Slade's Secret Son. Elizabeth August

Slade's Secret Son - Elizabeth  August

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“I watch those court shows on television all the time and this is just the sort of thing the judge advises all the defendants to do.”

      “Slade and I are nothing like the people you see on those shows,” Lisa snapped, her embarrassment building.

      “I’ll bet that’s what some of those people thought before they ended up there,” Ester returned.

      Lisa gave her aunt a “you’re impossible” glance, then turned her attention to Slade. “I am truly sorry about this. I told them that you were a man of your word.” Again she gave her mother and aunt an angry glare. “In fact, I’ve told them that several times.”

      Slade scrawled his signature at the bottom of the paper, then looked up at her. “The fact that you didn’t come to me when you found out you were pregnant probably has a lot to do with their distrust. I’ve written out this paper to prove to them that I would never intentionally cause you or our son any grief or harm.”

      Behind his polite demeanor, she caught the edge of reprimand in his voice and bristled. “I did what I thought was right. I’ve never claimed to be perfect.” Her gaze turned on her mother and aunt. “And now I realize that was a mistake, so I’m correcting it.” Her gaze shifted back to Slade. “And I don’t need you chiding me for my original decision. It was based solely on your attitude toward marriage.” Her attention went back to her mother and aunt. “And my current decision is based on concern for my son. I’m doing what I believe has to be done to insure Andy’s future.”

      All three of them regarded her indulgently, then, picking up the paper Slade had just signed, Helen said, “I’ll put this in a safe place,” and left the room with Ester following close behind.

      Slade rose from the table. “Are you ready?”

      Lisa nodded stiffly.

      “You don’t have to look as if you’re going to the dentist to have a root canal,” he muttered as they left the house and walked to her car.

      Lisa made no response but a little voice warned that a root canal would be like a walk in the park compared to the pain she would experience if she ever allowed the feelings she’d had for Slade to again breathe life.

      A while later Lisa was as taut as a bowstring as she and Slade walked back to her car. Getting the marriage license had been incredibly easy…no blood tests, no identification. And they’d left with the document in hand. In three days it would be valid and they could be married by any priest, rabbi or recognized minister of any denomination, or by any state judge.

      All during the process, Lisa had observed Slade. He’d been stiff, almost cardboardlike, making it clear to her that while he may be willing to go through the motions, for him this marriage was simply a legal means to achieve his ends. She was certain that as soon as Andy’s name had been changed and Slade’s position as Andy’s father affirmed, he’d want out of their marriage. Pride bubbled within her. “After we go through the ceremony, just because we have a piece of paper that says we’re married doesn’t mean I’m going to jump back into your bed.”

      Slade gave her an impatient look. “Once we go through that ceremony, we will be married and I intend for that marriage to be a long and lasting one.”

      Lisa’s jaw firmed with resolve. “I’m not sharing a bed with a ghost. I did it once. I’m not doing it again.”

      Slade caught her by the arm and brought her to a halt. “We’ve got a son to raise. He needs both a mother and a father, preferably under the same roof. I want your promise that you’ll at least give our marriage a chance.”

      His touch was like a match igniting a fire deep within her. Rage that she was still so attracted to him spread through her. “Before I make any promises, I want your promise that you’ll try to finally bury Claudette and let me into your heart.” When Slade made no response, she glared at him. “I hope you and your ghost have a happy life, but don’t plan on me sharing it.”

      His jaw twitched, then as if the words were being ripped from him, he said, “I can’t go through that kind of loss again. Once was enough.”

      So that was it! He clung to Claudette because he was afraid to love again. Lisa studied the resolute line of his jaw. She would never be able to break through the barrier he’d created around his heart. She’d tried once and ended up getting hurt. There was no doubt in her mind the same thing would happen again. “Once was enough for me, too,” she muttered under her breath. Jerking free from his hold, she headed across the street. Hearing a car’s engine start up, she glanced to her left and saw a black sedan pull out of a parking space. She picked up her pace to get out of its lane.

      Slade hung back, deciding to let the car pass before he crossed. He couldn’t blame Lisa for wanting more than he was willing to give, but he wasn’t ready to abandon the idea of them making a life together. He enjoyed her company and he wanted to be an everyday part of his son’s life.

      A sudden prickling, the kind he always experienced when something wasn’t right, jerked his attention to the oncoming vehicle. It was speeding up and heading directly toward Lisa. Reaching her on the run, he caught her by the waist and carried her with him through the space between her car and the one behind it. The sound of metal impacting metal filled the air as they tumbled to the ground unbalanced by Slade’s rescue.

      “Ouch.” Lisa groaned when her body impacted with the hard earth, sending a jolt of pain through her.

      “Sorry,” Slade apologized, quickly getting to his feet in time to see the sedan speeding away.

      Lisa shifted into a sitting position. “What was that all about?”

      Slade moved to where he could get a look at the damage done to the side of her car. “Someone just tried to run you down.”

      She stared at him in disbelief. “Run me down?”

      “Sure looked that way.” He headed back to her. “Stay down.”

      Lisa’s first instinct was to disobey, to prove to him that she could take care of herself. Then she thought of Andy and remained where she was.

      “I assume you have a gun. Is it in your purse?”

      “I didn’t bring it with me.”

      Slade’s gaze hardened. “It looks like that sniper might not have missed his target, after all.”

      “I can’t believe this,” Lisa muttered. “Who would want to kill me?”

      A man came running out of the building they’d exited. “I saw the whole thing. Looked like that guy was trying to hit you.”

      A couple of other people were also rushing toward them from other directions.

      “I’m not sitting here on the ground with a crowd gathering around,” Lisa said, beginning to work herself to her feet.

      Agreeing that her staying down would serve no purpose now and remaining immobile could even place her in danger, Slade gave her a hand, keeping her close and shielding her as much as possible with his body.

      Reaching them, the man studied Lisa worriedly. “You look pretty shaken. Couldn’t believe the way the guy barreled down on you.” Abruptly he grinned. “I got part of the license plate.”

      Keeping Lisa between himself and the car, Slade opened the passenger side door. “Get in and duck down,” he ordered. “Could be your sniper wasn’t the driver and he’s hidden somewhere to finish the job in case the driver missed.”

      Lisa obeyed. She was scared and hurting and glad Slade was there. He was bull-headed and too authoritative at times, but right now he made her feel safe.

      “She hurt?” the man asked.

      “She’s pretty shaken.”

      “I called the police and an ambulance,” a woman said, joining them, a cell phone in her hand.

      More people began to gather.


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