MCSA Windows 10 Study Guide. Panek William

MCSA Windows 10 Study Guide - Panek William

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shown in Figure 1.7. Click the Use Express Settings button. The system will then restart.

10. After the restart, a screen appears that asks you to choose how you will connect. Select Join A Domain (see Figure 1.8), and then click the Next button.

11. The next screen asks you to enter a username and password. Type in your username, password, and a password hint, as shown in Figure 1.9. Then click Next.

      The Hi screen will appear, and the system will continue its setup. Then the system applications will be installed.

      12. You will be asked if you want your system to be recognized by other systems on the network. This is a choice you can make. If you want other machines to see this Windows 10 system, choose Yes.

Once Windows 10 finishes its installation, you should see the Windows 10 desktop, as shown in Figure 1.10.

FIGURE 1.1 Windows setup screen

FIGURE 1.2 Windows install screen

FIGURE 1.3 Windows license screen

FIGURE 1.4 Type of install screen

FIGURE 1.5 Windows disk setup screen

FIGURE 1.6 Windows installation status screen

FIGURE 1.7 Windows express settings screen

FIGURE 1.8 Choosing a domain

FIGURE 1.9 PC account screen

FIGURE 1.10 Windows 10 screen

      Before we talk about the Windows 10 upgrade procedure, I want to quickly explain something that you saw during the Windows 10 install. In step 10, I had you choose Join A Domain instead of Azure AD. We will explore both of the choices in greater detail, but I wanted to quickly explain why we chose one over the other.

      Microsoft offers two main networks: workgroup-based or domain-based. Workgroups (also referred to as peer-to-peer networks) is when you just connect your computers together directly to each other. A perfect example for most of us is what you do in your home network. Most home users connect their machines together without the use of a main server.

      Corporations normally do things a bit differently than that. Domains are networks that are controlled by servers called domain controllers. Domain controllers are Windows servers that have a copy of a database called Active Directory (AD). Recently Microsoft took domain-based networks a step further by allowing companies to set up a cloud-based version of an Active Directory domain (Azure AD). This means that companies no longer need to maintain and manage their own domain controllers. Since most people don’t have a cloud-based version of Azure AD, I had you choose the option Join A Domain so that we could finish the Windows 10 install.

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