Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph  Polansky

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things. Some of you might be expressing philanthropy by taking in strangers or showing hospitality to strangers–not so advisable during this period. It is only advisable if intuition commands it.

      Some family members of appropriate age are joining the military or police force. There is a noble motive behind what they do. Others (and this seems more likely parents or parent figures) are having surgery this year.

      Family members are becoming more spiritual during this period, and while this is a good thing it can also be a source of conflict with other family members–in fact, it is a classic source of conflict. There can also be conflicts over your friends or with your friends. Try to be soft-spoken and not provocative when dealing with family members. Take a few deep breaths and count to ten before answering.

      Your spouse or current love (and children, too) wants to move or enlarge the home (or perhaps buy an additional home). You are cool about it. This could happen from June 6th to September 10th. Parents or parent figures are doing extensive repairs in the home. Siblings are better off not moving in spite of their spouses’ desires. There is space where they are if they manage it properly.

      Finance and Career

      Your 2nd house of finance is not a House of Power this year. So you seem content with the way things are going. You have no need to make major changes. This tends to be a status-quo kind of year. Keep in mind, though, that the empty money house (for the most part) also gives you much freedom to shape your finances according to your desires–and since Taurus is always interested in money there is more financial freedom this year.

      With fast-moving Mercury as your financial planet, earnings and earning opportunities tend to come to you in a variety of ways and means. It all depends on where Mercury is at a given time and the kinds of aspects he is receiving. We’ll discuss these in the monthly reports.

      Your financial planet will go retrograde four times this year–this is unusual. Generally he retrogrades three times in a given year. Thus, in the year ahead you will need to do more financial homework and exercise more caution than usual.

      Steady readers know that when your financial planet goes retrograde it is time to review your finances–to see where improvements can be made. It is not time for important decision making. Mercury’s retrogrades this year are from January 1st-15th, April 18th to May 11th, August 20th to September 12th and December 10th to 30th. We will discuss this further in the monthly reports.

      The real headline, like last year, is your career. You did well last year and will do even better in the year ahead. Jupiter and Uranus are pretty much conjunct (travelling together) from May 15th through September. This shows sudden, meteoric success–promotions, pay rises, advancement. Many of you will attain sudden fame in the year ahead. How much fame depends on your status and stage in life. Whatever your stage, it is safe to say that you will become more well known than in the past year. Sudden, unexpected career opportunities will come your way. Many of you will have happy career changes. These things usually lead to more money, but money per se doesn’t seem the objective.

      Career success seems to come from friends in the right places who are helping you. It would be a good idea (from a career perspective) to be more involved in professional, trade or social organizations.

      Jupiter rules your 8th house of inheritance. Thus an inheritance is likely in the coming year. Hopefully nobody has to actually die. It can come through being named in someone’s will or being named as an executor, or through trust funds and the like.

      This position also shows being ‘suddenly’ out of debt. Or having a sudden–a large–increase in your line of credit. Investors can come to you suddenly out of the blue as well.

      From an investment perspective, high-tech companies, new inventions, airlines, bonds and the bond market are all favourable this year. In general property, telecommunications, transport and media are favourable for you.

      Meteoric success can be just as stressful as meteoric failure. Your challenge will be to handle this in a calm and balanced way–not to let it go to your head. Be thankful and appreciative, but keep your feet planted firmly on the ground.

      Love and Social Life

      Your 7th house of love and marriage is not a House of Power this year. Normally this would show satisfaction with the status quo–and thus no major changes here. Singles would remain single, marrieds would remain married. By the way, this is the way Taurus likes things. Status quo is a happy state for Taurus.

      But, as we mentioned earlier, your love planet will be eclipsed in the coming year–and not only that, it will be camping out on this eclipse point for many months. You might want the status quo, but change is definitely happening. Your marriage or current relationship (especially if it is your first marriage) is getting tested by the eclipse. (This applies to business partnerships as well.) Generally this brings out the dirty laundry in a relationship–the problems that have been repressed or suppressed. If the relationship is basically sound, it survives and even gets stronger. But if the relationship was flawed from the start, it can dissolve.

      There are a few issues happening here. First, your love planet made a major move last year from happy-go-lucky Sagittarius to sober and conservative Capricorn. This changed your needs and attitudes in love. Love was basically happy-go-lucky and fun-loving for the past 15 years. Now, suddenly, it is more practical. You, or your beloved, are thinking differently about the relationship. And this creates stress. In some cases there is a feeling that the passion has gone out of the marriage–that you and your beloved have lost the ‘spark’, that you are just going through the motions coldly and mechanically–that, perhaps, the marriage is just a convenience and not a real romance. Third, the eclipse is happening. Sometimes the testing comes from dramas in the life of your partner or beloved–health issues or surgery–and is not the fault of the relationship per se.

      Somehow or other the spark has to be reignited. With your kind of chart–with Pluto as your love planet–good sex will cover many sins. But this of itself won’t be enough. Material gifts and material support are important. And with your love planet in the 9th house–foreign journeys, second honeymoons, taking courses together as a couple, worshipping together as a couple–will also be a big help.

      For singles, this eclipse of the love planet can actually signal a marriage–a change in your marital condition. With your love planet now in Capricorn, let love develop slowly–don’t try to test it. (The eclipse will test things on its own without your help.) While it is good to be practical in love and to want security, don’t go overboard and just marry for convenience (you are sorely tempted now)–those things rarely bring happiness in the long term. Sexual chemistry is always important for you, but also look for someone who is ‘philosophically’ compatible–someone who looks at life in a similar way to you.

      You find love and social opportunities at educational or religious settings–at university or a university lecture–at church, synagogue, ashram or mosque–in foreign countries and perhaps with foreigners. You gravitate to foreign people these days–they are more exotic. Good education and refinement are also important to you. Love is seldom a smooth ride, but this year it seems even more bumpy than usual.

      Those in, or working on, their second marriage also have a bumpy ride, as two dynamic planets–Saturn and Uranus–make stressful aspects to your love planet. Relationships are being tested.

      Those working towards their third marriage have fabulous opportunities this year–it is likely to happen.

      Friendships are much smoother and easier than romance. This, like last year, is a banner year for friends. New and prominent–high-status–people enter your circle of friends.


      As mentioned earlier, spirituality is going to be very important in coming years. In 2010 you will only feel the first inklings–the first stirrings–of it, especially those of you born early in the sign. But in 2011 (and for years after) all of you will be deeply involved.


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