Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign. Joseph Polansky

Your Personal Horoscope 2010: Month-by-month Forecasts for Every Sign - Joseph  Polansky

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better use of the space that they have presently. Also, the cosmos is pushing them to reorganize and re-order their present domestic life.

      Grandchildren are likely to move this year (especially for those of you born early in the sign of Aries).

      Your spouse, partner or current love wants to make major renovations in the home, but you seem cool about it. If you are looking to beautify your home–i.e. repaint, redecorate, buy art objects and the like–May 20th to June 14th is a good time.

      Parents or parent figures are contemplating cosmetic-type surgeries. What they really want is to ‘transform’ and ‘reinvent’ their body and image, and there are various non-surgical ways to do this. Many of them will opt for these ways, too. Children are also contemplating surgery–but not the cosmetic kind. Siblings need to mind their health more. Your spouse or partner benefits from alternative, experimental therapies–they have good luck with these things. But most importantly, they need to watch their energy–keep energy levels high–and avoid depression.

      Finance and Career

      Your 2nd house of finance is not a House of Power this year. Thus, most of you seem satisfied with things as they are and have no need to make major changes. Your financial life doesn’t need special attention. It’s a status-quo kind of a year.

      For those of you born early in the sign of Aries (March 20th-23rd) it is a different story. Two powerful planets–Uranus and Jupiter–visit you briefly this year. Uranus will come into your sign from May 28th to August 14th; Jupiter will be in your sign from June 6th to September 10th. A very exciting period–and prosperous, too. The heavens are opening up to you and revealing riches and possibilities beyond your imagination. Your limitations get broken. A new freedom allows for new riches. While this is not the full-blown transit of these planets–these are announcements of things to come. You are being prepared for new freedom and new riches in 2011 and beyond (and this is true for all of you Aries). Your whole financial picture will change with the speed of lightning. You can be wallowing in problems or feel that you are stuck in a rut–and bam!–you are out. A friend, an acquaintance, an opportunity in a foreign land or events in foreign lands change the picture and produce opportunities.

      Jupiter and Uranus travelling together is read by astrologers as ‘sudden wealth’–and this will happen for those of you born early in the sign. Those of you born later in the sign will experience this in coming years. Sudden wealth is a wonderful thing, but needs to be handled just so–for it tends to be unstable. One should set aside earnings into stable investments. When we say ‘sudden wealth’ we don’t mean that all of you will become millionaires (though many of you will, and some will even become billionaires). We mean that you attain your own ‘standard’ of wealth suddenly. For some this might mean a pay rise of X amount. For others a specified sum. For others a certain kind of lifestyle. But your net worth will increase ‘suddenly’.

      There are lessons to be learned from poverty, and lessons to be gleaned from wealth. It is said in various scriptures that one needs to know how to live with both. Now–and in 2011–you will be learning the lessons of wealth.

      Venus is your financial planet and she is a fast-moving planet. During the year she will move through all the signs and houses of your horoscope. Thus money and financial opportunities will come to you in a variety of ways and through a variety of people and conditions. These short-term trends are best dealt with in the month-by-month reports.

      There are career changes happening this year–especially for those of you born early in the sign. Those of you born later, after March 26th, will experience these changes in future years–but all is being prepared. Your whole corporate hierarchy (and industry) is undergoing deep and fundamental change and this will open up opportunities for you. The barriers to advancement are being blown away. Your own attitudes to career and success are also getting purified. Non-helpful attitudes (perhaps unconscious) will go, and this will be very helpful to you. Many of you are doing deep re-thinking about your entire career path.

      Your career planet shifts between two signs this year (like last year). It begins the year in the sign of Libra, then it moves into Virgo (where it has been for the past 2 years) from April 8th to July 22nd, and then moves back into Libra after July 22nd and for the next 2 years or so. While your career planet is in Libra (January 1st to April 8th and July 22nd to December 31st) you advance your career by ‘soft’ methods–through social means, through attending or hosting the right parties and gatherings, through making friends in the right places and, in some cases, through marriages, alliances and joint ventures. While Saturn is in Virgo you advance your career the old-fashioned way: through sheer hard work.

      Your career planet shifting signs also shows that bosses and superiors value different things this year. Sometimes they value the work ethic–that becomes for them the paramount virtue. But other times they value ‘likeability’–social grace, the ability to get on with others–more than merely ‘hard work’. You need to be prepared for this shift.

      Love and Social Life

      When Saturn first moved into Libra (October 29th, 2009) it signalled a testing of current love relationships–marriages and partnerships. This doesn’t mean that they had to fail–though many have failed. It only means that great stress was put on these relationships–in the same way a car manufacturer puts unusual stress on a new design–to ferret out weaknesses and flaws and to determine how much stress and rough handling the vehicle can take. For basically sound relationships–where the fundamentals are good–these testings can be very valuable and lead to a more enduring and deeper relationship. For we never really know the depth of our love for or commitment to someone when ‘times are good’–when the sun is shining and the roses are blooming. It is during the tough times–the storms of life–that we learn of our love. Does he or she really love me? How much? How deeply? These are the questions that are getting answered now.

      For relationships that were not fundamentally sound–that only survived because of fair weather or convenience–this transit signals the end. It is doubtful whether they can survive the tests.

      Either way, the end result is good. It is good that a fundamentally flawed relationship ends–this leaves both parties free to find a more perfect relationship.

      This testing process continues in the year ahead. There is a brief respite from April 8th to July 22nd (as Saturn moves out of the 7th house and back into the 6th) but then it resumes again from July 22nd onwards.

      Last year was a great social year–especially in regard to friendships. This year, those friendships will also get tested.

      But Saturn moving through your house of love and marriage also gives us other messages. It shows that you are mixing with people–socially and romantically–who are above you in status, the high and the mighty, people of power, prestige and position. For singles this is a classic aspect of the ‘office romance’–romance with the boss or a superior.

      Love attitudes this year are practical. Singles are looking for the good provider, the settled and stable relationship, the person who can boost their career. In many cultures this aspect would indicate an arranged marriage. Our common notions of ‘romance’ are not shared by many cultures–they see it as an illusion and delusion. And many of you are feeling this way these days. Never mind passion–marriage or a relationship is a job, a career move, like any other. One can learn to love anyone, so one might as well learn to love the person who can help in practical ways.

      Often these aspects show a marriage of convenience–this is especially so for singles. Those already married are in danger of keeping their relationship going strictly for the sake of it.

      Another problem in relationships–and this pertains to those of your born early in the sign (March 20th-23rd)–is Uranus’ move into your sign. This is not a great aspect for committed kinds of relationships. It creates a desire for personal freedom–of wanting no obligations whatsoever–and this is the very antithesis of relationship. Those of you involved romantically with an Aries should understand this. Give your Aries mate as much space as possible

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