The Secret Life of a Submissive and Bonds of Love: 2-book BDSM Erotica Collection. Sarah K

The Secret Life of a Submissive and Bonds of Love: 2-book BDSM Erotica Collection - Sarah K

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near tight enough, so she made me do it again, and it slipped off again. It has to be tight enough to hold but not so tight that it restricts too many of the blood vessels. Finally I got it. Then she bent down and sucked Eva’s nipple into her mouth. And I sucked the other one.’

      Max’s voice was low now and intimate, and I felt my body responding to his story.

      ‘It was incredible. I could see Jessa and feel Eva moving, smell her: she was hot and I was so turned on. Between them Eva and Jessa were great teachers and helped me to understand and enjoy what was already there. I learnt fast. Once I’d got Eva settled Jessa took me over to her roll of toys, which she’d laid out on a dresser, and told me to choose whatever I liked. There were canes and whips, short floggers, a riding crop, clamps, ropes, clothes pegs, a ball gag, handcuffs and a dildo in a harness that I guessed was for Jessa. I just stood and stared. I couldn’t think much beyond fucking Eva. Jessa said that sex was always there and was the easy option, but that she planned to beat her first and make her earn her reward.

      ‘So she picked up a very thin, very flexible cane, which she bent into a curve. And she said, “Eva doesn’t like this, not at all.” The curve almost matched the grin on her face.

      ‘I wasn’t quite sure I understood. I remember asking if she was going to use it on Eva even though she didn’t like it and Jessa shook her head. “Sadly not. You rapidly discover the things that your submissive enjoys. You need to talk about what you like and find a common ground. It doesn’t mean you can’t push it a little – experiment together – but if you want them to keep playing and scratching your itch you have to take them a little at a time, gently, gently, training them to like what you like and vice versa. It’s not something you can rush.” She sighed, bending the cane one more time, and then put it down. ‘And sadly sometimes you have to give up. You don’t want them to walk away, do you?’

      ‘I asked her what Eva liked, and as I did it occurred to me that we were talking about her as if she wasn’t there. Jessa started picking up things from her pack to show me.

      ‘“The crop, the driving whip and the flogger …” She ran through a list and explained that Eva was not so much into pain as into submission – being made to do things, being made to feel vulnerable. She liked her hair being pulled and insertion – things being put into her. She liked to be naked when everyone else was dressed. She was also bi, which I hadn’t known.’

      I realized that while Max has been talking, I had eaten my starter and hadn’t tasted a mouthful. The joke wasn’t lost on me: all the time I’d waited to come here for the food and now I was here I wasn’t remotely interested in it. As soon as the plates were cleared and the main course served Max refilled my glass and resumed his story.

      ‘Jessa taught me a lot: that you build the pain up slowly – a sub can often take more if you start gently and build up the intensity with each stroke. And always to agree a safe word.’

      Max turned his attention to his meal.

      ‘Aren’t you afraid that by telling me all this you’re going to expose all your secrets and spoil it?’ I asked.

      Max shrugged. ‘You wanted to know. And I’m telling you because I know you want to hear – and I know you want to feel it.’

      I stared at him.

      He smiled. ‘Don’t you?’ he said. ‘And you seem to have forgotten the no talking unless spoken to rule.’ Then, leaning in closer as if to kiss me gently on my cheek, he whispered in my ear, his hand brushing my breast. I shivered. ‘Imagine them bound and clamped,’ he said. ‘It seems like a suitable punishment.’

      I swallowed hard and he grinned.

      ‘Anyway, Jessa picked up the cane and stroked Eva’s breasts with it. Eva tried to pull away. Jessa drew the cane across Eva’s breasts and very gently tapped them. She had already told me that you sometimes need to push the boundaries. Eva was wide-eyed, eyes flashing. Jessa liked to tease and flicked Eva’s breasts with the cane. Then she flicked them again, this time with a sharp, snappy little strike, and Eva squealed through her gag. I was torn between rescuing her and enjoying what I was watching.

      ‘Then Jessa tapped the padlock that fastened the strap between Eva’s legs and asked me if I had the key.

      ‘I knew that I had and patted my pockets, not sure in the heat of the moment what I’d done with it. But I found it, pulled it out and offered it to Jessa, who shook her head and said, “She’s yours, not mine. You should do it.” And as she spoke she dropped the cane back onto the table and picked up a flogger.’

      Max laughed and shook his head. ‘I was a mess. I was there for ages. I couldn’t get the key into the lock. My fingers shook, and I could feel heat coming from Eva’s body and smell the scent of her mingled with the leather. In the end I knelt down and finally undid the strap. Then I couldn’t help myself: I kissed her, licking her sex with my tongue. She was so wet, so ready. At which point Jessa – all business – tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Later,” and handed me the flogger.

      ‘I’m not sure that I was that keen to wait, but then she showed me how to hit and where to hit – avoiding the kidneys and the sciatic nerve; and how to begin slowly and how to build it up, stroke by stroke. And with each stroke it felt more and more as though I was coming home. It felt good – really good.

      ‘After twelve strokes, we untied Eva and let her down. She sank to her knees, pressing her lips to Jessa’s feet and then to her pussy. Jessa gave Eva permission. Eva unfastened the snaps at either side of Jessa’s shorts and peeled them away. Underneath Jessa was shaved. It was the first time I’d seen a grown woman like that – you could see the slit and the bud of her clitoris peeking out. Jessa settled herself back on the bed with Eva on all fours between her legs, lapping and sucking her. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen; I’d never seen anything so horny in my life. I kept wondering just how much longer I could hold it together without coming.

      ‘Then Jessa beckoned me over and invited me to join in. “Time to enjoy her,” she said, all the while Eva was licking her. Then Jessa threw back her head, locking her fingers in Eva’s hair, and just let go.

      ‘I didn’t need telling twice. I stripped off and sank into Eva. There was no way I was going to last for long – I kept trying to hold back but it was pointless. She was trying to tip me over the edge. I felt her fingers brushing my balls as she started to rub her clit – she was still tonguing Jessa, while her pussy was clutching tightly at my cock. I closed my eyes, desperately trying to hang on, trying to make it last, but it was a lost cause. I totally lost it: I drove into her, wild, desperate, and that was it. Totally spent, I collapsed onto the bed and then rolled over onto my back, completely and utterly shot.

      ‘I woke between the two of them God knows how much later, an arm round each. Jessa was sound asleep but my waking up woke Eva. She opened her eyes and before I could say anything she was on her knees, creeping down over my chest and taking me in her mouth – and I couldn’t help myself. It was a long, long night.’

      I stared at him.

      Max grinned. ‘Satisfied?’

      I nodded.

      He beckoned me closer.

      ‘Eat up. There is a price for all this curiosity,’ he said, eyes bright.

       Chapter Ten

      ‘Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon.’

       Simone de Beauvoir

      ‘So how’s the new man working out, then?’ asked Gabbie, forking a great pile of lasagne into her open mouth. It was a girls’-get-together night. A lot of wine had been consumed and there were puddings on standby in the fridge.

      Helen, who was currently sitting on the other side of the table, wiped something tomato-ey off her chin and rolled

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