Bride By Friday. TRISHA DAVID

Bride By Friday - TRISHA  DAVID

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      ‘Your place is right here now,’ she told him and her voice grew a little stern, as though she were a nanny reminding a child of his duty. ‘You’re the Earl of Dalston now, my lord. Whether you like it or not.’


      ‘SO TELL me how you come to be an Australian earl?’ Tess asked over her second cup of coffee. To her surprise, she’d packed away another vast breakfast.

      ‘I told you you shouldn’t have eaten the airline breakfast,’ Charlie had told her as she’d looked at her loaded plate in dismay, but in the end it hadn’t made any difference at all. She had been making up for lost time. Now Mary had whisked herself off to supervise unpacking and they were left alone.

      It felt weird. It was eleven in the morning and she was sitting in a bathrobe over breakfast with the Earl of Dalston.

      With Charlie.

      ‘You’ve already figured it,’ Charlie told her. ‘My uncle died without issue.’


      ‘Kids.’ He gnnned. ‘Toe-rags. Noisy little blighters who spend all your money. My uncle could never abide them. Or women either. He romanticized marriage—he thought every man should have a wife—but he was too lousy to get one for himself. Even sharing the toothpaste would have made him wince.’

      ‘He and your father were brothers?’

      ‘Yep. They were as unalike as two men could be, but brothers for all that.’ Charlie poured himself another coffee and leaned back. ‘As soon as he came of age, Dad took his share of the family fortune and set himself up on a farm in Australia. He married my mom—an American girl—and my uncle decided then that we were completely beyond the pale. Dad died two years ago, without ever having come back to the old country.’

      ‘I’m sorry.’

      ‘Don’t be.’ Charlie smiled. ‘My father had a better life than my uncle ever had. He and my mom were very much in love. He died just a few months after she did, and neither of them regretted a thing about their lives. Except maybe not having more children.’

      ‘There’s only you?’


      Tess nodded, thinking it through. ‘But... if your father hasn’t been come you’ve been here?’

      ‘I was heir to the earldom,’ Charlie said simply. ‘My father always knew my uncle wouldn’t marry and my mom and dad taught me what to expect early. They sent me over to stay with my grandparents.’

      ‘Your grandparents?’

      ‘My grandfather was the eleventh earl,’ Charlie told her. ‘He died eight years ago. He and I were best of friends. It was only my uncle who couldn’t bear the thought that I’d inherit.’


      ‘I broke a Dresden vase when I was nine years old.’ Charlie’s lazy grin flashed out again—magnetic and intense. ‘The dogs and I were chasing my uncle’s cat at the time. A fatter, lazier cat you’ve never seen and I let my grandfather’s hounds into the house, just to stir her. I don’t think my uncle ever forgave me. He thought I was a wastrel and a scoundrel. And totally useless at taking on responsibilities.’

      ‘And a wife is supposed to cure all that?’

      Charlie’s eyes widened. ‘Of course,’ he said blandly. ‘How can it not? If you take me on, how can I help but turn into the epitome of steadiness and sober duty?’

      ‘It doesn’t sound much fun,’ Tessa said doubtfully, considering. ‘Steadiness and sober duty.’

      ‘With you it would be.’

      ‘Charlie...’ Tessa’s colour mounted again. ‘Don’t!’

      ‘Because of Donald?’

      ‘Yes, because of Donald,’ she snapped. ‘And a thousand other reasons. The idea is totally crazy.’ She pushed back her cup. ‘Now...I need to find my clothes.’ She glanced at her watch. ‘I have an appointment this afternoon somewhere in Kensmgton. I don’t know where that is and I need to find it.’

      ‘It’s ten minutes’ walk from here.’


      ‘Well, it depends whereabouts in Kensington, but fifteen minutes at the outside.’ Charhe’s eyes didn’t leave hers. ‘I can take you there if you need me.’

      ‘I don’t. Thank you.’ Good grief, she had to start being independent soon.

      ‘And you’re not going to tell me what the appointment is?’

      ‘There’s no need.’

      ‘No need to tell me?’

      He was watching her with that calm kindness of his—the kindness that could be her undoing. The kindness that made her want to place all her cares on his broad shoulders. Which was ridiculous. She was an independent woman. Tessa’s mother had been ill for years and Tess had taken over family responsibilities early. She was a trained nurse in charge of a small hospital. She was competent to fight her own battles.

      But, independent or not, maybe Charles Cameron deserved to be told why she was floundering here. After all, he was giving her free accommodation. Even Donald would tell her to be grateful.

      So she told him.

      ‘I have an appointment with my sister’s lawyer,’ she said slowly, the pain in her voice impossible to conceal. ‘My sister and her husband died last week in a car crash just north of London. My sister’s husband is English and they lived here. The funeral was five days ago. I’ve just come over to...’ Her voice faltered to a halt.

      ‘To say goodbye?’ Charlie said softly and Tessa’s eyes flew to his face.

      ‘I suppose you think that’s stupid.’

      ‘I don’t think anything of the kind.’ Charlie’s large hand came over the table and gripped hers. And held. ‘When my grandfather died I was in America with my mom’s people and didn’t hear of his death for two weeks. My uncle saw no need to contact me. But when I heard...I had to come. Just to stand by his grave and say what I had to say.’

      Tess blinked. And blinked again.

      ‘I’m not going to cry,’ she said.

      ‘No. Of course you’re not.’ Charlie cupped her chin in his fingers and tilted her face so she was looking at him. ‘You’re the bravest...’

      ‘I am not!’ Tess shoved her chair back and rose. ‘And if you keep this up, I will cry again and it serves you right if I do.’

      ‘I agree.’

      ‘I don’t want you to agree,’ she said crossly. ‘I want you to tell me I’m stupid like everyone else does.’

      ‘Like Donald? Does Donald tell you you’re stupid?’

      She retreated and glowered and Charlie laughed and held up his hands in surrender.

      ‘Okay. Okay. I won’t sympathize any more and I won’t cast any nasturtiums at Dreadful Donald. Tell me why we’re going to see your sister’s lawyer.’

      ‘Not we.’

      ‘We,’ he said firmly. ‘Now I know for certain that you’re a damsel in distress, my hero instinct won’t be ignored. I refuse to let you battle lawyers on your own.’

      ‘I’m not battling...’

      ‘You always battle lawyers,’ Charlie said in a voice of sage experience. ‘Look at me. I’m marrymg to escape ’em.’



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