, and he said he ‘d look over them this morning, and that I might drop in upon, him to-night in the library after ten. It is the time he likes best for a little quiet chat.”

      “He seems a very cautious, I ‘d almost say a timid man.”

      “The city men are all like that, my Lord. They ‘re always cold enough in entering on a project, though they’ll go rashly on after they’ve put their money in it.”

      “What’s the eldest son?”

      “A fool, – just a fool. He urged his father to contest a county, to lay a claim for a peerage. They lost the election and lost their money; but Augustus Bramleigh persists in thinking that the party are still their debtors.”

      “Very hard to make Ministers believe that,” said Culduff, with a grin. “A vote in the House is like a bird in the hand. The second fellow, Temple, is a poor creature.”

      “Ain’t he? Not that he thinks so.”

      “No; they never do,” said Culduff, caressing his whiskers, and looking pleasantly at himself in the glass. “They see one or two men of mark in their career, and they fancy – Heaven knows why – that they must be like them; that identity of pursuit implies equality of intellect; and so these creatures spread out their little sails, and imagine they are going to make a grand voyage.”

      “But Miss Bramleigh told me yesterday you had a high opinion of her brother Temple.”

      “I believe I said so,” said he, with a soft smile. “One says these sort of things every day, irresponsibly, Cutty, irresponsibly, just as one gives his autograph, but would think twice before signing his name on a stamped paper.”

      Mr. Cutbill laughed at this sally, and seemed by the motion of his lips as though he were repeating it to himself for future retail; but in what spirit, it would not be safe perhaps to inquire.

      Though Lord Culduff did not present himself at the family break fast-table, and but rarely appeared at luncheon, pretexting that his mornings were always given up to business and letter-writing, he usually came down in the afternoon in some toilet admirably suited to the occasion, whatever it might be, of riding, driving, or walking. In fact, a mere glance at his Lordship’s costume would have unmistakably shown whether a canter, the croquet lawn, or a brisk walk through the shrubberies were in the order of the day.

      “Do you remember, Cutty,” said he, suddenly, “what was my engagement for this morning? I promised somebody to go somewhere and do something; and I ‘ll be shot if I can recollect.”

      “I am totally unable to assist your Lordship,” said the other, with a smile. “The young men, I know, are out shooting, and Miss Eleanor Bramleigh is profiting by the snow to have a day’s sledging. She proposed to me to join her, but I did n’t see it.”

      “Ah! I have it now, Cutty. I was to walk over to Portabandon, to return the curate’s call. Miss Bramleigh was to come with me.”

      “It was scarcely gallant, my Lord, to forget so charming a project,” said the other, slyly.

      “Gallantry went out, Cutty, with slashed

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