Christmas Presents and Past. Janice Johnson Kay

Christmas Presents and Past - Janice Johnson Kay

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      Emboldened, she lifted her head and kissed his jaw. “I’m on the pill.”


      “After I met you, I started complaining every month about my cramps. So Mom was okay with it.”

      Will was still laughing when his mouth claimed hers. Almost immediately he began to tug at her clothes. She tried to help, and they whacked their noses against each other, both of them laughing again even though they had tears in their eyes, too.

      Then he spotted his bedside clock and exclaimed, “Damn! We need to kind of hurry. It’s not that long until my parents get home.”

      So they did, shedding clothes and eyeing each other shyly but with rapt interest, kissing deeply, Will thrusting his thickened penis against her. Even after she parted her legs, it took some fumbling on his part to find her opening.

      When he pushed, Dinah felt first pressure, then pain. When she stiffened, he went still.

      “Are you okay?” He was breathless.

      She managed a nod, although her teeth were clenched.

      “Because I can stop.”

      “Do you want to?”


      “Then…then just do it!”

      So he did, and she felt as if her innards were being ripped open. She panted while he pumped a couple of times, then jerked and collapsed on her. Even when his penis shrank and slipped out of her, she kept hurting.

      Wounded and indignant, she thought, Why didn’t anybody tell me it was so bad the first time? Christina and Susan had giggled about losing their virginity! And “J,” the author of The Sensuous Woman—which they’d all passed around and Dinah, at least, had read with a flashlight under the bedcovers so her mother wouldn’t see the book—didn’t say anything about how you had to just lie there rigid the first time and hope sex wasn’t always like that. Because if it was, who’d want to do it again?

      “I’m sorry,” Will said. “I didn’t know it would be so hard to push through your, um…”

      “What?” she snapped. “Or you wouldn’t have done it?” She rolled away to hide her tears.

      He was quiet for a minute. Then, voice low, he said, “I wanted you so much. But maybe you weren’t ready.”

      “I was!” she cried, turning back to him, her face wet. “I just didn’t know it would hurt so much!”

      His eyes were a rich, dark blue, and so kind she cried harder. “It’s not supposed to hurt ever again.” Then he said, “Oh, crap!” and jackknifed to a sitting position.

      Dinah heard it, too, the sound of the garage door being opened. “Oh, God, I’m a mess!”

      She jumped up, grabbed her clothes and raced down the hall for the bathroom. There she cleaned herself up, got dressed and washed her face over and over. While using a brush she found in a drawer to smooth her hair, she stared at herself in the mirror in despair. Her face was still blotchy, her nose red and her eyes puffy. But she couldn’t stay in here forever!

      Finally she just walked out. Will was already in the living room, talking to his parents like nothing was any different. Glancing over his shoulder at her as she came down the hall, he said, “I’d better take Dinah home.”

      At the sight of him, lanky and reassuring and, oh, just Will, her eyes welled with tears again.

      “I’m sorry,” she said to his mom and dad. Inspiration came to her. “I just…I heard this guy I knew in school was hurt really badly in Vietnam. And I was telling Will, and…” She fled back to the bathroom for a tissue.

      When she came back out, they were really nice. That made her feel guilty for lying to them, so she cried again once she and Will were in his car driving away from the house.

      “I don’t know what’s wrong with me!” She mopped her tears.

      “Do you wish we hadn’t made love?”

      “No! That’s not it.”

      But it was why she couldn’t seem to stop crying, Dinah realized. She had this huge iron cauldron of emotions bubbling inside her, and it was hard to separate one from another. She closed her eyes and imagined herself cooking a stew, skimming one emotion after another from the top. Disillusionment, because the experience had been pretty awful. And mixed in like pepper, stinging, was some fear that it had been such a comedown for Will, he wouldn’t want to be with her anymore.

      In her mind, she kept skimming, trying to identify fleeting whiffs of emotion. Despite the tears, she felt exhilaration because she’d done it and she wasn’t a virgin anymore. Guilt because she had to hide the fact that she was a woman from her mother, who was living in the fifties or maybe even the forties and really, really thought her daughter might wait until her wedding night. And sadness, because Dinah couldn’t talk to anyone, not her mom and not her two best friends. She felt grief, too, as if she’d lost something meaningful although she didn’t know what that was.

      “I’m a mess,” she said aloud.

      Will took his hand off the steering wheel to clasp hers. “Yeah, but I love you anyway.”

      “Do you?” She searched his face. “I mean, really? You’re not disappointed in me?”

      He gave her a smile of such sweetness, it pierced her heart. “That’s insane! Why would I be disappointed? You chose me to be the first guy ever. That’s, like, the most amazing gift.”

      “Oh.” Something eased inside. “Next time will be different.”

      “Yeah.” He grinned at her. “You’ll see.”

      She pictured his body, even skinnier than he looked in clothes, but also the jut of his erection, not skinny at all, and actually felt a buttery-soft melting low in her belly.

      He pulled up in front of her house. She scooted over, kissed him quickly and whispered, “I can hardly wait to find out,” then jumped from the car, slammed the door and raced up her driveway.

      Chapter 2

      As Will put away the last plates and hung up the wet dishtowel, his mother let the water drain out of the sink and turned to him with an especially bright smile he knew was fake.

      “So, do you and Dinah have plans tonight?”

      Wary, he shrugged. “We’ll probably just hang out. Maybe go over to Miguel’s. Some guys are jamming tonight.”

      She gave a delicate shudder. “It’ll be a wonder if any of you have any hearing left by the time you’re thirty.”

      Will rolled his eyes. Like anybody worried about what would happen when they were thirty!

      “Didn’t you see Dinah last night?” his mother asked. “You two seem to get together every day.”

      “So?” He stared back at her, not giving an inch. “It’s summer.”

      “But you have to get up so early for work. You look tired, honey. Why don’t you stay home tonight and get a good night’s sleep?”

      Aching to escape, he repeated, “It’s summer. I’m supposed to be having fun.”

      “You’re supposed to be working and saving up for college.”

      “I am working, and saving. Does that mean I can’t do anything else?”

      “I’m not saying that.” She came to him and smiled, patting his cheek, oblivious to how he stiffened. “But you have other friends. It doesn’t seem like you ever see them anymore. What about Alan? What’s he up to these days?”

      “Hanging out with his girlfriend.”

      “Now, don’t sound so

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