Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year - Neil  Somerville

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addition, Tigers will give important support to their loved ones during the year and their advice and encouragement will be greatly appreciated. With travel likely to appeal, time away can also be valued and do everyone good.

      Tigers enjoy doing a lot at a fast pace, but Snake years encourage them to pause, take stock and build steadily. Rather than rush or be over-ambitious, it is a year to proceed calmly and find greater fulfilment in what takes place. Skills and experience gained now can often have important long-term value. Tigers will need to be aware and attentive in their relations with others, but overall will be pleased with how their ideas and plans develop. And the year’s more moderate pace will allow them to appreciate that much more too.

      Tips for the Year

      Concentrate on the present rather than try to rush ahead. Nurture your strengths, spend time on your interests and value those around you and the rewards your efforts bring.

      Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Horse

      Tigers are quick to latch onto new developments and will find the Horse year full of possibility. As Virgil noted, ‘Fortune favours the bold,’ and in Horse years, fortune favours bold and enterprising Tigers. These are favourable times for them and they will be able to make the most of emerging opportunities. For any Tigers who are unhappy with their current situation, this is a time for change. With resolve, effort and willingness, many can see their prospects substantially improve.

      However, while the aspects are encouraging, to get results Tigers will need to work hard and be persistent. Horse years require application. Those who let chances slip or lack commitment could miss out.

      At work, Tigers will have the chance to make more of the skills and expertise they have recently gained. As a result, when staff movements occur and promotion opportunities arise, many will be excellently placed to benefit. In addition, Horse years often see much activity in the workplace, and by being involved in what is going on, Tigers will not only increase their influence but also have more chance to demonstrate particular strengths. The active nature of the Horse year suits their psyche and, enthused and supported, they can make important progress.

      For Tigers who feel their prospects are limited where they are and would welcome greater scope, as well as those seeking work, the Horse year can again open up good possibilities. By keeping alert, making enquiries and being persistent, these Tigers can secure a position which offers a platform on which to build. Horse years require effort, but do give Tigers the chance to do well.

      Progress made at work can also help income and some Tigers will also benefit from a bonus or gift. These can be improved times financially, although to benefit fully, Tigers need to manage their outgoings and budget for their needs and plans.

      Another positive feature of the year will be the way Tigers can develop their ideas. Whether in a professional capacity or with their personal interests, whenever they have something in mind that they feel has potential, they should take it further. Horse years can be inspiring ones and Tigers can benefit from what they do during them. With this in mind, Tigers skilled in creative pursuits should, if relevant, promote their talents. However, while this is an encouraging year, Tigers do need to persevere and not let setbacks or disappointments weaken their resolve. This is no time to be half-hearted or give up too easily, especially in view of the potential gains to be had.

      Horse years can also see considerable social activity and Tigers will enjoy the events they attend and the chance to meet new people. Their interests in particular can have a good social element.

      For the unattached, affairs of the heart are splendidly aspected. New acquaintances may quickly become special and existing romances more meaningful. These can be busy, exciting and often passionate times. Tigers who start the Horse year discontented will find that positive action can often brighten their outlook. Horse years have great possibilities.

      Tigers can also look forward to some pleasing developments domestically. There will be good reasons for a celebration and a holiday and/or visits to special attractions will also be much appreciated.

      With Tigers on enthusiastic form this year, domestic changes may also be on the agenda, but these do need to be considered carefully and ample time allowed for them, especially if practical undertakings are involved. The Horse year will be busy enough without adding further pressure or starting too many projects all at once. Tigers, take note.

      Overall, the Horse year can be a good one for Tigers. It is one for commitment and hard work, but the drive, ideas and personal qualities Tigers so often show can help them make it both active and fulfilling. Important progress can be made, as this is a year favouring involvement and moving forward. Relations with others can bring Tigers considerable happiness and they will often be buoyed up by the support and goodwill they enjoy. They have much in their favour this year.

      Tips for the Year

      Be determined and persistent. Rewards can be substantial this year, but need striving for. However, while this is a year for effort, it is a lively one too and will bring opportunities. Enjoy what it offers you.

      Tiger Fortunes in the Year of the Goat

      An interesting year ahead, although Tigers will need to keep their wits about them. As they will quickly find, in the Goat year even the best-laid plans do not always proceed in the manner intended.

      However, while Tigers will need to show some flexibility, in some respects this year will suit them. Tigers enjoy rising to the challenge, particularly when ideas are needed or there are solutions to be found, and they also appreciate the satisfying outcomes their efforts bring.

      This will be especially true in work matters. Over the year Tigers will be able to put their skills and creativity to good use and many will play an increasingly important role in their workplace. Their experience and input, including their ability to think out of the box, could prove a real asset and result in a greater role or promotion. However, with a lot happening, they do need to remain focused and concentrate on priorities. This is no year to go off on tangents or be diverted into less helpful matters – always a risk in this active year.

      In addition, Tigers should pay close attention to their relations with their colleagues and be aware of office politics. The year requires them to tread mindfully.

      For Tigers who are seeking change or a new job, the Goat year has good possibilities. Many Tigers will be able to secure a position that not only offers change but also a welcome challenge. The early days could prove daunting, but many Tigers will quickly prove themselves and relish the chance to use their skills in new ways. Goat years can bring some unexpected developments, and by making the most of them, Tigers can really benefit.

      With their inquisitive nature, Tigers have extensive interests, and if something intrigues them this year, they should follow it up and see what develops. Those who lead busy lifestyles in particular should ensure time is set aside for recreational pursuits and, if lacking regular exercise, take advice on activities that may be suitable.

      Travel could also appeal. Tigers should take a holiday this year if possible, as they will enjoy the chance to visit some often special attractions. In addition, they could be tempted by a wide range of events and enjoy the opportunities and sometimes unexpected invitations the Goat year offers.

      With the year’s many activities, spending will be high, however, and Tigers need to manage their resources carefully. A lot can happen quickly and they should be aware of – and make allowance for – the cost of some undertakings. Without discipline, some economizing might be needed later. In addition, they should keep their belongings safe. A loss could be upsetting.

      Domestically, this can be a busy year and there needs to be good liaison between everyone concerned and time set aside for sharing. If not, sometimes domestic life could be conducted at a heady pace and pressures and tiredness give rise to moments of tension. Tigers (and others) need to be mindful of this and aim for a good lifestyle balance. Also, plans and situations can be apt to change in the Goat year and flexibility will be required.

      Socially, this can be a generally favourable year, although with so much going on, Tigers need to take careful note of the views of friends

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