The Forest Ranger's Rescue. Leigh Bale

The Forest Ranger's Rescue - Leigh  Bale

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up. Do you think you can do that?”

      Evie lifted her head and gave a tentative nod. Then, she reached out her hand and took the board. Jill showed her how to use the marker and eraser.

      “Be sure to put the cap back on the eraser right after you use it, or it’ll dry out. Can you do that?” Jill asked.

      Evie nodded. And that’s when Brent noticed Jill always asked his daughter yes or no questions. Nothing complicated. Nothing that would make Evie feel overwhelmed and want to hide. Just simple queries that Evie could nod or shake her head on.

      “Shall we try it out?” Jill stood straight.

      Evie bobbed her head twice.

      “Okay, do you like flowers and butterflies?”

      Evie stared at the woman.

      Jill pressed the tip of her finger against the board. “Just write yes or no.”

      Long seconds ticked by as it took Evie time to write her response, but Jill didn’t rush her. Not one bit. And during that time, Brent held his breath. What if Evie refused to try? He wasn’t sure if she knew how to spell the words. She’d refused to write at school. Her kindergarten teacher didn’t think she knew how. And Brent assumed Evie wasn’t learning a thing. He feared she’d grow up illiterate.

      The black marker squeaked as Evie wrote some wobbly letters.


      Brent blinked his eyes, his throat feeling suddenly thick with emotion. His daughter could write. And if she could write, then that meant she could also read. At least a little. Obviously, Evie knew more than her teachers realized. And he had Jill to thank for revealing that fact.

      Jill smiled. “Good. How about big black bears? Do you like them?”

      They waited for Evie to write. It took less time for her to write the word no.

      “That’s okay. They can be kind of scary sometimes, right?”

      Evie nodded.

      “But I doubt any bears live in this empty forest.” Jill’s gaze lifted to the graveyard of trees, some of the stumps over three feet across.

      Brent stared at her, entranced by the flicker of sunlight against her shiny hair. Thinking how she lit up the ugly forest with her beauty.

      “Yeah, it’s pretty sad,” Brent agreed, forcing himself to look away. “But it’ll recover. Clearing the tall trees from overhead opens up the plant life below to lots of sunlight. There won’t be many trees in this area next summer, but the pine grass, currants and forbs will soon cover the ground with lots of vegetation. It’ll take decades for the trees to come back, unless we help it out by replanting.”

      Evie stepped a short ways away, drawing a picture on her erase board.

      “What do you estimate the dollar price of the theft is at?” Jill asked.

      He pursed his lips, making some mental calculations. Grateful to have his attention drawn away from Jill’s creamy complexion and the warm feelings coursing through his chest. “At least two hundred thousand dollars, possibly more.”

      Jill nodded. “I concur.”

      He wasn’t surprised. She’d grown up in the timber business and knew the value of trees as well as he did.

      Just then, she turned and stumbled over a low tree stump. He reached forward and caught her. She fell against him, one hand latching on to his biceps, the other sliding against his chest. She looked up and their eyes locked. He stared at her, mesmerized. For several pounding moments, they stood frozen in time. The world spun away and nothing existed but them. He felt her warmth and breathed in her fragrant scent. Her lips parted in surprise and he felt the overpowering urge to pull her in and kiss her.

      Then he came to his senses. He must be losing his mind. He had to break this off right now. “You okay?”

      She snapped back and blinked, not meeting his eyes. She brushed at her shirt, as though it was wrinkled. “Yes, I’m fine.”

      Think. What should he say? Something to appear normal and unaffected. To regain his composure.

      “I...I’ve already started a replanting program to repair the damage to the forest,” he said. “The crew should finish the work in another week or so, before the heat of summer comes in.”

      There. That was good. Right back to business.

      She took a steadying breath. “I’d like to help.”

      He glanced at her, his eyes widening with wonder. “Seriously?”



      She blinked, as though his blunt question had taken her off guard. And quite frankly, he was feeling a bit off balance himself. He didn’t understand how a woman could smell so delectable.

      “Do I need a reason?” she asked.

      “No, it’s just that I didn’t expect you to help with the project. Under the circumstances, I think you can understand my surprise.”

      “Yes, you’re right,” she conceded. “It doesn’t make sense to me either. But I’d really like to help. It’s for a great cause. I want to ensure our forests stay forested and there are trees to harvest in the future. Mankind has done enough damage to our earth already. So, when do you need me?”

      He looked away, thinking. “Um, I’ve got a work crew planning to come out again next Monday morning. They’ll be finished with their work by noon. So you’ve got a few days. If you come to the Forest Service office, you can ride up with them and know exactly where they’ll be working.”

      “Okay, what time?” He told her the necessary information and she nodded her acceptance. “I’ll be there, so don’t let them leave without me. I want to work with the Forest Service in any way I can to clear my brother’s name. He insists he didn’t have any part in this theft, and I believe him. So we’re eager to help catch whoever did this and clear our name.”

      Our name. He couldn’t help noticing that she included herself with her brother. And although he was positive she was completely innocent of any wrongdoing in the situation, her loyalty to her family was just one more reason he liked her.

      “I’m glad to hear that. But like I said, we haven’t made any accusations yet.” He shifted his weight, again wishing he could confide in her. Wishing he didn’t have to keep the truth a secret. It was a good thing Alan hadn’t betrayed his instructions from the US Attorney’s office.

      She showed a skeptical smile. The silence lengthened and he knew what she was thinking. Soon enough, the LEI would want to prowl around her family’s sawmill as they performed an investigation. It was inevitable. Having Jill’s cooperation would help a great deal with the ugly chore.

      A tug on his arm brought his head down to Evie. She held up her erase board and he saw that she’d written the word danc. She’d drawn a little stick figure at the side, wearing what appeared to be a ballerina tutu. She then pointed at Jill.

      He crinkled his brow. “Do you mean dance?”

      Evie nodded and jabbed her finger more forcefully toward Jill.

      “You want to invite Jill to your dance recital?” he asked.

      A bright smile lit up Evie’s face and she pumped her head up and down. Brent tried not to stare, but it’d been so long since he’d been able to communicate effectively with her. And seeing her smile again knocked the breath right out of him.

      His gaze swung back to Jill. “Um, Evie would like to invite you to her dance recital tomorrow night. It’s at seven, in the civic center.”

      Okay, he’d made the invitation. From the withdrawn expression on Jill’s face, he could tell she felt uncomfortable about it, too. It didn’t

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