The Hollows Series Books 1-4. Kim Harrison

The Hollows Series Books 1-4 - Kim  Harrison

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bred horses, I thought, and rode them at night?

      The twin thumps of his heels into his boots were loud. My breath coming faster, I watched him stand, seeming far taller than the extra inch the boots gave him. The light dimmed as a cloud passed before the moon. I almost missed it when he reached under the chair he had been sitting on.

      In a smooth, graceful motion, he pulled a gun and trained it on me. My throat closed.

      “I hear you,” he said evenly, his voice rising and falling like water. “Come out. Now.”

      Chills raced down my arms and legs, setting my fingertips to tingle. I crouched beside the desk, not believing he had sensed me. But he was facing me squarely, his feet spread wide and his shadow looking formidable. “Put your gun down first,” I whispered.

      “Ms. Morgan?” The shadow straightened. He was actually surprised. I wondered who he had expected. “Why should I?” he asked, his mellow voice soothing despite the threat in it.

      “My partner has a spell right over your head,” I bluffed.

      The shadow that was Trent shifted as he glanced up. “Lights, forty-eight percent,” he said, his voice harsh. The room brightened, but not enough to ruin my night vision. Knees turning to water, I rose from my crouch, trying to look as if I had planned this as I leaned against his desk in my silk and spandex bodysuit and crossed my ankles.

      Gun tight in his grip, Trent ran his gaze over me, looking disgustingly refined and smart in his green riding outfit. I forced myself to not look at the weapon pointing at me as my gut tightened. “Your gun?” I questioned, sending my gaze to the ceiling where Jenks waited.

      “Drop it, Kalamack!” Jenks shrilled from the light fixture, his wings clattering in an aggressive noise.

      Trent’s stance eased to match my own tension-laced, casual poise. Motions sharp and abrupt, he took the bullets from the gun and tossed the heavy metal to my feet. I didn’t touch it, feeling my breath come easier. The bullets clattered dully into a pocket of his riding jacket. In the stronger light, I could see evidence of his healing demon attack. A yellowing bruise decorated his cheekbone. The end of a blue cast poked beyond the cuff of his jacket. A healing scrape showed on his chin. I found myself thinking that despite it all, he looked good. It wasn’t right that he should look so confident when he thought he had a lethal spell hanging over him.

      “I only need to say one word, and Quen will be here in three minutes,” he said lightly.

      “How long do you take to die?” I bluffed.

      His jaw clenched in anger, making him seem younger. “Is that what you are here for?”

      “If it was, you’d already be dead.”

      He nodded, accepting that as truth. Standing wire-tight across the room, his gaze flicked to his open briefcase. “Which disc do you have?”

      Feigning confidence, I brushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. “Huntington. If anything happens to me, it will go to six papers and three news studios along with the missing page of your planner.” I pushed myself off from his desk. “Leave me alone,” I threatened flatly.

      His arms hung unmoving at his sides, his broken one at an angle. My skin pricked, though he made no move, and my veneer of confidence slipped. “Black magic?” he mocked. “Demons killed your father. Shame to see the daughter go the same way.”

      My breath hissed in. “What do you know of my dad?” I said, shocked.

      His eyes slid to my wrist—the one with the demon scar—and my face went cold. My stomach knotted as I remembered the demon killing me slowly. “I hope it hurt you,” I said, not caring that my voice quavered. Maybe he’d think it was in anger. “I don’t know how you survived it. I almost didn’t.”

      Trent’s face went red and he pointed a finger at me. It was nice to see him act like a real person. “Sending a demon to attack me was a mistake,” he said, his words sharp. “I don’t deal in black magic, nor do I allow my employees to do so.”

      “You big fat liar!” I exclaimed, not caring if it sounded childish. “You got what you deserved. I didn’t start this, but I’ll be damned if I don’t finish it!”

      “I’m not the one with the demon mark, Ms. Morgan,” he said icily. “A liar as well? How disappointing. I’m seriously considering withdrawing my offer of employment. Pray I don’t, or I won’t have any reason to tolerate your actions any longer.”

      Angry, I took a breath to tell him he was an idiot. But my mouth stopped. Trent thought I had summoned the demon that had attacked him. My eyes went wide as I figured it out. Someone had called two demons—one for me, one for him—and it hadn’t been anyone at the I.S. I’d stake my life on it. Heart pounding, I reached out to explain, then shut my mouth.

      Trent went wary. “Ms. Morgan?” he questioned softly. “What thought just percolated through that head of yours?”

      I shook my head, licking my lips as I took a step back. If he thought I dealt in black magic, he’d leave me alone. And as long as I had proof of his guilt, he wouldn’t risk killing me. “Don’t back me into a corner,” I threatened, “and I won’t bother you again.”

      Trent’s questioning expression hardened. “Get out,” he said, moving from the porch in a graceful movement. Shifting as one, we exchanged places. “I’ll give you a generous head start,” he said as he reached his desk, snapping his briefcase shut. His voice was dusky, as rich and abiding as the scent of decaying maple leaves. “It may take ten minutes to reach my horse.”

      “Excuse me?” I asked, confused.

      “I haven’t run down two-footed prey since my father died.” Trent adjusted his hunter-green coat with an aggressive motion. “It’s the full moon, Ms. Morgan,” he said, his voice thick with promise. “The hounds are loosed. You’re a thief. Tradition says you should run—fast.”

      My heart pounded and my face went cold. I had what I came for, but it would do me no good if I couldn’t escape with it. There was thirty miles of woods between me and the nearest source of help. How fast did a horse run? How long could I go before I dropped? Maybe I should have told him I hadn’t sent the demon.

      The distant sound of a horn lifted through the black. A baying hound answered it. Fear struck through me, as painful as a knife. It was an old, ancient fear, one so primal it couldn’t be soothed with self-induced delusions. I didn’t even know where it came from. “Jenks,” I whispered. “Let’s go.”

      “Right behind you, Rache,” he said from the ceiling.

      I took three running steps and dove off Trent’s porch. I landed in a rolling crouch in the ferns. There was an explosion of a gun. The foliage beside my hand shattered. Lunging into the greenery, I bolted into a sprint.

      Bastard! I thought, my knees almost giving way. What happened to my ten minutes?

      Running, I fumbled for my vial of saltwater. I bit through the top and soaked my amulet. It flickered and went out. Ivy’s would turn and stay red. The road was less than a mile. The gatehouse was three. The city was thirty. How long would it take Ivy to get here?

      “How fast can you fly, Jenks?” I panted between foot strikes.

      “Pretty damn fast, Rache.”

      I stuck to the paths until I reached the garden wall. A dog bayed as I climbed over it. Another answered. Shit.

      Breathing in time with my strides, I ran over the manicured lawn and into that eerie wood. The sound of the dogs fell behind me. The wall was giving them trouble. They’d have to go around. Maybe I could do this. “Jenks,” I panted as my legs began to protest. “How long have I been running?”

      “Five minutes.”

      God, help me, I silently pleaded, feeling my legs begin to ache. It felt like twice that.


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