Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth. Николай Конюхов

Psycho-cosmic energies and economic growth - Николай Конюхов

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the prices of imported goods and services are taken into account. The Consumer Price Index is the main indicator of inflation in the country. The value of this index is of fundamental importance for the other economic indicators. It more closely and directly related to the Earth's rotational speed.

      We note that the increase in the CPI after a sharp rise in the Earth's rotational speed occurs later every century. At the beginning of the XIX century the difference is in within 2 years, and at the beginning of the XX century – in 3 years, and at the beginning of the XXI century – in about 7 years.

      This let us approach the complex issue of the relationship between electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic energies and the relationship between the dynamics of their change and the dynamics of economic growth.

      1.2 Rotational speed of Earth, solar activity and their connection to indicators of economic growth

      Generalized indicator of economic growth, which is associated with other economic indicators, is the CPI (Consumer Price Index).

      Here are the data for the time available for the Earth's rotational speed, for changes in the value of the consumer basket, i.e. the CPI (percentage related to the previous year), and solar activity. These data are from the beginning of the XIX century.

      The CPI value is taken as an average of a decade. Graph of the CPI changes (mean per decade) accurately rests on the chart of the Earth's angular velocity. Lack of the cosmic ether – the high is price of the consumer basket. The reason is the low productivity due to low physiological, mental, intellectual capabilities of people. In this case, the measurement step in 10 years smooths the data on changes in the cosmic ether density under the influence of the various planets and by changing the direction of spin of the ether flows. With this step of the measurement charts do not need offset for a few years.

      Growth of gravity-spin energy leads to increase of the efficiency of industry. And it is not only in our millennium. This is how society was changing throughout history. Greek cities grew more intense in the decline of temperature, which is an indirect sign of entry of Earth more powerful cosmic ether vortices. (The breath of history, pp. 488-495). We are developing rapidly under the influence of non-electromagnetic cosmic energies. And what about Sun? It is important, that we not die of starvation due to the termination of the growth of vegetation. If there is not enough solar energy – cereals do not grow – here comes death from starvation. But if there is some minimum of solar energy for food security, then the development is more dependent on the density of the cosmic ether. The combination of these two cosmic energies is important and determines the features of the development we have at a given point in history (N. Konuhov, 2016b).

      Relationships between of solar activity and cosmic non-electromagnetic energies are of probabilistic character. If we take a typical graphs of ratio of the Wolf’s numbers and the various features of non-electromagnetic cosmic energy, then this relationship is difficult to see.

      L. Konstantinovskaya shows resulting chart with a different visualization of the solar radiation data – there is a deviation from the mean for all years. The dependence of the two kinds of cosmic energies become visible.

      The points of change in a sign of the Earth’s rotational acceleration are at the same time the points of changing in the intensity of solar radiation for decades and centuries.

      The points of change in a sign of the Earth’s rotational acceleration are at the same time the points of changing in the intensity of solar radiation for decades and centuries.

      Notice, how the combination of turns in the Earth's rotational speed and intensity of solar radiation is consistent. The low values of solar intensity on turns are consistent with high values in turns of gravity-spin energies, energies of the cosmic ether. It is the ratio of these energies had been substantiated by V. Dyatlov through the law of the full electromagnetic and gravity-spin currents. According to his calculations, the gravity-spin energy growth is combined with falling of electromagnetic energy if we are talking about a separate cosmic system. In his terminology it is vacuum domain. But it is on the scale of centuries.

      Now, the laws regulating these cosmic energies become more apparent. It is necessary to combine these turning points of these great cosmic energies. And for this we need a certain step of measurements and representation of initial data.

      Let’s compare data on value of a consumer basket with the change in the Wolf ‘s numbers in the

      United States (CPI starts from 1800) with step, at which solar cycles are remained and small spreads, changes in electromagnetic energy of Sun are removed.

      These graphs clearly show that CPI and solar activity are interrelated. This relationship can be clarified: the maximum in solar activity is accompanied by reversals of CPI. This is an emotional turn of index. But CPI turns back even at a minimum of solar activity. This is a rational turn. It is characteristic not only to CPI, but also to other markets, including the stock market (N. Konuhov, 2012). Both the emotional and rational turns of markets indices are regular social-cosmic phenomenon.

      In the transition to the scale of individual years, this line disappears without shifting in graphs.

      Degree of such compliance of data can be set precisely from 1962.

      This is without a shift in graphs. There is every reason to believe that the statistics on CPI in the US " started to float" in the beginning of the XXI century. This is evident from a comparison of the rate of growth for GDP and CPI.

      Prior to the beginning of our century, the fall in GDP growth was leading to an increase in the prices of the consumer basket. It is logical: the less has been produced, the less effectively people worked in some year – the more expensive is the consumer basket. At the beginning of this century, the dependence is different: GDP growth rates are falling along with the price of the consumer basket. Is it due to deflation? If we consider that the income from the bulk of the population fell, the explanation is quite logical.

      Or is it the result of a constant correction, modification of the methodology of calculation of GDP to make its fall look not so disastrous?

      Statistics ceased to be a perfectly logical as it was centuries before that. Hence, even the shift of graph does nothing good.

      But the important thing for us is that the CPI growth rate are linked to the GDP growth rate, if to judge on the scale of centuries, decades. Both economic indicators are statistically associated with the change of cosmic energies. On a scale of centuries there is also their connection with solar activity. And in these economic indicators are tied all the others, firmly.

      All changes cyclically. Cycles of development are associated with both the legitimate social and psychological relationship of generations, and with cycles of cosmic energies. Dependencies, relationships, cycles of electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic cosmic energies whimsically change at different time intervals.

      Therefore, we take in every century every 13 years (the average cycle of solar activity) with high solar activity and 13 years of low solar activity. Let’s match these indicators.

      13 year periods of low solar activity are: 1800-1813, 1900-1913 years.

      13 year periods of high solar activity are: 1835-1848, 1947-1960 years.

      It is difficult to find some distinct patterns. But they are on scale of centuries. These are cycles of 72 and 144 years.

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