Instant Daddy. Carol Voss

Instant Daddy - Carol  Voss

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to talk to me, stop in in a half hour or so.” She turned, intent on leaving.

      He couldn’t let her go…not yet. Somehow, he had to make her trust him enough to give him an answer. “Jessie…if he is Clarissa’s…”

      Pausing, Jessie gave him a nervous glance.

      Good. He had her attention. But if the baby was Clarissa’s…what? He clenched his jaw. “I would have taken responsibility for him…if she’d told me she was pregnant.”

      Swinging around to face him, Jessie shot him a questioning scowl.

      “She didn’t tell me,” he repeated.

      The boy murmured.

      Peter watched the child’s tiny nose crinkle as if chasing a laugh in his dreams. Unexplainable warmth welled inside until he thought he’d choke on it. He reached to touch a chubby finger.

      Jessie jerked out of his reach as if his touch would contaminate the kid.

      Peter met her eyes. Sad eyes brimming with indescribable pain and fear. He felt like a heel for making her feel so threatened. But her actions gave him his answer. “The boy is Clarissa’s. And mine.”

      She shifted her stance, biting her lip rather than confirming or rejecting his words.

      Her silence was all the confirmation he needed.

      “Mama?” The little guy raised his head and stretched, his back arching, his little butt jutting out.

      “Hi, sweetheart,” Jessie said softly. “You had a nice nap, didn’t you?” Wary eyes on Peter, she kissed the baby’s forehead.

      The child gave her a smile that would make the sun seem dim in comparison. Then the boy turned his deep brown, Sheridan eyes on Peter.

      A grin traveled through him like a beacon of light, and he wondered if the buttons on his shirt would pop with the pride swelling his chest. Odd, considering how little he’d had to do with the child’s existence. “What’s his name?”

      “His name?” Jessie swallowed. “His name is Jacob Maxwell Chandler.”

      Peter couldn’t miss the challenge in her tone. “An honorable name,” he admitted. Too bad he’d had no part in choosing it. “Hi, Jacob.”

      The boy studied him almost as if sizing up their similarities.

      Maybe Peter should introduce himself. Should he tell him he was his father? Maybe not. It was too soon for that. For the boy…for the woman holding him…and for himself. “My name is Peter.”


      “Close enough.”

      Another low rumble of thunder. Closer now.

      “You need to understand how things are, Dr. Sheridan.” Jessie’s soft voice crackled with tension.

      Peter raised his gaze from the child to meet her engaging eyes.

      “I am Jake’s mother.” She straightened her shoulders. “Clarissa gave him to me before he was born. I was the first one to hold him, to give him a bath, to feed him. I’m the only mother he’s known, and I couldn’t love him more if I’d given him life.”

      Peter’s jaw clenched. “She had no right to give him away.”

      Jessie’s gaze darted to the ground as if she didn’t want to see the truth, even with Peter standing right in front of her. Turning to face him, she lifted her chin. “He’s my son. I adopted him. And I’ll do whatever I have to do because there’s no way I’ll let you take him away from me. None.” Chin high, she turned and limped away.

      Throat tight, he watched her go, a mixture of feelings completely confusing him. She was so gentle and vulnerable…with a core of sheer determination. Hurting her was the last thing he wanted.

      But it looked like he had a son he didn’t know existed until now. Even if his life was his research. What in the world was he going to do with a kid?

      He turned and strode for the parking lot, dodging a petite redhead who was jogging down the sidewalk in a dress and high heels. He’d better call his attorney and find out just what his rights and responsibilities were. Because before he met Jessie at the diner, he needed to gain some control of this situation.

      Walking as fast as she could, Jessie glared straight ahead. What is going on, God? You can’t possibly expect me to give up Jake. Haven’t I already lost enough?

      “Hey Jess, wait up.”

      “Maggie,” Jake squealed.

      Trying to rein in her panic without much success, Jessie turned.

      “Hi, Jake.” Her high-heeled best friend jogged to Jessie’s side, barely out of breath. “You look even more upset than Dr. Sheridan does. What were you talking to that hunky man about?”

      “That hunky man says he’s Jake’s father.” Jessie had trouble recognizing the strained voice as her own.

      “What?” Maggie turned to scowl at Dr. Sheridan’s retreating physique. “Why would he say something like that?”

      “You didn’t notice how much they look alike?”

      “Well, I suppose…but that doesn’t mean…”

      “He has the birthmark. He said it runs in his family. And he knows exactly how old Jake is.”

      Maggie looked confused. “He and Clarissa?”

      “Apparently.” Jessie swallowed hard. “She didn’t tell him she was pregnant.”

      “What?” Maggie’s big brown eyes rolled. “What was she thinking?”

      “He says she had no right to give him to—” Her voice broke.

      “Now calm down, Jess.” Maggie threw her hands in the air like she always did when she was upset. “Let’s just think a minute. First, he hasn’t taken a paternity test, so we don’t know he’s the daddy. And second, if he is, you have the adoption papers, right?”

      Jessie nodded, afraid to trust her voice.

      Maggie’s hands darted dramatically. “We both know Clarissa was a stickler for making sure everything was very legal and in order. So even if he does turn out to be Jake’s dad, what can he do about it?”

      Jessie wanted to believe Maggie’s words, but…

      “Nada,” Maggie said as if the whole matter was settled. “Wait here while I get my car.”

      Jessie’s head spun. She needed time to calm down and get her defenses back in place. “Walking is my physical therapy, remember?”

      “But it’s going to rain.” Maggie pointed at the sky. “Besides, Jake is too heavy.”

      “Maggie….” Jessie had warned her friend to quit treating her like she needed help or she’d have to look for a new best friend. Maggie had agreed to watch it, but she still needed reminding.

      “Fine.” Maggie narrowed her eyes. “You sure you’re okay?”

      “I’m perfect,” Jessie snapped. She didn’t even want to think about how protective Maggie and her parents would be if they knew the accident had left her with injuries less obvious than her limp…injuries nothing could ever heal.

      Rain was starting, Jake felt like he weighed a hundred pounds and Jessie’s hip was killing her by the time she struggled up the diner steps. She hoped Will was still inside.

      Jake’s adoption had to hold up in court. Like Maggie said, Clarissa had always been thorough, and she would have made certain the father-not-knowing-about-the-baby loophole was closed. Wouldn’t she?

      She pulled open the door, the bell above it jingling to announce them. The interior’s cool, dry air confirmed her new AC was

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