The Snake in 2016: Your Chinese Horoscope. Neil Somerville

The Snake in 2016: Your Chinese Horoscope - Neil  Somerville

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Unfortunately, Monkey years have been marked by violence and some high-profile assassinations. These include those of President Doumer of France, Senator Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Archbishop Romero and John Lennon, and while it is hoped that 2016 will be free of such acts, the portents are not promising.

      A major event of the year will be the summer Olympics held in Brazil. The games will be colourful and a visual feast. For a few weeks at least, billions around the world will enjoy following the fortunes of athletes as well as marvel at some mesmerizing performances. Quite a few long-standing records will be broken.

      For the individual, Monkey years can be regarded as times of great possibility. They favour enterprise and progress. They also contain the seeds of personal growth and making more of the potential that lies within. Each of us has the ability to put our talents to greater use. In the Monkey year, aim to make this year special – whether by nurturing your talents, working on an idea or contributing more in some way. Monkey years have energy and opportunity for us all. Enjoy what this year brings.

      Good luck and good fortune.

      23 January 1917 to 10 February 1918 — Fire Snake

      10 February 1929 to 29 January 1930 — Earth Snake

      27 January 1941 to 14 February 1942 — Metal Snake

      14 February 1953 to 2 February 1954 — Water Snake

      2 February 1965 to 20 January 1966 — Wood Snake

      18 February 1977 to 6 February 1978 — Fire Snake

      6 February 1989 to 26 January 1990 — Earth Snake

      24 January 2001 to 11 February 2002 — Metal Snake

      10 February 2013 to 30 January 2014 — Water Snake

      The Personality of the Snake

      I think

      And think some more.

      About what is,

      About what can be,

      About what may be.

      And when I am ready,

      Then I act.

      The Snake is born under the sign of wisdom. He is highly intelligent and his mind is forever active. He is always planning and always looking for ways in which he can use his considerable skills. He is a deep thinker and likes to meditate and reflect.

      Many times during his life he will shed one of his famous Snake skins and take up new interests or start a completely different job. The Snake enjoys a challenge and he rarely makes mistakes. He is a skilful organizer, has considerable business acumen and is usually lucky in money matters. Most Snakes are financially secure in their later years, provided they do not gamble – the Snake has the distinction of being the worst gambler in the whole of the Chinese zodiac!

      The Snake generally has a calm and placid nature and prefers the quieter things in life. He does not like to be in a frenzied atmosphere and hates being hurried into making a quick decision. He also does not like interference in his affairs and tends to rely on his own judgement rather than listen to advice.

      At times the Snake can appear solitary. He is quiet, reserved and sometimes has difficulty in communicating with others. He has little time for idle gossip and will certainly not suffer fools gladly. He does, however, have a good sense of humour and this is particularly appreciated in times of crisis.

      The Snake is certainly not afraid of hard work and is thorough in all that he does. He is very determined and can occasionally be ruthless in order to achieve his aims. His confidence, willpower and quick thinking usually ensure his success, but should he fail it will often take a long time for him to recover. He cannot bear failure and is a very bad loser.

      The Snake can also be evasive and does not willingly let people into his confidence. This secrecy and distrust can sometimes work against him and these are traits that all Snakes should try to overcome.

      Another characteristic of the Snake is his tendency to rest after any sudden or prolonged bout of activity. He burns up so much nervous energy that he can, if he is not careful, be susceptible to high blood pressure and nervous disorders.

      It has sometimes been said that the Snake is a late starter in life and this is mainly because it often takes him a while to find a job in which he is genuinely happy. However, he will usually do well in any position that involves research and writing and where he is given sufficient freedom to develop his own ideas and plans. He makes a good teacher, politician, personnel manager and social adviser.

      The Snake chooses his friends carefully and while he keeps a tight control over his finances, he can be particularly generous to those he likes. He will think nothing of buying expensive gifts or treating his friends or loved ones to the best theatre seats in town. In return, he demands loyalty. The Snake is very possessive and can become extremely jealous and hurt if he finds his trust has been abused.

      The Snake is also renowned for his good looks and is never short of admirers. The female Snake in particular is most alluring. She has style, grace and excellent (and usually expensive) taste in clothes. A keen socializer, she is likely to have a wide range of friends and the happy knack of impressing those who matter. She has numerous interests and her opinions are often highly valued. She is generally a calm person and while she involves herself in many activities, she likes to retain a certain amount of privacy in her undertakings.

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