The theory of everything, which is not. Oleg Oka

The theory of everything, which is not - Oleg Oka

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spacecraft, provides an environment in which there are cosmic phenomena. Stephen Hawking, for example, puts the Universe (and many others) in a kind of space which has many extreme features born to T. O.

      But just because the fact that we cannot know the TRUE properties of space-the fundamental principle of all. After all, even our ability to dream created one of the functions of the space. Thought – need to invent a term for that it is SPACE, as a fundamental principle of the universe.

      There have been many different labels; – “Apeiron”, “ether”, etc. the Mind is a strange thing, he evaluates new developments, focusing primarily on the sound of the name and free Association, created by that sound. Since hearing the term “prostranstvo”, people start to think :

      – “… space… yeah, that’s the one thing that may be folded parallel, which you can collapse or puncture…”

      NO!!! What I’m saying, can not be subjected to any deformation. “No” not because it is forbidden, but because it is IMPOSSIBLE, for the elementary reason of its absoluteness. Just as it is with GOD. I’ve seen this term in Einstein, Hawking, Sagan, Newton, LEM, Shklovsky, scientists from around the world, whose authority cannot be questioned.

      And they used it in a sort of ironic-an apologetic context. Like, know all about it, and we’re just people, not devoid of weaknesses.

      What nonsense and hypocrisy!!! And because the term “GOD” is really due to the perception in a certain way throughout the history of mankind, and do differently to be perceived simply can not.

      But this phenomenon, about which people know a lot more believable than about black holes and the Big Bang, would become the main tools of the scientific worldview. Can be did not, because the people you KNOW, and that mathematics is not?

      It is only necessary to call IT differently. For example, “function B”. Feel? This feature can already be used in constructing hypotheses and theories, it can be inserted into calculations and formulas for undefined values and the large uncertainties…


      “Time originated with the Universe… together, created together and will die AGAIN…” (Plato “Timaeus” – given at Danniken “in the Name of Zeus”)

      Silly to put in words of great meaning, which it perhaps not. What Plato had in mind, we don’t know and he didn’t. And I going to say no. It’s possible the genius intuitively saw that what I write here, and maybe he had his own, more original and reasonable ideas. Just because everyone sees what he is interested. Of course, I also look at everything with your own eyes, and put their understanding.

      And here too;

      the time is (the) only people are “created” here, with us, with our world (the Universe). For us. With us will disappear.

      So, time – fiction. (By the way, with it nobody argues, cm. great physicists. Although Minkowski, for example, says; – “… space and time separately recede into the background, and only a single continuum would be considered as an independent reality…” (Independent from what? From common sense? GOD is with them, physicists …)

      As such, this phenomenon in the Universe is missing. Can’t anyone show or describe this phenomenon, or object as such, but only in connection with the processes occurring in the world around us. (For example, a funny phrase – “prostranstvenno-time continuum”. It’s such a hodgepodge.)

      However, and this concept is used everywhere and all the time, in vain, in sorrow and joy. We just do not know how to see the world without “time” points. People use it in all cases and areas. This is one of the main reference points of our world.

      And this is just one of the cornerstones of our perception of the world.

      – “WHAT IS NOT” -.

      What else are we wrong? What else is a bug in our build?

      I think, all. Everything we know about Space.

      “Nothing exists except atoms and the void; everything else is just opinion.” Democritus of Abdera.

      Suddenly wanted to speculate (not only for our scientists, academics with a wise look to speak to different interesting!).

      The other day I read a few books respected people – from Plato, Aristotle, arhimandrit’s Nonsense to Bertrand Russell and the brothers sambaloco Muldasheva with Levashov.

      And still on the subject of true KNOWLEDGE. I saw some interesting things. Invite you to take a look, but I warn you once – to the Collider I have no access. Will look straight ahead. But what is it? There are stars, of course. Different. Blue giants, red dwarfs and white is unclear.

      Scientists tell us: are stars at different stages in their stellar evolution.

      Well. But where is the Lord, the scientists took?

      – It’s very simple, they say. – There are similar objects. We look at them, draw conclusions and build theories and hypotheses expressed. By comparison and extrapolation. Judge for yourself; take just a candle. Its light, well, like a star lit up. To do a thousand times in a row, the more the better. Called statistics. And here the candle burns, emits light, heat, and everything else, let this Chad and sparks will be ultraviolet light and radiation with gravity. Like? Exactly star! … And then we take the known laws of physics, there are electromagnetic theory, laws of thermodynamics, conservation of energy … —

      What do you mean “take”? – I want to ask – How do you take? —

      – Out, – condescending smile, explain the researchers. – How else. —

      Something withdrawn in greenhouses, terrariums, bestware, the leper colony, this we know. And more?

      – Here we have an electron (boson, the muon, the lepton, does not matter). We weighed it (right here on the dirty bench), measure temperature, speed, weight and everything else. And we see that he poluraspredelenia after 200 thousand years. Suppose. And because the stars contain all the same thing, we can very simply calculate all the stages of their evolution, and through it we learn all about the big Bang, black holes, the cloth folds and the strings of the double bass… Sorry, it’s the particles such that might have, but we have about them are already all know. We have calculated all that in the Talmud, weighing 18.5 kg. Mathematically. —

      Allow me, dear scientists, I in your math to look askance…

      – “Based on mathematical evidence, scientists managed to combine the hitherto separated regions, thermodynamics and communication technology in the new discipline of information theory. ‘Information’, scientifically defined, is proportional to surprise: the more surprising a message, the more information it contains. If lifting the handset, the person hears ‘Hello’, it is not very surprising; much more information if it is ‘Hello’ suddenly electrocuted…” “the essence of mathematical proofs” George. Cohen

      The method of extrapolation is, of course, a good thing, but to compare a star with a candle, for example, or is there a cubic meter of wood, even oak, or a ton of brown coal burnt in a nearby boiler room – this is weird science, at the level of the Stoker. And the behavior of the electron on their Desk or even in the Serpukhov cyclotron, I think, is not quite the same, and somewhere in the billion light-years away, in the depths of space. Despite logic and statistics with math. It is logic and statistics, Moscow, and Pskov, Novosibirsk, Heidelberg Prystowsky or province, don’t you think?

      This is the true truth and knowledge… And it is there at all?

      Can we speak of the truth of knowledge in GENERAL, or only with respect to Y and regarding X …? What’s with all those mountains and tons of books? I don’t know…

      “If Socrates no, it is not healthy and not sick. These opposing categories in this case are equally false.” (Category) – Aristotle was not

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