Your Chinese Horoscope 2010. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope 2010 - Neil  Somerville

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for the Tiger. It will give him the chance to take his ideas and skills further as well as enjoy some pleasing personal developments. This is his year and it is one of considerable promise.

      For Tigers who are starting the year feeling dissatisfied, this is very much a time to draw a firm line under past disappointments and focus on the present. For many the year can mark the start of a new chapter in their lives and with a positive and willing attitude, they will find that a lot can open up for them.

      At work the Tiger’s prospects are far more promising than of late, and those Tigers who are feeling frustrated or staid in their present role will find that new chances can quickly arise. These may include promotion opportunities as more senior colleagues move on or new challenges elsewhere, but if the Tiger actively seizes his opportunities, important progress can be made.

      This also applies to those Tigers seeking work. Although some may feel hurt by what they have recently experienced, again it is a case of drawing a firm line under the past and concentrating on the present. Also, when looking for a position, these Tigers would do well to show initiative and resolve. This includes finding out more about the actual work involved, so they can emphasize any relevant experience and be well informed at interview. In addition, training or refresher courses and expert advice could be helpful. With determination and commitment, they will find some excellent opportunities coming their way. March, May, July and September could see some interesting developments, but with the encouraging aspects throughout the year, opportunities can arise quickly and at almost any time.

      The Tiger’s progress at work can also lead to a rise in income and financially this is a much-improved year. Many Tigers could enjoy some additional good fortune, with an activity, interest, idea or hunch rewarding them well. In addition, if there is something particular the Tiger wants to buy, it would be to his advantage to keep alert. Over the year many Tigers could be fortunate in spotting bargains. However, while the Tiger can fare well financially, he should use any upturn to help his overall position rather than fritter it away. This includes looking to reduce any borrowings he may have as well as taking advantage of tax incentives to set something aside for the longer term.

      With this being a favourable year, the Tiger should also consider treating himself to a holiday or some time away. Not only can a break do him considerable good, but by choosing his destination carefully, he will often have a lot of fun. Again, this is a year to make good use of his opportunities.

      The Tiger’s personal life will also see a lot of activity and there will be good opportunities to make some significant new friends. For unattached Tigers, their own year can mark the start of a wonderful romance which could come about almost as if ordained by fate. Friendships and, for some, romance can mean a lot to the Tiger this year, with April to June, August and December being especially active and often special months. Any Tiger who is alone or has had some personal difficulty or sadness to bear will find his own year can see a brightening in his situation, with new friendships or interests being of real value.

      An important aspect of the Tiger’s personality is that he does like to keep active and in his domestic life he will often have ideas he wants to carry out. However, despite his eagerness, these should not be rushed, and major home purchases or plans need to be thought through and costed carefully. With good planning, far better choices will often be made.

      With this being a year for change, some Tigers may be tempted to move, and those who do will again need to allow time and avoid haste. However, whether the Tiger moves or remains in his present accommodation, 2010 will see a lot of practical activity, with many a Tiger being the instigator of some ambitious plans.

      The Tiger can also look forward to some particularly special moments during the year, with personal news and family occasions to celebrate. And despite all the activity, by preserving time to spend with his loved ones, he can make this a gratifying and often eventful year.

      The aspects are very much on the Tiger’s side this year, with opportunities to make more of his talents as well as enjoy the realization of his plans and the times he spends with others. This will be a busy year but a special one.

       The Metal Tiger

      This is the Metal Tiger’s own year and one which holds considerable promise for him. It is a year for forging ahead with plans as well as enjoying some personal achievements. The Metal Tiger will fare well and will also benefit from some strokes of good fortune.

      Almost as soon as the Tiger year begins, if not a few weeks before, many Metal Tigers will detect a change in their fortunes. After being frustrated by some of the problems and pressures of the Ox year, they will begin to feel more determined and hopeful. And as one who likes to get on and do things, the Metal Tiger will realize that to make the changes he wants, he should act. Certainly, this is very much a year favouring initiative.

      At work this is a time of change and opportunity. For those Metal Tigers who have felt frustrated in recent times, their own year can bring them the openings they have long been wanting. Some could find themselves ideally placed for promotion. For those who do take on new responsibilities, their new role will often allow them to concentrate on the areas in which their strengths lie.

      Most Metal Tigers will remain with their present employer over the year and benefit from opportunities that arise there, but those who would prefer to change or reduce their working commitments could also enjoy some fortuitous chances. Sometimes good friends or close contacts could alert them to an ideal opportunity, or by making enquiries they could discover a position that is perfect for them. As many will find, once they start to take action, possibilities will emerge. March, May, July and September could see some interesting developments. These Metal Tigers should also not allow any applications that do not go their way to weaken their resolve. Opportunities can arise in curious ways in their own year and it is a time to remain persistent and alert.

      Conversely, however, some Metal Tigers will retire this year. Those who do would do well to give serious consideration to the activities they would now like to pursue. With some clear objectives, these Metal Tigers will often revel in the opportunity to do what they want.

      As far as personal interests are concerned, all Metal Tigers should look to develop what they do in some way. New challenges could be especially satisfying and should there be a particular interest that appeals to him, the Metal Tiger should follow it up. With good use of time and opportunity, he will find his actions and interests can add a great deal of pleasure and purpose to the year.

      The Metal Tiger can also look forward to some interesting travel opportunities. In addition to a special holiday, possibly to mark his sixtieth birthday, he could have chances to go away for a short break or receive invitations to visit others. Although some of his travelling could be arranged at short notice, he can look forward to visiting some interesting destinations as well as enjoying himself while away.

      With his own year having an element of luck, if he sees a competition that interests him, he would also do well to enter it. His own year can have some pleasant surprises in store.

      Throughout the year the Metal Tiger will be grateful for the support of those around him, with his domestic life being both active and meaningful. However, with some of the ideas he has and decisions he will need to make, he does need to be open and communicative. This way, more can be decided, arranged and looked forward to. In addition, with some Metal Tigers deciding to move or make improvements to their home, if decisions are shared and all play their part, plans will often be all the easier to carry out. The Metal Tiger will also be grateful for the encouragement he is given for some of his own activities, and others may well have surprises in store to mark his sixtieth birthday. Over the year the love, support and goodwill shown him will be special and mean a great deal to him.

      He will also enjoy an increase in social activity, particularly arising from an interest he pursues. By making the most of opportunities to meet other enthusiasts, as well as taking up invitations, he can look forward to some interesting and pleasurable occasions. Any Metal Tiger who is keen to lead a fuller social life or make new friends will find that positive action will reward him well. For some who are unattached, a new friendship could turn to romance

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