Instant Memory Training For Success. Santos Chester
of all those things. Your brain is what determines your ability to acquire and develop any and all new skills, so it follows that the most valuable business asset that you possess is the power of your own brain!
To date, there is no supercomputer in the world that comes close to even a fraction of the processing power of the human brain. Your brain possesses a number of absolutely incredible abilities that are just waiting to be fully realized. One of these abilities is that of a super power memory, and with this book I am going to help you unlock this incredible power within you. You will soon be able to remember just about anything quickly, easily, and with tremendous accuracy!
Whether you're an executive, entrepreneur, small business owner, other professional, or newly graduated student about to enter the business world, you can benefit greatly from improving your ability to remember. In this age of Google and Wikipedia, with people perhaps becoming a little too dependent on apps to do their remembering for them, being able to actually remember things yourself will set you apart and demonstrate true knowledge and expertise. As the rest of the business world loses its ability to remember, your superpower memory will become even more valuable.
We all want to hire and do business with those professionals that we perceive to be the experts in their particular fields. Let's say you're unfortunately in need of an attorney to sort out an unpleasant situation you're faced with. You first talk with an attorney named Eye Phonie. After listening to you describe your case, Eye says that he's sure he can help you, but that he'll need to do some research and get back to you with recommendations. You ask him about a couple of cases that you read about while doing some research of your own, and also about a few statutes that you think may be relevant when arguing your case. Eye says that he thinks he's heard of those cases but would have to look them up. He also says that he'll need to brush up on the statutes. Eye seems like a capable attorney, but you aren't particularly impressed.
You next talk with an attorney named Mem Ory. Upon hearing the facts of your case, Mem is able to talk from memory about prior cases similar to yours and how those cases played out. He also cites relevant statutes that are going to be important when arguing your case. Mem hits on everything you discovered in your own research and much more. You immediately think to yourself that this guy is clearly an expert! He's definitely the attorney you'd like to hire. Recalling important information during his meeting with you allowed Mem to demonstrate his knowledge and expertise. When you still need to look everything up, you come off as more of a student or novice as opposed to an expert.
Two marketing firms are competing for a certain corporation's business. The representative from the firm called WeNeedNotes gives her presentation first. She pulls up a slide, reads it to the corporation's board, then pulls up another slide and does the same thing. Her whole presentation basically consists of reading slide after slide to the board members. Unfortunately, the pretty pictures and fancy graphs aren't enough to keep some of the corporation's board members from dozing off. After the WeNeedNotes rep leaves, the corporation's board members talk about how they could have just read the presentation themselves at home.
The next day it's time for the representative from NoteLess to give her presentation. She has no slides or notes, and instead conducts her presentation entirely from memory. The board members are very impressed with her knowledge about the corporation in general, the challenges it faces, and how NoteLess can address their corporation's marketing needs. By giving a presentation without notes, the NoteLess rep is able to keep the board awake and engaged while at the same time demonstrating impressive knowledge. This is one marketing contract that WeNeedNotes will not get!
There are two companies with very similar products and services. One is run by a CEO named Ifor Geta. He's known as being very forgetful. It's common for him to completely blank out on the names of people that have worked for the company for many years. Even worse he often calls employees by the wrong name! His presentation skills are lacking, so he has someone write presentations for him and then simply reads the slides. He is not quite up to speed on the latest technologies and trends in his company's industry, because things change quickly and he doesn't have the time to learn everything. The morale at Ifor's company is low and its employees are feeling less than inspired by their leader. Ifor isn't a bad guy. He just finds it difficult to remember things.
A totally different work environment exists at a company run by Ifor's competitor, Irem Ember. Irem is incredibly popular with his employees. He remembers all of their names, the names of their family members, and also their personal interests. His employees really feel that he cares. They are also incredibly impressed with their CEO and they are inspired by him. His presentation skills, knowledge, and expertise are legendary! All of Irem's employees swear that his ability to remember is like a super power, and that Irem himself is like a super hero! The morale at Irem's company is very high and his employees feel very lucky to work for him. Which executive would you rather be?
There are two candidates interviewing for the same job. Their names are John Forget and Steve Remember. John and Steve's résumés are almost identical in terms of education, skills, and work experience. During John's interview he is quizzed a bit on some of the skills listed on his résumé. John doesn't do too well and tells the interviewer that he's been trained in that skill but that it's been a while and that he'll need to review it. The interviewer asks John a question about one of the company's most popular product offerings and John demonstrates that he clearly isn't familiar with the product. In fact, before the interview, John had read about that product and some others that the company offers, but he just can't recall the information confidently during the interview. John is asked what advantages the company offers over its competitors and although John has read about this, he's not able to give much of a response due to not being able to recall key details.
Fortunately for Steve, he's read Instant Memory Training for Success and has developed some powerful memory skills. So, the night before his interview, Steve reviews his resume and outlines all the major concepts from the skill areas listed on his resume. He researches the company he'll be interviewing with and lists 10 key advantages that the company offers over its competitors. Steve then researches the company's products and outlines exactly what the most popular products do. Next, Steve activates his super power and commits all of the information to memory in less than an hour! During Steve's interview, the interviewer is absolutely astonished with Steve's knowledge and expertise. Moreover, due to his razor sharp memory, Steve is perceived to be very intelligent, and who wouldn't want to hire the candidate that we think is the most intelligent? If you ever find yourself looking for a job, you really owe it to yourself to develop memory skills!
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