Mood Swing. Jane Graves

Mood Swing - Jane  Graves

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looked at her dumbly. “What bedroom activities?”

      “Exactly,” Susan said. “I don’t have those. Not with a fourteen-year-old in the house.”

      “So are you dating someone?”

      “Did you hear what I said? I have a fourteen-year-old in the house.”

      “Lani’s with me every Saturday and other times if you need me to take her. Why can’t you date then?”

      “Because by the time Saturday rolls around, I’m too damned tired to do anything, much less get all dressed up to go out. That’s why.”

      Susan didn’t like the way she sounded, all cranky and whiny and defensive. But the truth was that as much as Don saw Lani, Susan still felt like a single parent. Don merely visited every once in a while, took her out, bought her things, then brought her back home, where Susan had the privilege of nagging her to do her homework and telling her no, she couldn’t pierce her tongue.

      “If you really need Saturday,” Don said, “we can stay home.”

      Susan waved her hand. “No. It’s all right.”

      “If you have plans—”

      “I already told you. I don’t have any plans. Go.”

      As soon as she said the words, she gritted her teeth with irritation. She’d spent sixteen years of marriage giving in. She’d learned that behavior from her non-assertive mother, who saw nothing healthy about the expression of emotion and would turn herself inside out to avoid a fight, which was probably the reason she had high blood pressure and a stomach full of ulcers. Susan had never wanted to be like her, and to this day she didn’t know quite how it had happened. How ironic was it that the one time Susan had jumped into a confrontation with both feet, she’d gotten arrested for it?

      “Hi, Susan. How are you?”

      Susan looked up to see Marla inching her way down the bench to sit next to Don. She smiled, that perfect, glowing smile that was more genuine than the Hope Diamond. She wasn’t exactly beautiful, but she had that helpless feminine thing going on that made men fall all over her. How she’d decided Don was the one, Susan would never know.

      They exchanged a few pleasantries that only made Susan feel worse, so she was glad when she heard the buzzer signaling the start of the game.

      Don and Marla stood up. “We’re going to sit closer to the court,” he said, and Susan knew it was because he wanted to be able to yell along with the other fathers in that annoying way men did, as if their junior high daughters were playing in the championship game of the NCAA tournament. Susan also had the terrible feeling that Don wanted to sit down there with the other men because he was with a woman like Marla.

      As they walked hand in hand down the bleachers, it occurred to Susan that just once she would love to be the kind of woman men couldn’t take their eyes off of. Actually, not all men. One man would do. Just one, before she got so old and decrepit that the very idea of it was laughable.

      Then she looked down at her jeans, her sweatshirt, her tennis shoes and her oversized, utilitarian mom purse, and she was overcome by the most terrible feeling that happily ever after was never going to happen. Getting by ever after was going to have to do.

      CHAPTER 5

      The following Monday, Susan hurried from the hospital to class and managed to slip into her seat with a whole minute to spare. Tonya and Monica were already there. Danforth was planted in his chair, too, looking as if he’d been prepared to get out the paddle if she hadn’t made it on time.

      “Today we’re going to talk about the physiology versus the psychology of anger,” Danforth said. “Physiologically speaking, the amygdala is the part of the brain responsible for identifying threats and then sending out an alarm that causes us to react in order to protect ourselves. It sends that distress signal so rapidly, however, that the cortex, the part of the brain responsible for the application of thought and judgment, is unable to discern the rationality of our reaction.”

      “Huh?” Tonya said.

      Susan leaned toward her. “If we’re threatened, our brains are designed to react first and think later.”

      “Precisely,” Danforth said.

      Susan furtively rolled her eyes. If she’d said it so precisely, why hadn’t he?

      He droned on about how they had to teach their prefrontal cortex to judge the consequences of the proposed action of their amygdalas. Susan was a nurse. Physiology was her thing. And still she was bored to tears. She could only imagine how much the other women wished they were anywhere else.

      Then Danforth started in on the psychology of anger, with special emphasis on the differences in the way men and women express their anger. After what seemed like forever, he put that set of notes away and pulled out something else.

      “Now that we understand the psychology and physiology of anger,” he said, “I’d like you ladies to learn a method by which you can express your anger constructively to the person with whom you’re angry. It’s known as the ‘I-Message.’”

      Sounded like psychobabble to Susan, but what the hell.

      He handed them each a sheet of paper. “I want you to think about a situation that has angered you in the past and fill in these blanks.”

      Susan took a pen from her purse and looked at the form. The first line read, “I feel (be specific).” The second one read, “When you (give details of the behavior or circumstance).” The third line read, “Because (this is the why of your anger).”

      They each filled in their forms, and a few minutes later Danforth said, “Ms. Saltzman. To whom is your I-Message directed?”

      “My cousin, Sandra.”

      “Read it, please, phrasing your statement as if you’re talking directly to her.”

      Monica sat up straighter in her chair. “I get angry…”


      “When you call from New York at three in the morning to cry on my shoulder about all your problems…”

      “Because?” Danforth prompted.

      “Because I don’t like getting awakened from a sound sleep in the middle of the night.”

      “Hmm. Would you be this angry with anyone else who woke you at 3:00 a.m.?”

      “Of course.”

      “Even if it were an emergency of some sort?”

      “Well, no—”

      “When she calls, what else do you discuss besides her problems?”

      “Nothing, of course. It’s all about her. On, and on, and on. She couldn’t care less about anything going on in my life.”

      “Ah. Then your I-Message statement would more accurately read, ‘I feel hurt when you call and monopolize the conversation to vent about your problems because it makes me feel as if you don’t care about mine.’”

      “Sorry, no,” Monica said. “I’ve never cared whether she cares about me or not. It’s those middle-of-the-night calls I can do without.”

      “In any case, you should discuss these phone calls with her in a nonconfrontational manner.” He gave her a pointed stare. “But do try to be true to yourself about what lies at the root of your anger.”

      By the look on her face, Monica clearly thought she was right down at the very tip of that root, no matter what Danforth said.

      He turned to Susan. “Ms. Roth? To whom is your I-Message directed?”

      “My daughter. She’s fourteen.”

      “Please read it for the class.”

      “I feel

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