Библиотечное обслуживание молодежи в Японии, России и США. Коллектив авторов
является Масахару Адати (Masaharu Adachi) – бывший преподаватель английского языка; в настоящее время – на пенсии, но отвечает за школьную библиотеку в частной школе в префектуре Хёго (Hyogo); автором 4-й главы является Тошие Фудзита (Toshie Fujita) – бывшая учительница начальной школы, работающая в настоящее время в группе поддержки библиотек начальных и неполных средних школ в районе Адачи (Токио). 5-я глава представляет собой обзор библиотечных услуг для детей в префектуре Окинава. Ее автором является Кендзи Канна (Kenji Kanna) – профессор библиотековедения и информатики (LIS) с острова Исигаки в префектуре Окинава. 6-я глава рассказывает о Международной библиотеке детской литературы – филиале Национальной парламентской библиотеки (NDL). Автором этой главы является Микио Ванака (Mikio Wanaka), в прошлом – библиотекарь ряда национальных библиотек.
The International Library of Children’s Literature. (2010). Information on children and books in Japan, http://www.kodomo.go.jp/english/kn/list.html.
Kanna, Kenji. (2003). The development and present state of library services to children in Japan, Library Management, 24(1/2), 79 85.
Kawasaki, Yoshitaka, Yamaguchi, Genjiro, & Takashima, Ryoko. (1996, August). The development of public libraries in Japan after World War II. Paper presented at the meeting of the Sixty-second IFLA General Conference, Beijing.
Nakamura, Yuriko. (2006, August). How do we integrate guidance on reading and instruction on information use? Paper presented by the meeting of the 72nd IFLA General Conference and Council, Seoul.
Список литературы
Bookstart Japan. (2010). Bookstart. Tokyo: Bookstart Japan, http://www.bookstart.net/ english/ index.html.
Booktrust. (2010). Bookstart. London: Booktrust. http://www.bookstart.org.uk/About-us. Committee for the Survey of kodomo bunko throughout Japan. (1995). Looking for the Affluence of Children 3: The Report of the Survey of Kodomo Bunko throughout Japan. Tokyo: Japan Library Association. International Library of Children’s Literature. (2010). Tokyo: International Library of Children’s Literature, http://www.kodomo.go.jp/english/index.html.
Ishii, Momoko. (1965). The children’s library (Kodomo no Toshokan). Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten.
Japan Library Association. (1970). Libraries for Citizens. Tokyo: Japan Library Association.
Japan Library Association. (2008). Education of library and information science in Japan 2005. Tokyo: Japan Library Association.
Japan Library Association. (2009). Library year book. Tokyo: Japan Library Association.
Japan Library Association. (2010a). Library year book. Tokyo: Japan Library Association.
Japan Library Association. (2010b). The 30th/2010 guidelines for applicants of the professional course for education for children’s librarians. Tokyo: Japan Library Association. http://www. jla.or.jp/2010jido.pdf (accessed January 22, 2011).
Japan School Library Association and Mainichi News Papers. (2011). The 56th survey of reading. Tokyo: Japan School Library Association, http://www.j-sla.or.jp/material/research/54-l.html.
Japan School Library Association. (2009). The present status of preparing the budgets for school library books in local governments based on the [national] “budgets for developing the school library book collection.” Tokyo: Japan School Library Association, http://www.j-sla.or.jp/ material/research/.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). (2009, April 22). About the results of FY Heisei 20th of “The survey on the present status of school libraries.” Tokyo: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. ttp://www.mext.go.jp/b_ menu/houdou/21 /04/_icsFiles/afieldfile/ 2009/06/05/1263139_l_l.pdf.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). (n.d.). The standard of the school library books. Tokyo: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/sports/dokusyo/hourei/cont_ 001/016.
Morning Reading Promotion Association. (2010). Asa no dokusho suishin kyogikai. Tokyo: Morning Reading Promotion Association, http://wwwl.e-hon.ne.jp/content/ sp_0032.html.
Nakamura, Kyozo. (2001). Library buildings in the 90s. Journal of Osaka University of Arts, 24(11), 62 69. http://www.osaka-geidai.ac.jp/geidai/laboratory/kiyou/pdf/ kiyou24/kiyou24_06.pdf.
Nakamura, Yuriko. (2006, August). How do we integrate guidance on reading and instruction on information use? Paper presented at the meeting of the Seventy-second IFLA General Conference and Council, Seoul.
Nakamura, Yuriko. (2009).The school library reform in the occupied Japan: Receiving the American school library (Senryoka nihon no gakko toshokan kaikaku: amerika no gakko toshokan no juyo). Tokyo: Keio University Press.
National Association of the Reading Promotion Movement. (2004). The 2003FY comprehensive list of reading group throughout Japan. Tokyo: National Association of the Reading Promotion Movement.
NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute. (2006). Japanese citizens time use 2005. Tokyo: The NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute, http://www.nhk.or.jp/bunken/research/ life/life_20060210.pdf.
OECD and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. (2003). Literacy skills for the world of tomorrow: Further results from PISA 2000. Paris: OECD, http://www.pisa.oecd.org/ dataoecd/43/9/33690591.pdf.
Publishing Year-book. (2010). Tokyo: ShuppanNews.
Shiozaki, Junko. (2007). History of children’s service: The development of children’s service in public libraries in the post-war Japan (Jido sabisu no rekishi: sengo nihon no kouritsutohsokan ni okeru jido sabisu no hatten). Tokyo: Sogen-sha.
Suzuki, Kyoichi. (2005). Weekend Beat/ One for the books: More public libraries are deciding it’s time to go private. Asahi Shinbun, 2, 12.
Глава 2
Практика формирования медиаграмотности в библиотеках государственных старших школ
Юрико Мацуда (Yuriko Matsuda)
Перевод на русский язык: Малявская Елена
Осознание ценности библиотек