The Horse in 2016: Your Chinese Horoscope. Neil Somerville

The Horse in 2016: Your Chinese Horoscope - Neil  Somerville

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Monkey years have been marked by violence and some high-profile assassinations. These include those of President Doumer of France, Senator Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Archbishop Romero and John Lennon, and while it is hoped that 2016 will be free of such acts, the portents are not promising.

      A major event of the year will be the summer Olympics held in Brazil. The games will be colourful and a visual feast. For a few weeks at least, billions around the world will enjoy following the fortunes of athletes as well as marvel at some mesmerizing performances. Quite a few long-standing records will be broken.

      For the individual, Monkey years can be regarded as times of great possibility. They favour enterprise and progress. They also contain the seeds of personal growth and making more of the potential that lies within. Each of us has the ability to put our talents to greater use. In the Monkey year, aim to make this year special – whether by nurturing your talents, working on an idea or contributing more in some way. Monkey years have energy and opportunity for us all. Enjoy what this year brings.

      Good luck and good fortune.

      11 February 1918 to 31 January 1919 — Earth Horse

      30 January 1930 to 16 February 1931 — Metal Horse

      15 February 1942 to 4 February 1943 — Water Horse

      3 February 1954 to 23 January 1955 — Wood Horse

      21 January 1966 to 8 February 1967 — Fire Horse

      7 February 1978 to 27 January 1979 — Earth Horse

      27 January 1990 to 14 February 1991 — Metal Horse

      12 February 2002 to 31 January 2003 — Water Horse

      31 January 2014 to 18 February 2015 — Wood Horse

      The Personality of the Horse

      There are many worn paths,

      but the most rewarding

      is the one you decide on and forge yourself.

      The Horse is born under the signs of elegance and ardour. He has a most engaging and charming manner and is usually very popular. He loves meeting people and likes attending parties and other large social gatherings.

      The Horse is a lively character and enjoys being the centre of attention. He has many leadership qualities and is much admired for his honest and straightforward manner. He is an eloquent and persuasive speaker and has a great love of discussion and debate. He also has a particularly agile mind and can assimilate facts remarkably quickly.

      He does, however, have a fiery temper and although his outbursts are usually short-lived, he can often say things that he will later regret. He is also not particularly good at keeping secrets.

      The Horse has many interests and involves himself in a wide variety of activities. He can, however, get involved in so much that he can often waste his energies on projects that he never has time to complete. He also has a tendency to change his interests rather frequently and will often get caught up in the latest craze or ‘in thing’ until something more exciting turns up.

      The Horse also likes to have a certain amount of freedom and independence. He hates being bound by petty rules and regulations and as far as possible likes to feel that he is answerable to no one but himself. But despite this spirit of freedom, he still likes to have the support and encouragement of others in his various enterprises.

      Due to his many talents and likeable nature, the Horse will often go far in life. He enjoys challenges and is a methodical and tireless worker. However, should things go against him and he fail in any of his enterprises, it will take a long time for him to recover and pick up the pieces again. Success to the Horse means everything. To fail is a disaster and a humiliation.

      The Horse likes to have variety in life and will try his hand at many different things before he settles down to one particular job. Even then, he will probably remain alert to see whether there are any better opportunities for him to take up. He has a restless nature and can easily get bored. He does, however, excel in any position that allows him sufficient freedom to act on his own initiative or brings him into contact with a lot of people.

      Although the Horse is not particularly bothered about accumulating great wealth, he handles his finances with care and will rarely experience any serious financial problems.

      The Horse also enjoys travel and loves visiting new and faraway places. At some stage during his life he will be tempted to live abroad for a short period of time and due to his adaptable nature will find that he will fit in well wherever he goes.

      The Horse pays a great deal of attention to his appearance and usually likes to wear smart, colourful and rather distinctive clothes. He is very attractive to others and will often have many romances before he settles down. He is loyal and protective to his partner, but despite his family commitments he still likes to retain a certain measure of independence and have the freedom to carry on with his own interests and hobbies. He will find that he is especially suited to those born under the signs of the Tiger, Goat, Rooster and Dog. He can also get on well with the Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Pig and another Horse, but he will find the Ox too serious and intolerant for his liking. He will also have difficulty in getting on with the Monkey and the Rat – the Monkey is very inquisitive and the Rat seeks security, and both will resent the Horse’s rather independent ways.

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