1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Francis Grose

1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue - Francis Grose

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from the following verses, attributed to Hugh Bigot, Earl of Norfolk, that it was in use, in the time of king Henry II.

      Was I in my castle at Bungay,

      Fast by the river Waveney,

      I would not care for the king of Cockney;

      i.e. the king of London.

      COCKSHUT TIME. The evening, when fowls go to roost.

      COD. A cod of money: a good sum of money.

      CODDERS. Persons employed by the gardeners to gather peas.

      CODGER. An old codger: an old fellow.

      COD PIECE. The fore flap of a man's breeches. Do they bite, master? where, in the cod piece or collar?—a jocular attack on a patient angler by watermen, &c.

      CODS. The scrotum. Also a nick name for a curate: a rude fellow meeting a curate, mistook him for the rector, and accosted him with the vulgar appellation of Bol—ks the rector, No, Sir, answered he; only Cods the curate, at your service.

      COD'S HEAD. A stupid fellow.

      COFFEE HOUSE. A necessary house. To make a coffee-house of a woman's ****; to go in and out and spend nothing.

      COG. The money, or whatsoever the sweeteners drop to draw in a bubble.

      COG. A tooth. A queer cog; a rotten tooth. How the cull flashes his queer cogs; how the fool shews his rotten teeth.

      TO COG. To cheat with dice; also to coax or wheedle, To cog a die; to conceal or secure a die. To cog a dinner; to wheedle one out of a dinner.

      COGUE. A dram of any spirituous liquor.

      COKER. A lie.

      COKES. The fool in the play of Bartholomew Fair: perhaps a contraction of the word COXCOMB.

      COLCANNON. Potatoes and cabbage pounded together in a mortar, and then stewed with butter: an Irish dish.

      COLD. You will catch cold at that; a vulgar threat or advice to desist from an attempt. He caught cold by lying in bed barefoot; a saying of any one extremely tender or careful of himself.

      COLD BURNING. A punishment inflicted by private soldiers on their comrades for trifling offences, or breach of their mess laws; it is administered in the following manner: The prisoner is set against the wall, with the arm which is to be burned tied as high above his head as possible. The executioner then ascends a stool, and having a bottle of cold water, pours it slowly down the sleeve of the delinquent, patting him, and leading the water gently down his body, till it runs out at his breeches knees: this is repeated to the other arm, if he is sentenced to be burned in both.

      COLD COOK. An undertaker of funerals, or carrion hunter. See CARRION HUNTER.

      COLD IRON. A sword, or any other weapon for cutting or stabbing. I gave him two inches of cold iron into his beef.

      COLD MEAT. A dead wife is the beat cold meat in a man's house.

      COLD PIG. To give cold pig is a punishment inflicted on sluggards who lie too long in bed: it consists in pulling off all the bed clothes from them, and throwing cold water upon them.

      COLD PUDDING. This is said to settle one's love.

      COLE. Money. Post the cole: pay down the money.


      COLLAR DAY. Execution day.

      COLLEGE. Newgate or any other prison. New College: the Royal Exchange. King's College: the King's Bench prison. He has been educated at the steel, and took his last degree at college; he has received his education at the house of correction, and was hanged at Newgate.

      COLLEGE COVE. The College cove has numbered him, and if he is knocked down he'll be twisted; the turnkey of Newgate has told the judge how many times the prisoner has been tried before and therefore if he is found guilty, he certainly will be hanged. It is said to be the custom of the Old Bailey for one of the turnkeys of Newgate to give information to the judge how many times an old offender has been tried, by holding up as many fingers as the number of times the prisoner has been before arraigned at that bar.

      COLLEGIATES. Prisoners of the one, and shopkeepers of the other of those places.

      COLLECTOR. A highwayman.

      TO COLLOGUE. To wheedle or coax.

      COOK RUFFIAN, who roasted the devil in his feathers. A bad cook.

      COOL CRAPE. A shroud.

      COOLER. A woman.

      COOLER. The backside. Kiss my cooler. Kiss my a-se. It is principally used to signify a woman's posteriors.

      COOL LADY. A female follower of the camp, who sells brandy.

      COOL NANTS. Brandy.

      COOL TANKARD. Wine and water, with lemon, sugar, and burrage.

      COLQUARRON. A man's neck. His colquarron is just about to be twisted; he is just going to be hanged. CANT.

      COLT. One who lets horses to highwaymen; also a boy newly initiated into roguery; a grand or petty juryman on his first assize. CANT.

      COLTAGE. A fine or beverage paid by colts on their first entering into their offices.

      COLT BOWL. Laid short of the jack by a colt bowler, i.e. a person raw or unexperienced in the art of bowling.

      COLT'S TOOTH. An old fellow who marries or keeps a young girl, is said to have a colt's tooth in his head.

      COLT VEAL. Coarse red veal, more like the flesh of a colt than that of a calf.

      COMB. To comb one's head; to clapperclaw, or scold any one: a woman who lectures her husband, is said to comb his head. She combed his head with a joint stool; she threw a stool at him.

      COME. To come; to lend. Has he come it; has he lent it? To come over any one; to cheat or over reach him. Coming wench; a forward wench, also a breeding woman.

      COMING! SO IS CHRISTMAS. Said of a person who has long been called, and at length answers, Coming!


      COMMISSION. A shirt. CANT.

      COMMODE. A woman's head dress.

      COMMODITY. A woman's commodity; the private parts of a modest woman, and the public parts of a prostitute.

      COMMONS. The house of commons; the necessary house.

      COMPANY. To see company; to enter into a course of prostitution.


      COMUS'S COURT. A social meeting formerly held at the Half Moon tavern Cheapside.

      CONFECT. Counterfeited.

      CONGER. To conger; the agreement of a set or knot of booksellers of London, that whosoever of them shall buy a good copy, the rest shall take off such a particular number, in quires, at a stated price; also booksellers joining to buy either a considerable or dangerous copy.

      CONGO. Will you lap your congo with me? will you drink tea with me?

      CONNY WABBLE. Eggs and brandy beat up together. IRISH.

      CONSCIENCE KEEPER. A superior, who by his influence makes his dependants act as he pleases.

      CONTENT. The cull's content; the man is past complaining: a saying of a person murdered for resisting the robbers. CANT.

      CONTENT. A thick liquor, in imitation of chocolate, made of milk and gingerbread.

      CONTRA DANCE. A dance where the dancers of the different sexes stand opposite each other, instead of side by side, as in the minuet, rigadoon, louvre, &c. and now corruptly called a country dance.

      CONUNDRUMS. Enigmatical conceits.

      CONVENIENT. A mistress. CANT.

      CONVENIENCY. A necessary. A leathern conveniency, a coach.

      COOPED UP. Imprisoned, confined like a fowl in a coop.

      COQUET. A jilt.

      CORINTH. A bawdy-house. CANT.


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