The Deluge. Vol. 2. Генрик Сенкевич

The Deluge. Vol. 2 - Генрик Сенкевич

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he answered coldly, but calmly, —

      "I am Babinich, former colonel in the Lithuanian army, but now a volunteer in the service of the Most Holy Lady."

      "And I am Kuklinovski, also colonel, of whom you must have heard; for during more than one little war men mentioned frequently that name and this sabre [here he struck at his side], not only here in the Commonwealth, but in foreign countries."

      "With the forehead," said Kmita, "I have heard."

      "Well, so you are from Lithuania, and in that land are famous soldiers. We know of each other, for the trumpet of fame is to be heard from one end of the world to the other. Do you know there, worthy sir, a certain Kmita?"

      The question fell so suddenly that Pan Andrei was as if fixed to the spot. "But why do you ask of him?"

      "Because I love him, though I know him not, for we are alike as two boots of one pair; and I always repeat this, with your permission, 'There are two genuine soldiers in the Commonwealth, – I in the kingdom, and Kmita in Lithuania,' – a pair of dear doves, is not that true? Did you know him personally?"

      "Would to God that you were killed!" thought Kmita; but, remembering Kuklinovski's character of envoy, he answered aloud: "I did not know him personally. But now come in, for the council is waiting."

      When he had said this, he indicated the door through which a priest came out to receive the guest. Kuklinovski entered the chamber with him at once, but first he turned to Kmita: "It would please me," said he, "if at my return you and none other were to conduct me out."

      "I will wait here," answered Kmita. And he was left alone. After a while he began to walk back and forth with quick steps; his whole soul was roused within him, and his heart was filled with blood, black from anger.

      "Pitch does not stick to a garment like evil fame to a man," muttered he. "This scoundrel, this wretch, this traitor calls me boldly his brother, and thinks he has me as a comrade. See to what I have come! All gallows-birds proclaim me their own, and no decent man calls me to mind without horror. I have done little yet, little! If I could only give a lesson to this rascal! It cannot be but that I shall put my score on him."

      The council lasted long in the chamber. It had grown dark. Kmita was waiting yet.

      At last Kuklinovski appeared. Pan Andrei could not see the colonel's face, but he inferred from his quick panting, that the mission had failed, and had been also displeasing, for the envoy had lost desire for talk. They walked on then for some time in silence. Kmita determined meanwhile to get at the truth, and said with feigned sympathy, —

      "Surely, you are coming with nothing. – Our priests are stubborn; and, between you and me, they act ill, for we cannot defend ourselves forever."

      Kuklinovski halted and pulled him by the sleeve. "And do you think that they act ill? You have your senses; these priests will be ground into bran, – I guarantee that! They are unwilling to obey Kuklinovski; they will obey his sword."

      "You see, it is not a question of the priests with me," said Kmita, "but of this place, which is holy, that is not to be denied, but which the later it is surrendered the more severe must the conditions be. Is what men say true, that through the country tumults are rising, that here and there they are slashing the Swedes, and that the Khan is marching with aid? If that is true, Miller must retreat."

      "I tell you in confidence, a wish for Swedish broth is rising in the country, and likely in the army as well; that is true. They are talking of the Khan also. But Miller will not retreat; in a couple of days heavy artillery will come. We'll dig these foxes out of their hole, and then what will be will be! – But you have sense."

      "Here is the gate!" said Kmita; "here I must leave you, unless you wish me to attend you down the slope?"

      "Attend me, attend me! A couple of days ago you fired after an envoy."

      "Indeed! What do you mean?"

      "Maybe unwillingly. But better attend me; I have a few words to say to you."

      "And I to you."

      "That is well."

      They went outside the gate and sank in the darkness. Here Kuklinovski stopped, and taking Kmita again by the sleeve, began to speak, —

      "You, Sir Cavalier, seem to me adroit and foreseeing, and besides I feel in you a soldier, blood and bone. What the devil do you stick to priests for, and not to soldiers? Why be a serving lad for priests? There is a better and a pleasanter company with us, – with cups, dice, and women. Do you understand?"

      Here he pressed Kmita's arm with his fingers. "This house," continued he, pointing with his finger to the fortress, "is on fire, and a fool is he who flees not from a house when 'tis burning. Maybe you fear the name of traitor? Spit on those who would call you that! Come to our company; I, Kuklinovski, propose this. Obey, if you like; if you don't like, obey not – there will be no offence. General Miller will receive you well, I guarantee that; you have touched my heart, and I speak thus from good wishes. Ours is a joyous company, joyous! A soldier's freedom is in this, – to serve whom he likes. Monks are nothing to you! If a bit of virtue hinders you, then cough it out. Remember this also, that honest men serve with us. How many nobles, magnates, hetmans! What can be better? Who takes the part of our little Kazimir? No man save Sapyeha alone, who is bending Radzivill."

      Kmita grew curious; "Did you say that Sapyeha is bending Radzivill?"

      "I did. He is troubling him terribly there in Podlyasye, and is besieging him now in Tykotsin. But we do not disturb him."

      "Why is that?"

      "Because the King of Sweden wants them to devour one another. Radzivill was never reliable; he was thinking of himself. Besides, he is barely breathing. Whoever lets himself be besieged is in a fix, he is finished."

      "Will not the Swedes go to succor him?"

      "Who is to go? The king himself is in Prussia, for there lies the great question. The elector has wriggled out hitherto; he will not wriggle out this time. In Great Poland is war, Wittemberg is needed in Cracow, Douglas has work with the hill-men; so they have left Radzivill to himself. Let Sapyeha devour him. Sapyeha has grown, that is true, but his turn will come also. Our Karl, when he finishes with Prussia, will twist the horns of Sapyeha. Now there is no power against him, for all Lithuania stands at his side."

      "But Jmud?"

      "Pontus de la Gardie holds that in his paws, and heavy are the paws, I know him."

      "How is it that Radzivill has fallen, he whose power was equal to that of kings?"

      "It is quenching already, quenching – "

      "Wonderful are the ordinances of God!"

      "The wheel of war changes. But no more of this. Well, what? Do you make up your mind to my proposition? You'll not be sorry! Come to us. If it is too hurried to-day, think till to-morrow, till the day after, before the heavy artillery comes. These people here trust you evidently, since you pass through the gate as you do now. Or come with letters and go back no more."

      "You attract others to the Swedish side, for you are an envoy of Sweden," said Kmita; "it does not beseem you to act otherwise, though in your soul who knows what you think? There are those who serve the Swedes, but wish them ill in their hearts."

      "Word of a cavalier!" answered Kuklinovski, "that I speak sincerely, and not because I am filling the function of an envoy. Outside the gate I am no longer an envoy; and if you wish I will remove the office of envoy of my own will, and speak to you as a private man. Throw that vile fortress to the devil!"

      "Do you say this as a private man?"


      "And may I give answer to you as to a private man?"

      "As true as life I propose it myself."

      "Then listen, Pan Kuklinovski," Here Kmita inclined and looked into the very eyes of the ruffian. "You are a rascal, a traitor, a scoundrel, a crab-monger, an arch-cur! Have you enough, or shall I spit in your eyes yet?"

      Kuklinovski was astounded to such a degree that for a time there was silence.


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