Romancing The Nanny. Cindy Kirk

Romancing The Nanny - Cindy  Kirk

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many times she tried to tell Steven taking care of Dan and Emma was her job, he always tried to push her to think of herself, too.

      “I know why you haven’t told him. You’re afr—”

      “The opportunity hasn’t come up.” Amy spoke slowly and distinctly so there would be no misunderstanding. “But when I do tell him—and I do plan to tell him—I know he’ll be happy for me.”

      “Don’t kid yourself.” Genuine concern filled Steven’s gaze. “If he had it his way, you’d never leave. Never go on to bigger and better things. You deserve your own dreams, too, Amy.”

      The unexpected vehemence in Steven’s tone took her by surprise. But she just smiled because she knew he really meant well. He was wrong about Dan, though…and about her.

      Chapter Five

      Amy shut off the car’s ignition and leaned back against the seat, too tired to get out. The clock on the dashboard read eleven forty-five and exhaustion oozed from every pore. Her normal bedtime was ten-thirty and when she’d started to yawn while discussing the merits of using liqueurs, she’d known it was time to head home.

      As she’d started toward the door, Steven had pulled her to him. Then he’d asked if she’d consider spending the night. The crazy thing was, for a second she’d been tempted. It had been so long…

      But in the end she’d said no, frightened by the serious look in his eyes and her own ambivalent feelings. Besides, there was only one man she wanted in that way and he was waiting for her at home.

      The garage door slid smoothly downward and, heaving a resigned sigh, Amy stepped out of the car and headed for the side door. Unlike Steven’s condo with its underground parking, Dan’s house had been built in the early 1900s when detached carriage houses were de rigueur.

      But Amy didn’t mind the short walk to the house. The temperature had dropped slightly and the autumn coolness was a welcome break from the warmth of the car. She could feel herself begin to wake up.

      How she loved the lush yard with its large trees and beautiful arbors and the way the fragrant smell of flowers mixed with the scent of freshly-cut grass. During the day squirrels chattered a mile a minute and birds chirped happily. But now all was quiet. She stopped just short of the house and inhaled, taking in the beauty around her.

      Amy vowed that when she bought a house it would have a nice yard. She remembered all too well the tiny apartment she’d shared with her aunt after her mother had dropped her off and never came back. She’d had to play outside on the concrete…

      Shoving the memory aside, she decided it was too nice a night to ruin with thoughts of the past. She should go straight to bed but the idea of sitting for a few minutes in one of the large Adirondack chairs on the back screened-in porch pulled at her.

      It would be so peaceful, so—

      “How was your evening?”

      The familiar deep voice stopped her cold. Dan sat in one of the chairs on the porch. She could count on one hand the number of times he’d stayed up past ten-thirty on a work night. Concern rippled up her spine. She moved forward quickly, her heart picking up speed with each step. “Where’s Emma? Is everything okay?”

      “She’s fine.” Dan rose and held the porch door open. “Went to bed for me without any problem.”

      Amy exhaled the breath she’d been holding. “So nothing is wrong?”

      “Why would you think something is wrong?”

      “You’re up,” Amy said. “You’re always in bed by now.”

      “You’re dressed up.” His gaze traveled the length of her body. Amy could hear the surprise in his tone and though she wasn’t a bit cold, she shivered.

      He’d known she was going out with Steven. But he’d been upstairs when she’d left and he’d obviously assumed this had been a jeans and T-shirt evening.

      “I made dinner for Steven at his place.”

      “He made you cook?” Dan’s brows pulled together and she could hear the censure in his tone. “When you were dressed like that?”

      Amy heaved an exasperated sigh and dropped into a chair. What was it with these men?

      “He didn’t make me do anything.” Amy kicked off her heels. “We’re taking turns cooking each other dinner. Steven likes to dress up. Do things nice. He thinks it adds to the ambience.”

      Even in the dim light, Amy could see the surprise in Dan’s eyes. He opened his mouth, then shut it.

      She paused, waiting for him to disagree. After all, that seemed to be the pattern between the two men.

      “I agree,” Dan said.

      “You do?” Amy’s voice rose despite her best efforts to control it.

      “Of course,” Dan said, his tone conversational and pleasant.

      Amy let her shoulders drop and the last of the tension exited her body. Finally, here on this quiet porch, she was back on familiar footing and could relax.

      Tonight had not been the evening she’d anticipated. Instead of being the kind, supportive friend, Steven had tried to play the boyfriend card. She’d hated to shut him down but she didn’t see that she had much choice. Not when her feelings for Dan were growing stronger. She slanted a sideways glance.

      Dan had leaned back in his chair, lacing his fingers behind his head in a relaxed pose. “Does Steven live close?”

      “Not far.” Though it might not be very Emily Post, Amy brought her foot up and massaged her instep. The stiletto heels might look great but they were a killer. “He lives in one of the condos by the Pier.”

      The words had barely left her lips when Dan scooted his chair to face hers. “Give me those.”

      Amy widened her eyes. “Pardon?”

      “Your feet,” he said. “Those kind of shoes take their toll. I used to give Tess a foot rub all the time. Put them here.”

      Amy hesitated. While he wasn’t suggesting they get naked and jump into bed, what he was suggesting somehow seemed just as intimate. Before she had a chance to respond, he reached down and rested both her feet on top of his muscular thighs.

      “Ah—” He began to gently massage her foot from the toes to the ankle and any words of protest died on a sigh.

      “You are incredible,” she breathed.

      The dimple in his left cheek flashed. “Well, thank you, ma’am. I aim to please.”

      He shifted his focus to the sole of her foot, his fingers moving in circular motions from the base of her toes to the heel, the pressure of the circles steady and even.

      Amy closed her eyes and let the waves of pleasure wash over her.

      “I don’t believe you’ve ever told me what Steven does for a living.”

      The question seemed to come from a great distance. Amy’s eyelids fluttered as he turned his attention to her toes.

      “He’s an attorney.” Utterly relaxed, Amy leaned her head back against the chair. “I guess he’s handled some high-profile cases but I’ve never heard of them.”

      Steven had told her more than once about his practice but she must not have been paying very close attention because right now, with Dan’s thumbs pressing into the arch of her foot, she couldn’t remember any details.

      “What’s his last name?” Dan asked in a low, soft voice.

      “Mitchell.” Amy moaned. “Oh, Dan, if I’d have known I was coming home to this, I’d have never stayed out so late.”

      “That’s okay,” Dan said in a hypnotic tone. “Next time just remember…there’s

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