The Bride Ship. Deborah Hale

The Bride Ship - Deborah  Hale

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course.” Mr. Duckworth beckoned her toward a window that looked onto the grounds behind the lodge. “I should have mentioned it before.”

      He pointed at the nearest of several trim outbuildings. With its tall, arched windows, it had the appearance of a chapel. “That is the kitchen and the cook’s quarters. Because this place was designed as a summer residence, the kitchen is separate so its fires do not overheat the house.”

      “Clever.” Jocelyn spotted a small black woman bustling around the kitchen. “Is that our cook?”

      The girls could all share in the duties of housemaids, but having someone to prepare their meals would be a great boon.

      Mr. Duckworth nodded. “Miz Ada is on loan from Government House for as long as you need her. She knows the kitchen at Prince’s Lodge well. She was part of the household staff when the duke resided here.”

      “I’m certain she will be a valuable addition to our establishment.” Jocelyn strove to sound poised and gracious, though part of her wanted to dance around the dining room. When she and her charges had set out for Nova Scotia, she’d never dared hope they would find such excellent accommodations.

      Mr. Duckworth lingered at the window for a further moment. “Once you get settled in, you and your young ladies must explore the grounds. They are quite lovely, and will only grow more so in the weeks to come.”

      “I daresay we will make good use of them.” Jocelyn pulled out the chair at the head of the dining table and sank onto it for a moment. She found herself looking forward to being mistress of a fine house again, even if it was only temporary. “After all those weeks cooped up aboard ship, we will be anxious to stretch our legs and enjoy some fresh scenery.”

      Just then Lily appeared in the dining room doorway, looking flushed and flustered. “I beg your pardon, Mrs. Finch. Sir. All the girls are here, now. Some of them are arguing over which rooms they will get. Can you come?”

      “I’ll be along directly.” Jocelyn stifled an exasperated sigh as she rose from the chair. Clearly it was too soon to think of rest yet. Her mission had barely begun. “Tell them I am on my way. That may settle things.”

      “Very good, ma’am.” Lily disappeared as quickly as she had come.

      Jocelyn turned to the governor’s aide. “Thank you for the tour of the house and for all your help, Mr. Duckworth.” If his master had been half so obliging, their stay in Halifax would have gotten off to a far more pleasant start. “If there is nothing else, I beg you will excuse me to begin organizing our household.”

      “I will not detain you, ma’am. I should be getting back to town. There are only two more matters I meant to mention.”

      “And they would be…?” She tried not to sound impatient. Much as she enjoyed the young man’s company, she needed to get the girls settled. She did not want him to see how firm a hand she might have to use, in case he carried word of it back to the governor.

      “Colonel Carmont will be sending a small guard detail from town, ma’am. The first should be here before nightfall. They will be relieved every twelve hours.”

      “Armed guards? Is that necessary? This looks like such a peaceful spot.” Would their mission be to keep trespassers out or to keep Jocelyn and her charges virtual prisoners on this secluded estate?

      “His Excellency has ordered it, ma’am.” Mr. Duckworth looked regretful but resolved. “And I believe it is necessary. The road at the foot of the hill is the coach route to Windsor. There is often considerable traffic on it and not always of the best kind. A house full of young ladies might pose an attraction to undesirable company.”

      “Oh, very well.” Never let it be said she lacked the wit to bow to the inevitable. “If His Excellency decrees we must be guarded, then I suppose we have no choice.”

      Hearing raised voices in the distance, she asked, “What was the second matter you wished to mention?”

      “Governor Kerr asked to be informed how soon you wish to begin conducting interviews with men in the colony who are seeking wives. Would you like notices placed in the Gazette? His Excellency suggested a system of written applications might be useful, similar to the way land patents are granted.”

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