Your Personal Horoscope 2018. Joseph Polansky

Your Personal Horoscope 2018 - Joseph  Polansky

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move into Sagittarius and a stressful alignment. Most of the long-term planets are either in harmonious alignment or leaving you alone. So overall energy is good. Sure, there will be periods where your health and energy are less good than usual (and we will cover this in the monthly reports). But these are temporary periods caused by the short-term planets. They are not trends for the year. When the short-term planets move away, health and energy return to normal.

      The other good health signal is Jupiter in your 6th house, as we mentioned. This shows ‘good fortune’ in matters of health. With this kind of transit cures are often found for things believed to be incurable. Medicines and therapies tend to be effective. The understanding of health and disease gets expanded.

      Good though your health is, you can make it even better, as our regular readers know. Give attention to the following – the vulnerable areas of your Horoscope. (The reflex points are shown in the chart below.) Most of the time, problems can actually be prevented. But even in cases where they can’t be totally prevented, they can be softened to a great extent. They need not be devastating.


       The lungs, arms, shoulders and respiratory system. These are always important for a Gemini. Regular arm and shoulder massage is always advisable as tension tends to collect in the shoulders and needs to be released.

       The liver and thighs. These became important in October of last year, when Jupiter moved into your 6th house, and remain so until November 8 when he moves on. The thighs should be regularly massaged. Thigh massage will not only strengthen the liver but the lower back as well – very important these days. If you feel under the weather a herbal liver cleanse might be just the ticket.

       The colon, bladder and sexual organs. Safe sex and sexual moderation are always important. If you have been neglectful of this, Saturn in your 8th house will probably enforce the issue. If you feel under the weather, a herbal colon cleanse might be a good idea. Many natural healers affirm that all disease begins in the colon, so it is important to keep it clean.

       The spine, knees, teeth, skin and overall skeletal alignment. These have been important areas to you since December 2008, ever since Pluto moved into Capricorn, and they will remain so for many more years. Regular back (and knee) massage is recommended, as are regular visits to a chiropractor or osteopath: the vertebrae need to be kept in right alignment. Therapies such as The Alexander Technique, Rolfing or Feldenkrais are good. Yoga and Pilates are excellent for the spine. Give the knees more support when exercising. If you’re out in the hot sun use a good sun-screen. Regular dental check-ups and cleaning are important too.

      There is another issue to be considered in health. Jupiter, your love planet, is in your health house. So, good health for you (especially this year) means good social health – a healthy marriage or love life. If there are problems here it could impact on your physical health. So, if problems happen (God forbid), restore the harmony in the love and social life as quickly as possible and the health problem will weaken and disappear.

      Home and Family

      Your 4th house of home and family is not strong this year – it is not a house of power. Only short-term planets will move through there – and briefly. The planetary powers are not pushing you one way or another in this department. They give great freedom to shape this area as you will – but you lack the interest. Other things are more important these days. The tendency would be to the status quo. You seem basically content with things as they are.

      Mercury, the ruler of your Horoscope, is also your family planet. This shows that family is important to you and perhaps part of your identity. In many cases, it takes time to forge your own identity as a separate individual within the family group.

      As our regular readers know, Mercury, is a fast-moving and often erratic planet. (Doesn’t this describe Gemini well?) Sometimes he is zipping along with great confidence. Sometimes he moves slowly and cautiously. And, sometimes, he goes backwards. He is the embodiment of ‘flexibility’ – a Gemini trait. In a given year he will move through every sign and house in your Horoscope. Thus there are many short-term home and family trends depending on where Mercury is and the kind of aspects he receives. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      This not an especially great year for doing major renovations to the home. However, if you’re redecorating (repainting or re-arranging things), July 10 to August 7 and August 23 to September 22 are good times. These times are also good for buying furniture or objects of beauty for the home.

      Siblings and sibling figures in your life are likely to move, renovate or buy an additional home this year. They have good fortune in the purchase or sale of a home. Their marriages are being tested. Children and children figures are prospering this year, but the home life seems stable. Parents or parent figures are likely to move or renovate their house after November 8 and into next year. Grandchildren (if you have them) are likely to move – and perhaps multiple times this year and in the coming years. They seem very unsettled.

      The parent figures in your life – both sets – are making important changes to their health regimes. Perhaps there is some health scare that forces this. Their job situation seems unstable and, if they employ others, there is employee turnover.

      Finance and Career

      Your money house is not particularly active this year either. Again, only short-term planets will move through there, rather quickly. Finance is not a major concern. You seem more interested in the finances of others than in your own. This is generally a good thing. You seem satisfied with things as they are and have no need to make drastic changes. In spite of this I feel you will end the year richer than when you began. On November 17 the Moon’s North Node will move into your money house and stay there for the rest of the year (and next year too). The North Node tends to show ‘excess’ – and in finance this is a good thing. Better too much than too little.

      Should financial problems occur, it is most probably due to lack of attention. You have to force yourself to pay attention here.

      Having said this, we do see some important financial shifts, changes and course corrections this year, more than usual. There will be two Lunar Eclipses (the usual number) and these always impact on finance. But in addition to this there is a Solar Eclipse on July 13 that occurs in your money house. This will create dramatic financial change. You probably won’t be initiating these changes, but reacting to the events caused by the eclipse. We will deal with these more fully in the monthly reports.

      The Moon, the fastest and most changeable of all the planets (even more so than Mercury) is your financial planet. Where Mercury will move through all the signs and houses of your Horoscope in one year, the Moon does so every month. Moreover, she is quite changeable, sometimes waxing, sometimes waning, sometime close to the earth and sometimes far away. Thus there are all kinds of short-term financial trends, depending on where the Moon is and the aspects she receives. These are best dealt with in the monthly reports.

      You are more ambitious than usual these days. The long-term planets are mostly in the upper half of your chart this year, and by November 8, all the long-term planets will be there. The bottom half of your chart (the sector of home and family) will never match the power of the upper half. Your career 10th house is strong all year, whereas your family 4th house will only be strong for a couple of months. Jupiter is making beautiful aspects to your career planet Neptune almost all year. Thus you’re successful – elevated in your status and profession. You have good career support from friends and social connections. Those of you who are attached are getting good support from the spouse, partner or current love interest. You’re socializing with people who can help you careerwise. It is good for your career to attend or host the right kind of parties or gatherings this year.

      Your professional skills are very important, but this year your social skills, your ability to get on with others – your likeability – seems very important. Of two people with equivalent professional skills, it is the more likeable one who will get the promotion.


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