The Fourth Man: An Agatha Christie Short Story. Agatha Christie

The Fourth Man: An Agatha Christie Short Story - Agatha  Christie

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Canon cleared his throat in preparation for speech, but to his chagrin he was given no opportunity. The doctor went on.

      ‘Are we even sure the word is spirit – might it not be spirits?

      ‘Spirits?’ Sir George Durand questioned, his eyebrows raised quizzically.

      ‘Yes.’ Campbell Clark’s gaze transferred itself to him. He leaned forward and tapped the other man lightly on the breast. ‘Are you so sure,’ he said gravely, ‘that there is only one occupant of this structure – for that is all it is, you know – this desirable residence to be let furnished – for seven, twenty-one, forty-one, seventy-one – whatever it may be! – years? And in the end the tenant moves his things out – little by little – and then goes out of the house altogether – and down comes the house, a mass of ruin and decay. You’re the master of the house – we’ll admit that, but aren’t you ever conscious of the presence of others – soft-footed servants, hardly noticed, except for the work they do – work that you’re not conscious of having done? Or friends – moods that take hold of you and make you, for the time being, a “different man” as the saying goes? You’re the king of the castle, right enough, but be very sure the “dirty rascal” is there too.’

      ‘My dear Clark,’ drawled the lawyer. ‘You make me positively uncomfortable. Is my mind really a battleground of conflicting personalities? Is that Science’s latest?’

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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