Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year - Neil  Somerville

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Rats will take on something very different from what they have previously been doing and will delight in the fresh start. Rooster years may be challenging, but are not without opportunity.

      In money matters, Rats will, though, need to be vigilant. They should be thorough when attending to paperwork or taking on a new commitment and seek professional advice if unsure. This is not a year for risk. Also, in view of some of the expensive plans and undertakings of the year, they should keep careful control over their budget.

      Overall, Rats will often be astonished by the great deal they manage to do in these very full and fast-paced 12 months. However, they need to be mindful of developments and respond accordingly. Also, throughout the year, they would do well to listen to their feelings and their inner voice. When faced with difficulties, they will know in their heart what to do, and they should not go against their instincts. Though this is a demanding year, it can, however, also be a rewarding one. Relations with others can be of great value and, with support and joint effort, much can be accomplished.

      Tips for the Year

      Remember that things happen for a reason. So, make the most of opportunities to build on your skills and experience. With commitment, what you achieve now can lead on to other possibilities. Also, in view of the general busyness of the year, aim for a balanced lifestyle and give time to those who are special to you.

      Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Dog

      A reasonable year which also calls for a certain care. While Rats can make good progress, they will need to be alert, attentive and aware of potentially troubling areas, especially in their relations with others. Fortunately, their canny nature will serve them well.

      At work, the Dog year will see much activity and many Rats will be able to profit from their considerable experience. As developments occur and workloads become greater, there will be the chance for many to take on further responsibilities and make encouraging headway. They can help their position by working closely with their colleagues and getting themselves better known. Those who work in a creative environment in particular may find themselves winning plaudits for their work. With commitment and their typical enthusiasm, they can enjoy this promising and productive time.

      Rats seeking work or keen to take on something different should not only explore possibilities but also speak to contacts and employment advisers. By keeping alert and taking note of any suggestions offered, many could secure an important opening which offers the chance of further progress in the near future. Perseverance and some patience may be needed, but Dog years invariably deliver.

      Another important factor of the year is the way it encourages personal development. This is a time for Rats to build on their skills and capabilities and further personal interests. Some may choose to enrol on courses of study, while others develop in other ways, but efforts made now can not only be personally satisfying but also have far-reaching value.

      Progress made at work can help income and some Rats may also find ways to put a skill or interest to profitable use over the year. The enterprising talents of some could really pay off. However, while financially an improved year, it may also be one in which outgoings are high, especially as many Rats will proceed with costly plans and purchases for their home as well as take on new financial commitments. As a result, they will need to watch their outgoings as well as check the terms of any new agreement. A risk, oversight or hasty decision could lead to regret. Rats, take note and be thorough.

      Another area where care is required is relations with others. With busy lifestyles and often demanding work situations, Rats could feel under pressure or be preoccupied with certain matters. At such times, they do need to share what is on their mind. If they bottle up their feelings, there is a risk that difficulties could arise. Also, throughout the year, they should ensure that, where possible, quality time with others does not suffer. Shared activities, interests and home projects can ease tensions and lead to some enjoyable times.

      Similarly, regular contact with friends and time set aside for recreational pursuits can do Rats a lot of good this year.

      For those enjoying romance, again care and attention will be very necessary if relationships are to strengthen. With the aspects as they are, this is no time for Rats to take the feelings of others for granted or be too reticent or guarded.

      Overall, however, they can fare well this year and build on their achievements, especially in their work. It is a good year for developing their knowledge and skills and raising their profile. However, Dog years can be demanding and Rats do need to make sure that their busy life is also a balanced one. Giving time and attention to others is so very important this year.

      Tips for the Year

      Consult others and listen to what they have to say. The better your communication, the better you will fare. In addition, with such a lot happening, stay well organized and concentrate on priorities.

      Rat Fortunes in the Year of the Pig

      The Pig year offers interesting prospects for the Rat and will see the successful culmination of many plans, projects and activities. But it is also a year for treading carefully and Rats will face many demands on their time as well as a few anxious moments.

      At work, their resourcefulness will be valuable and they should aim to contribute, particularly if there are situations requiring new ideas or creative input. This is a year to be proactive and many of the ideas that Rats put forward during it will find favour and enhance their reputation. This is a time when their proven skills can bear fruit, and when positions offering greater responsibility fall vacant, they should be quick to follow them up, as there is the potential to make important headway.

      For Rats currently unfulfilled or seeking work, this can be an ideal year to reappraise their situation and consider what it is they actually want to do. In some cases, training or refresher courses could be worth considering. Important opportunities can be identified, and although some of what these Rats take on could come with a steep learning curve, they will often have the chance to establish themselves in a new capacity.

      Although progress at work can lead to an increase in income, money matters do need care and attention, however. In particular, Rats should be wary of making hurried decisions or taking on anything potentially risky. When entering into any important agreement, they should check the terms and obligations, and seek clarification if they have any concerns. They should also take care of their possessions, as a loss could be upsetting. Rats, take note and be thorough and vigilant.

      More positively, travel will tempt and some exciting plans can take shape. In addition to the possible benefits of a holiday, Rats should allow themselves the chance to relax and unwind from time to time. In this busy year they need an occasional respite. Also, if feeling tired or listless or having any particular health concerns, they would benefit from seeking medical advice. A good lifestyle balance and some self-care are especially advised this year.

      If there have been strains in a relationship or friendship of late, this is also an excellent year to address concerns and heal any rift or disagreement. The Rat’s personable nature will help in this. And for Rats who are alone and perhaps have experienced some personal hurt, this is a time to draw a line under the past and regard this year as a new start. Pig years reward a positive ‘can do’ approach and many active and earnest Rats will benefit from their actions during it. Some important new friendships can be formed this year and romantic prospects are potentially significant.

      Domestically, too, Pig years favour shared activities, and by drawing on the help of their loved ones, Rats will often be pleased with the domestic plans they carry out as well as see the completion of some longer-term projects. What is achieved this year can be especially gratifying. However, with all the activity going on, some relaxation and quality time should be factored in, as well as, if possible, a holiday. Pig years favour togetherness. Also Rats need to be careful not to let their enthusiasm run away with them and to overcommit themselves or accede to too many requests. Some discipline is needed.

      In general, Pig years can be significant for Rats. They reward commitment as well as encourage opportunity and growth. There will be a lot for Rats to do and enjoy, but, because of their involvement in so many activities, they need to look after themselves

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