Genealogy For Dummies. Helm April Leigh
it has uploaded, the document appears on the screen.
10. Click the Add a Location button.
The Add a Location button appears on the right side of the screen under the Add Something box. After you click it, a pop-up box appears.
11. Type a location into the box and click on a location match.
As you begin typing, Twile tries to match a location to the text you’re typing. When a match appears, click on it. A map of the location then appears on the page. An example of a completed page appears in Figure 1-2.
FIGURE 1-2: A completed milestone information page.
You can choose to share milestones from Twile on Facebook. There are a lot of other features within Twile. We encourage you to experiment with adding and editing milestones to learn them.
Learning about Sources
As we just talked about using your birth certificate as evidence in the last section, now is a good time to talk about using sources in your family history research.
If you’re like most people, you think you know a lot about yourself. If we ask you what your birthday is, you can tell us without batting an eye. But how do you know the birth date? You were obviously there, but you weren’t in a condition to be a reliable witness, given that you were a newborn and most likely not fully aware of what was going on. This is where primary sources come in handy. Most likely, witnesses were present who helped create a record of the event.
Primary sources are documents, oral accounts – if the account is made soon after the actual event and witnessed by the person who created the account – photographs, or any other items created at the time of an event. Some primary sources include birth and marriage certificates, deeds, leases, diplomas or certificates of degree, military records, and tax records.
For example, a primary source for your birth date is your birth certificate. Typically, a birth certificate is prepared within a few days of the actual event and is signed by one or more witnesses to the birth.
The timeliness and involvement of direct witnesses makes the information contained on the record (such as the time, date, and parents’ names) a reliable firsthand account of the event. It’s important to recognize that just because a record was prepared near the time of an event doesn’t mean that every fact on the record is correct. Typographical errors can occur or incorrect information can be provided to the creator of the record. Often, these errors are not caught when the record is created. For example, in the case of a birth certificate, new parents are preoccupied with things other than government paperwork during their stay at the hospital. When our youngest child was born, the birth certificate application was created and presented to us for signature. After reading it, we discovered three pieces of incorrect data. Fortunately, we were able to correct the birth certificate before it was submitted to the county clerk – even though the hospital clerk wasn’t too happy about re-creating the document multiple times. So, it’s always a good idea to try to find other primary records that can corroborate the information found in any record.
Secondary sources are documents, oral accounts, and records that are created some length of time after the event or for which information is supplied by someone who wasn’t an eyewitness to the event. A secondary source can also be a person who was an eyewitness to the event but recalls it after significant time passes. You might encounter records such as a Delayed Report of Birth or an affidavit that contain a birth date that is based upon a person’s recollection of when a birth occurred. Some of these records may have a witness who testifies that a birth occurred thirty years earlier.
Some records may be considered both primary and secondary sources. For example, a death certificate contains both primary and secondary source information. The primary source information includes the death date and cause of death. These facts are primary because the certificate was prepared around the time of death, and the information is usually provided by the medical professional who pronounced the person dead. The secondary source includes the birth date and place of birth of the deceased individual. These details are secondary because the certificate was issued at a time significantly later than the birth (assuming that the birth and death dates are at least a few years apart).
Secondary sources don’t have the degree of reliability of primary sources. Often, secondary source information, such as birth data found on death certificates, is provided by an individual’s children or descendants who may or may not know the exact date or place of birth and who may be providing information during a stressful situation. Given the lesser reliability of secondary sources, we recommend corroborating your secondary sources with reliable primary sources whenever possible.
You can familiarize yourself with using primary sources by collecting some records that document the milestones that you created in Twile in the previous section. Try to match primary sources for each event in your timeline. If you can’t locate primary source documents for each event in your life, don’t fret! If you remember an event and provide details about it on the timeline, it can serve as a primary source document – because you write it about yourself.
For additional information on primary sources, see Using Primary Sources at the Library of Congress website for teachers at
We should also mention tertiary sources. Tertiary sources are compilations of primary and secondary sources, such as articles found online or in encyclopedias or almanacs.
For comparisons of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, and examples of each, see James Cook University’s overview of primary, secondary, and tertiary sources at
Or check out William Madison Randall Library’s guide for identifying primary, secondary, and tertiary sources at
For strategies on using primary sources online, see the Reference and User Services Association (of the American Library Association) page at
Using Genealogical Applications
You can use an online timeline to document your life (as described in the It’s About Time(line) section earlier in this chapter), but a full-featured option is to use a tool of the genealogy trade from the beginning – a genealogical application. Over time, you’ll collect a lot of information on your ancestors. You need something to help you keep everything straight and make sense of it all. Not only can a genealogical application keep track of the names, dates, and places of your ancestors, but it can also show you the gaps in your research and point you where to go