Your Chinese Horoscope 2011. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope 2011 - Neil  Somerville

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to someone. Without increased vigilance, problems could arise. Metal Oxen, take note and in money matters do be thorough and careful.

      Overall, the Rabbit year can be an important one for the Metal Ox. It will not only bring some special times but also some opportunities to develop. Whether in his work or his personal interests, by being forward thinking and acting on his aims, the Metal Ox will find his energy and focus leading to a lot opening up for him. A positive and encouraging year.


      Decide on your aims for the year. Once your attention is directed on these, interesting developments can follow. Also, value your relations with others. These can help make this important year all the more successful.

       The Water Ox

      There is a Chinese proverb which states, ‘With aspirations you can go anywhere; without aspirations you can go nowhere.’ As a determined Ox, the Water Ox certainly has aspirations and the Rabbit year will encourage him and reward him well.

      In his work this is a year of important developments. For Water Oxen who have been languishing in their present role or are feeling disappointed with their recent progress, the Rabbit year can provide the chance they have been hoping for. Sometimes this could arise as colleagues move on, creating vacancies and promotion opportunities, or the Water Ox could be alerted to a position which is different from what he has been used to but which he is well suited for. Opportunities can arise suddenly in the Rabbit year and the Water Ox can also help his position by taking up any available training courses and following developments within his industry. In 2011 he should remember ‘With aspirations you can go anywhere’ and should keep those aspirations firmly alive with initiative and action.

      For Water Oxen seeking work, again the year can bring interesting possibilities. However, to benefit, these Water Oxen should not be too restrictive in the type of work they are prepared to consider. By looking at various options and considering different ways in which they can use their strengths, they could be alerted to an often ideal opportunity. Some might decide to retrain and certainly for many this can be a year of some very interesting options which can give their career and self-esteem a considerable boost. Mid-March to early June and October could see significant developments.

      The headway the Water Ox makes in his work can also lead to an increase in income, but money-wise this is a year for care. The Water Ox’s commitments are likely to be considerable and he should not relax his usual disciplined approach to finance. He should be particularly careful if lending to another person and if he has concerns over any money-related matter during the year, he should seek advice and clarification.

      His relations with others, however, will be important and often special. In his home life this can be a busy time, with the Water Ox actively helping those with decisions that need taking, assisting and encouraging those in education and perhaps also supporting someone in need. He can be of inestimable help to others over the year.

      He will also spend time on practical projects. Many Water Oxen will redecorate some rooms and undertake other home improvements during the year. Their projects could take longer than intended but will be satisfying when complete. Also, while the Water Ox may be content to tackle a lot singlehandedly, it is important that he draws on the assistance of others where necessary and is open and forthcoming about his own activities and concerns. He will do a lot for others this year but should give them the chance to reciprocate too.

      Although the Water Ox will have many commitments it is also important that he allows himself time for rest and relaxation. Personal interests that allow him to unwind can do him a lot of good. Also, if sedentary for much of the day, he would do well to consider appropriate exercise or activities that can help his well-being. To be at his best, it would be worth giving thought to his lifestyle, quality of diet and general level of exercise.

      He should also not neglect his social life. By meeting up with friends and going to events that appeal to him, he can again do himself a lot of good as well as benefit from the support that others can give, sometimes in unexpected ways.

      This is also a special year for affairs of the heart and for Water Oxen who are alone and would perhaps welcome romance, a chance encounter could add an exciting element to their lives. Chance does play a big part this year. For socializing and meeting others March, April, July and September to mid-October can be busy and important months.

      Overall, the Water Ox has much in his favour this year. With his friendly, straightforward manner, determination and good judgement, he will be able to make his strengths count as well as benefit from the encouraging aspects that prevail. This is a year for progress and action, but also to be alert to the excellent and often fortuitous chances the Rabbit year can bring.


      Pay attention to your relations with others. Some people you know can be particularly instrumental in your progress this year, whether through giving advice and support, making suggestions or alerting you to opportunities. Shared interests and activities can also be pleasurable.

       The Wood Ox

      This is a year of considerable potential for the Wood Ox, with interesting possibilities opening up and some special times to look forward to. However, it is also a year requiring action. To make things happen the Wood Ox will need to make some important decisions and be prepared to move forward. Fortunately, one of the hallmarks of the Wood Ox character is his determination, and with belief and initiative, he can get a lot out of this year.

      The aspects for his personal life are especially favourable and Wood Oxen with a partner will often have exciting plans to share and will do much to help and encourage one another. For those who are parents, or become parents this year, the time they spend with babies or young children can be especially rewarding. Many will also busy themselves making improvements to their home and will enjoy seeing their plans take shape. This can be a satisfying and often exciting time.

      The Wood Ox will also benefit from the assistance given by family members and close friends. Not only will they be keen to support and advise him but if he needs greater assistance (especially if a young parent) or practical help with any undertaking, the time and help others give can make an appreciable difference. Whenever the Wood Ox feels under strain or in need of a helping hand, he should ask.

      Also, while a lot in his personal life can go well, he may become concerned about a loved one who is experiencing difficulties. If he is prepared to listen and offer support, his care and good sense will be of more value than he may realize.

      The Wood Ox will appreciate his social life during the year and those who have to move because of work or other changing circumstances will find the Rabbit year can give them the chance to establish a new social circle. Here again this can be a personally significant time and by being active, the Wood Ox can benefit a great deal from what happens.

      For those who are currently alone, the Rabbit year is especially encouraging and many unattached Wood Oxen will meet their future partner over the year. Sometimes romance can start in an unexpected way, with chance playing an important part. March, April, July and September could see the most social activity, but throughout the Rabbit year the Wood Ox should take advantage of opportunities to go out and meet others.

      He should also make sure he sets time aside over the year to enjoy his interests and recreational pursuits. With his commitments, sometimes these can get neglected, but they are nevertheless important ways of keeping his lifestyle in balance and also give him the chance to enjoy certain skills or activities. Sometimes they have the added benefit of bringing him into contact with others or giving him additional exercise. If there is a subject that appeals to him this year, it would be worth him finding out more. The Rabbit year can open up some important possibilities for him, some of which can be to his longer-term benefit.

      This can also be an interesting year as far as work prospects are concerned. For Wood Oxen who have remained in the same position for some time, the Rabbit year

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