The Fifth to Die: A gripping, page-turner of a crime thriller. J.D. Barker

The Fifth to Die: A gripping, page-turner of a crime thriller - J.D.  Barker

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he could speak. “Yeah, I know. I’ll go back through old footage and see if I can determine when it happened, on the off chance we catch our unsub smiling at the camera holding a wrench.”

      “Sometimes they slip up,” Porter pointed out.


      “This is good. At the very least we should get a make and model on the truck. If we cross-reference that against pool cleaning companies, we may get lucky.” Porter turned back to the board. “Anything else we can add?”

      Again, the room went silent.

      Porter capped the black marker and took a seat at the conference table. “I want to get a better handle on the abductions themselves. This unsub works fast and appears to have no trouble taking these girls from public places. That means he either blends in well or possibly gets to know them in advance so they don’t feel threatened by him. He couldn’t pull them kicking and screaming off the street into this pickup truck without being noticed, so somehow he convinces them to go willingly.”

      “He may have access to other vehicles,” Nash suggested. “Public works or a utility company van. Something that disappears in the background.”

      Kloz flipped his laptop around so the others could see. The screen had a detailed map of Chicago and the surrounding areas. There was a red dot near Logan Square, one at Jackson Park, and a third on King Drive in Bronzeville. “We’ve got a distance of about ten miles between the two abduction sites. In a city this big, that’s a sizable hunting ground. Jackson Park, where Ella was found, is actually closer to Lili’s house than Ella’s own.”

      Porter studied the map for a moment. “So Lili was abducted close to where Ella was found. That may be important.”

      “Ella drowned in salt water?” Sophie was frowning up at the board. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

      “What about a saltwater swimming pool?” Kloz suggested. “That would fit with the truck.”

      “Is that a thing?” Nash frowned.

      Kloz was nodding. “I’ve got an aunt in Florida who has one. She’s allergic to chlorine. They’re low maintenance too, no chemicals to measure out.”

      “There can’t be many around Chicago. Think you can run a list?” Porter asked.

      Kloz said, “Maybe I can put something together through building permits.”

      Porter studied the faces around the table. With the exception of Sophie Rodriguez, he had known them all for years. He retrieved the newspaper from Nash’s desk and set it on the conference table. “Watch your backs for reporters. Somebody is snooping around a little too close to camp, and they’re not afraid to speculate.”

      Clair flipped the paper around so she could read the headline. “You don’t think one of us talked to the press, do you?”

      Porter shook his head. “I think they’ll print anything to sell papers. And if they can’t get one of us to talk, they’ll make something up. When we’re ready, I’ll make a statement. Until then, aside from the Amber Alert on Lili, we’re on a press lockdown.”

      An uncomfortable silence fell over the group. Sophie was first to speak. “Is anyone gonna eat that last donut?”

      Kloz’s head dropped to the tabletop, and he let out a sigh. “Take it.”

      Evidence Board

      ELLA REYNOLDS (15 years old)

      Reported missing 1/22

      Found 2/12 in Jackson Park Lagoon

      Water frozen since 1/2 — (20 days before she went missing)

      Last seen — getting off her bus at Logan Square (2 blocks from home/15 miles from Jackson Park)

      Last seen wearing a black coat

      Drowned in salt water (found in fresh water)

      Found in Lili Davies’s clothes

      Four-minute walk from bus to home

      Frequented Starbucks on Kedzie. Seven-minute walk to home.

      LILI DAVIES (17 years old)

      Parents = Dr. Randal Davies and Grace Davies

      Best friend = Gabrielle Deegan

      Attends Wilcox Academy (private) did not attend classes on 2/12

      Last seen leaving for school (walking) morning of 2/12 @ 7:15 wearing a Perro red nylon diamond-quilted hooded parka, white hat, white gloves, dark jeans, and pink tennis shoes (all found on Ella Reynolds)

      Most likely taken morning of 2/12 (on way to school)

      Small window = 35 minutes (Left for school 7:15 a.m., classes start 7:50 a.m.)

      School only four blocks from home

      Not reported missing until after midnight (morning of 2/13)

      Parents thought she went to work (art gallery) right after school (she didn’t do either)



Possibly driving a gray pickup towing a water tank


May work with swimming pools (cleaning or servicing)



Starbucks footage (1-day cycle?) — Kloz


Ella’s computer, phone, e-mail — Kloz


Lili’s social media, phone records, e-mail (phone and PC MIA) — Kloz


Enhance image of possible unsub entering park — Kloz


Park camera loosened? Check old footage — Kloz


Get make and model of truck from video? — Kloz


Clair and Sophie walk Lili’s route to school/talk to Gabrielle Deegan


Porter and Nash visit gallery (manager = Ms. Edwins)


Put together a list of saltwater pools around Chicago via permits office — Kloz


Check out local aquariums and aquarium supply houses



       Day 2 • 9:08 a.m.

      “Sam, you don’t have to do this.”

      “Yeah, I do.”

      He rang the Reynoldses’ doorbell.

      They had driven straight here from police headquarters,

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