Silent Witness. Leona Karr

Silent Witness - Leona  Karr

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all the need for privacy?” she asked, frowning. “If Rock Creek is anything like every other small town, the fact that a law officer was at the Wentworth estate will be tomorrow’s gossip.”

      “True,” he agreed. “But we can orchestrate the gossip to be what we want.”

      “How do we do that?”

      “We put a spin on the truth,” he said as he put a guiding hand on her arm as they walked down the hall to the stairs.

      The only place Marian could think of that was off-limits to everyone was her own private quarters, which were on the ground floor near the solarium.

      When Alva Wentworth’s health began to decline, she had remodeled a spacious reception room and bathroom on the first floor into a parlor and a beautiful bedroom. A small refrigerator and hot plate sufficed for simple kitchen needs, and the buffet bar had remained intact. The wealthy widow had occupied these rooms the last few years before her declining health required an assisted-living facility.

      “My rooms would probably be best,” she told Ryan.

      Under different circumstances, she certainly would have had second thoughts about inviting a man she’d met only a few hours earlier into her private suite, especially a physically attractive man who made her feel that she’d been missing vibrant male company for far too long.

      Was she just imagining that when he put a guiding hand on her arm, his fingertips slightly caressed her soft flesh? She gave herself a mental shake as they made their way downstairs. Enough of such romantic nonsense!

      She informed him in her director’s voice, “I usually have a little time to myself during the activity period. We have the evening meal as soon as the children come in and I’ll need to be in the dining room to help serve.” She glanced at her watch. “We’ll have about forty minutes. That should be enough time for you to bring me up to date.”

      If he was put off by her businesslike tone, he didn’t show it. A half smile remained at the corners of his mouth as they made their way to another wing of the mansion. As Marian opened the door, the spaciousness of the former reception room still amazed her. Obviously Mrs. Wentworth had moved elegant cherrywood furniture from other areas in the house to furnish her private space. A beautiful sofa and chairs in burgundy velvet, graceful end tables and Tiffany lamps defined the sitting area, and a glimpse of the bedroom revealed a large canopy bed and antique furniture. These luxurious accommodations had been a special treat for Marian. She had deeply appreciated the fact that at the end of a long day, most of the clamor of staff and children was in the upper parts of the house.

      Quickly she motioned Ryan toward one of the chairs and sat down opposite him on the sofa. She tried to keep her manner relaxed. “Now, then, what exactly did your investigator find that made you question Scotty again?”

      “Nothing concrete. And that’s the problem.”

      “I don’t understand.”

      “Toby didn’t find any blood anywhere, especially in front of the fireplace where Scotty said he saw the body. He looked the area over closely and took pictures. We’ll have to wait to see if Toby got any fingerprints. No telling who’s been using the cabin since Alva’s been gone.”

      “The caretaker told me they hired a cleaning service for the mansion shortly before we took over. I don’t know if the cabin was included in that or not. I could ask and find out.”

      “You are going to stay out of this,” he said firmly. Leaning forward, his eyes locked with hers. “No one is going to know anything about what happened today.”

      “What do you mean?” She was startled by his tone and the sudden rigidity of his body.

      “You haven’t told Scotty’s story to anyone, have you?”


      “Good.” He leaned back with obvious relief. “It’s a pretty safe bet the boy hasn’t said anything to anyone.”

      “I don’t understand.”

      “You’re not the only one,” he admitted with a fleeting smile. “And that’s the danger, Marian. Until we know if a crime has been committed, any talk and speculation could trigger something totally unexpected.”

      “But you just can’t ignore—”

      He quickly moved to the sofa beside her. “My first responsibility now is to keep Scotty and you safe. If someone did see the boy running away from a murder scene and knows the boy confided in you, both of you could be in danger.” He put his hands lightly on her shoulders, turning her to face him. “Do you understand?”

      “Are you trying to frighten me?”

      “No,” he replied in a softer tone. “I just intend to stay around and make sure neither of you are in jeopardy until we know exactly what we may be dealing with.”

      “I don’t think that’s possible. How can I explain your presence to everyone? You want me to lie about who you really are?”

      “Not at all. We just have to put a little twist on the reason for me being here at the estate.”

      “Then you do mean lie.”

      “It’s called a protective cover.”

      “And what could that be? It’s hardly likely the staff will believe you’re a volunteer staff member.” Her mind raced ahead, already anticipating the problems of trying to incorporate a totally unlikely person into the curriculum.

      “I was thinking more along the lines of something in keeping with the truth of my real occupation.”

      “And what would that something be?”

      “How about your needing my services to check out or change the security system?”

      “I could never do that without the permission of Arthur Kennedy. He’s Alva Wentworth’s Denver lawyer and controls the budget. We’d have to get his approval for such an expenditure.”

      “He’s in Denver? How often does he show up here?”

      “I never know,” she admitted. “Most of the time we talk on the telephone. When he’s in town, he reports everything personally to Alva and then gives me instructions. I have never made a move without their approval.”

      “Well, let’s go with the security story as long as we can. That will give me a free hand to hang around and keep you and Scotty under protection.”

      “Do you think that’s really necessary?”

      “I don’t know, but until we get something solid to go on, one way or the other, I intend to play it safe.”

      She could tell from the firmness in his voice it was useless to argue. In a way she felt relieved that he was taking charge. On the other hand, just thinking about him being a constant presence in her life created challenges on more levels than one. She was very aware of his physical warmth and sexual appeal. Having him around as a bodyguard night and day wasn’t going to be that easy.

      She rose abruptly to her feet.

      “What’s the matter?” he asked as he stood up beside her.

      “The children will be coming in soon. I have to see to the dining room.”

      Something in her voice must have betrayed her anxiety, because he put his hands on her shoulders. “I’ll make this as easy on you as I can. Just remember we’re role-playing. Okay?”

      “Okay,” she echoed as firmly as she could.

      “I’m here because you have been concerned for the security of the children and want me to check out the present system. I’ll offer to remain on the premises until everything is brought up to date. Hopefully that will give Officer Bower time to carry out his forensic tests and provide us with some direction for any necessary investigation. I have a relative who is deaf and I can

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