Настоящая история WW2. На русском и английском. Лим Ворд

Настоящая история WW2. На русском и английском - Лим Ворд

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the flanks: a 330,000-strong group of German-Romanian troops entered the encirclement ring. For their supply, the same officer, who six months ago successfully carried out the transfer of goods to the demyansky cauldron, is responsible for this, but this is another case. The Luftwaffe loses not less than 500 transport planes alone, in difficult weather conditions, from the work of Soviet air defense and deep tank raids to airfields.

      In the historical literature it is widely believed that, here, «as many as seven Soviet armies clung to one German». However, in the first place, as a rule, the German units are larger than the Soviet one and a half times, and secondly, in addition to the 6th Paulus army, the following took part in the hostilities: the 4th Gotha Tank Army (one of the divisions was surrounded), the 8th Army, I the Italian army named Garibaldi, Hungarian 2nd Army, 3rd and 4th Romanian armies. You can also recall the troops of Guderian from the outside of the ring. The Magyars are distinguished by special military zeal and cruelty to the peaceful population, so they are not taken prisoner.

      Paulus asks Hitler about the evacuation of «… individual specialists – soldiers and officers, who can be used in further combat operations. The order for this should be given as soon as possible, since soon the landing of aircraft will become impossible. Officers please indicate by name. Of course, I can not speak about me».

      Hitler responds with a refusal. The spirit of the military brotherhood of Germany is now most important. Only the wounded are evacuated. At the same time the leader raises the title of Paulus from the colonel-general to the field marshal, expecting that this will somewhat brighten the officer’s health before shooting into the temple. But, as is known, the Führer’s favorite (as well as many other higher ranks of the 6th Army) will not justify his hope.

      Later, the provision on the German military brotherhood is greatly shaken, and the officers, as the most valuable cadres of the army (as well as the SS men) are evacuated from the «boilers» in the first place.

      For the first time it happens like this: with the dispassionate voice from the U-2 aircraft flying over the city at low altitude, through the loudspeaker, to the German soldiers, as defeated and worthy of pity, the Red Army agitators offer to lay down their arms. On January 31, the Southern grouping with Paulus surrenders, on February 2, the Northern group separated from it; 90,000 only German soldiers (total, according to some sources 200,000). The officers are separated from the rank and file; after the treatment, they are sent to the comfortable settlements in the docked cars. On February 2, a press conference will be held for Soviet and foreign journalists, with the participation of Field Marshal Paulus and 22 generals. Private soldiers have to learn the conditions of life in the Soviet camps, not yet fully adapted to receive such a large number of prisoners of war, but survivors subsequently become their elite. The total result of the battle: the losses of the Red Army: 1.1 million people, 4,300 tanks, 2,770 aircraft, the Wehrmacht 1,1 million people. (as well as prisoners), 1,700 tanks, 2,800 combat and transport aircraft.

      Sent films on the topic: «Stalingrad» and «Iron Cross», the directors of Germany, as well as «Hot Snow» («Горячий Снег») of Bondarchuk. More made-of-the-soul and professionally Soviet paintings in the Great Patriotic War (with detailed battle scenes, etc.) for the present (summer 2017), according to the author of the book, does not exist.

      An interesting idea for the film is in the book by Ilya Boyashov: «Tankman or «White Tiger». («Танкист или «Белый Тигр», author Илья Бояшов)

      Only James Cameron could understand the tankman communicating with the spirits of the tanks.

      If you can, let him know…

      1. IL-2

      2. Su-2

      3. U-2

      4. «Stuck», Sturzkampfflugzeug

      5. 251 Sonderkraftfahrzeug

      6. The battle on the outskirts of the city of Kalach-na-Donu.

      7. ....Captured German soldiers in Stalingrad

      8. «Tiger» in Kharkov Street

      9. PPSh

      10. MР-40

      11. …Employees of the RKKA health battalion

      12. Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak

      1. IL-2. Crew of 1—2 people. The nickname in the German parts is the quite respectable «Butcher» («Fleischer») or «Black Death» («Schwarztodt»), and also «Cement Bomber». Armament – two 23-mm. guns, 150 rounds per barrel, two 7, 62 mm. machine gun, with 750 rounds, one 12, 7 mm. defensive machine gun in the rear cabin. Armor, covering the pilot (but not the machine gunner) and the main technical nodes – 12 mm. For the indecision of the pilot could be re-qualified as a rifleman. The standard bomb load is 400 kg., four 82 mm. or 132 mm. rockets (the total weight of the RS is about 80 kg). The speed of the land is 386 km. h, at an altitude of 1200 m – 404 km. h. Diving angle – up to 45 degrees. The range of flight is 720 km. The average percentage of losses – 2.8% (but until 1943 for 30 combat sorties the survivor was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union). 36 000 units have been produced. Currently, there is only one rebuilt and flying IL-2 – it is in the US.

      2. Su-2. Soviet near bomber aircraft designer Pavel Sukhoi (born in Vitebsk region), the first aircraft of the famous line of Su models, taking part in hostilities. Crew 2 people, speed 470 km. h, range 900 km, small arms 2 SHKAS mobile machine guns (covered with the opening cockpit cover) and 4 fixed, 8 Nursa, bomb load 400 kg. From 1940 to the beginning of 1942, 893 cars are produced, after the evacuation of machine sets is exhausted, production ceases. By the beginning of full-scale military operations, the aircraft (profile, etc.) is classified from its troops, therefore, the Soviet air force is not uncommon in its attack. So, on June 22, the unidentified Su-2 is stymied by the future Soviet ace, Alexander Pokryshkin (the pilot is killed). Since mid-1943, having a cab with a high visibility, the aircraft is usually used as an air raid. So far, little is known about the role of the Su-2 in the Patriotic War. All surviving aircraft are cut to scrap metal, in the Volgograd Museum there is a single full-size copy.

      Su-2 shows good results in the bombing of enemy troops, in addition, its losses are relatively low: 1 aircraft for 23 sorties, with an average ratio of losses of other bombers Air Force of the USSR in the first half of the war – 1:14.

      3. U-2 (since 1944 – Po-2, named after the designer, Nikolai Polikarpov), according to the NATO codification – Mule – «Mule». The German nickname, because of the characteristic sound of the engine – «Nähmaschine» – «SewingMachine». Soviet multi-purpose biplane. The flying weight of the training airplane is 1012 kg, bomber and ambulance aircraft – 1400 kg. Engine power 125 liters. from. The speed is from 60 to 140 km. h. The main bomb load is 250 kg, and up to 500 kg. In some

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