Marrying Mr. Right. Carolyn Greene

Marrying Mr. Right - Carolyn  Greene

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man’s curiosity with his statement.

      Greg slanted his gaze at Christina and flashed her a mischievous wink. The simple gesture assured her that—unlike Mr. Terby—he didn’t think she was silly or overly sentimental for bringing the memento to their wedding. Although they were as different as two people could. be, Christina knew she’d found a kindred spirit in Greg.

      Mr. Terby heaved another sigh. “Very well. Let’s get on with it.” He stood and walked around his desk to a filing cabinet, where he retrieved a thin booklet bound with a narrow gold cord. Then he turned and, grabbing a crocheted loop that dangled high on the wall, pulled down a screen covered with a painted backdrop of a rose-covered trellis. Taking his position in front of it, he palmed his hair to smooth it, then beckoned them to join him.

      “Most couples prefer something a little more romantic than an office setting,” he said by way of explanation.

      While it was a slight improvement over the rest of the book-and-paper-cluttered room, the amateurish artwork with its garish hues of pink and green seemed more tacky than romantic. But Christina preferred not to focus on that. Instead she looped her arm through Crneg’s as he led her around the desk to stand before the magistrate, and she concentrated on the marital miracle that was about to occur. Greg gave her a smile that took her breath away. She’d never been happier than she was today.

      Mr. Terby cleared his throat and began. “Dearly beloved...”

      Christina hadn’t questioned Greg’s motive in asking her to make their pretend marriage real. It was enough that he wanted her. That he made her feel more desirable and more feminine than she ever had in her entire life. That he chose her over all the other, prettier girls at school who openly flirted and clam ored for his attention.

      “Now place the ring on her finger.”

      Christina and Greg both looked at each other as if expecting the ring to appear from the sheer strength of their wanting it In the next moment, Greg surprised her by reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a knife. The muscles in his forearm flexed as he exposed the blade and stepped toward the startled magistrate.

      Christina gasped, and the sound was echoed by the secretary who observed the proceedings from near Mr. Terby’s desk. The magistrate backed away, as if he were trying to escape down the painted path beneath the trellis.

      Greg paused. “Excuse me,” he said, motioning the gentleman aside.

      Mr. Terby hurriedly complied but stopped short of bolting from the office.

      Greg bent and freed the crocheted loop from the pull-down screen, then once again took his place beside Christina. Taking her hand in his, he returned the knife to his pocket and slipped the knotted white threads onto her finger. The fit was a little loose, but the effect was decidedly pretty. Christina held out her hand and admired the makeshift wedding band. Like the man who had put it on her finger, it was untraditional yet appealing.

      “Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Mr. Terby once again stood before them, and he seemed anxious to finish the proceedings.

      Lawful wasn’t a word typically used to describe Greg, but now wasn’t the time to argue a point.

      After they had finished their “I do’s,” Mr. Terby added, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride, after which my secretary will take an instant photo of the two of you in front of the tcellis.”

      It was the first time he’d kissed her. Removing the doll from between them, Greg took her in his strong arms and pressed a gentle—almost cautions—kiss on her lips. Upon contact, it was as though everything and everyone in the room ceased to exist. All Christina noticed was the feel of his mouth on hers, the hardness of his muscled ribs against her breasts and the heat of his hands where they splayed across her back.

      If a chaste, public kiss from Greg could be this good, then surely a private encounter with him later would be pure bliss. Christina felt as if her heart might explode right out of her chest


      Back in Morrison Heights, Greg led her past the parked cars to the motel room door, which he opened with a plastic key card. He couldn’t believe his incredible good fortune. First she’d said yes, then she’d said I do, and now she was wearing a look that said I want you. Before she could go inside, he stopped her with a kiss.

      Although his proposal at lunch today had been im pulsive and said as a joke, it was rooted in his desire for Christina—his desire to be with her always and continue enjoying the company of the girl who’d captured his heart from the moment he met her.

      Instead of laughing at him as he’d expected, Christina had given him a soft smile. “Are you serious?” she’d asked. And he’d nodded, still waiting for the laughter that was sure to follow.

      The darling of Morrison Heights, she could do no wrong in anyone’s eyes—especially not Greg’s. She was everything he wasn’t, and whenever he was with her, he felt awash with the stability and goodness that were lacking in his own home.

      Some people thought he was making time with Christina to annoy her father, who’d taken an instant dislike to him. Sure, he’d love to see the look on Sheriff Cline’s face when he and Christina announced their elopement, but he’d want to be with her no matter who her parents were.

      To his surprise, the laughter he’d expected upon his impromptu proposal never came. When she’d said yes, he’d been so relieved and happy he’d insisted they tie the knot right away...before she came to her senses and changed her mind.

      And now, standing in front of this tacky motel, she returned his kiss with an ardor that equaled his own. It had been clear all afternoon that she wanted him—perhaps almost as much as he wanted her—and it had taken every ounce of willpower to end their wedding kiss and wait until they reached the motel to make love to her. The motorcycle ride here had been sheer torture, and feeling Christina’s arms wound so tightly around his midsection had only made his physical discomfort worse. She tilted her head back, staring up at him with his own desire mirrored in her clear blue eyes.

      An animal sound escaped from his throat as he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the room. As he set her down, he reveled in the feel of her body sliding down the length of his own. Pushing a white ruffle off her shoulder, he bent and placed a kiss on her neck. He didn’t want to spook her by moving too fast, but when she tipped her head, giving him free access to her bare shoulder, he gave a tug to the other side of her dress.

      The white ruffled cloth fell to her waist, baring a simple cotton bra. The old saying was right, he thought. Good things did, indeed, come in small packages.

      Kissing her to distract her from the momentary shyness that seemed to overtake her, he slipped his arms around her and deftly released the fastener.

      Her breasts were small but inviting, and she didn’t flinch from his touch. He knew she was a virgin—she’d told him so when they were working on their Family Life project. She’d said she considered her virginity a gift for the man who would someday be her husband, and he’d fallen even deeper in love with her.

      She seemed too good to be true and yet here she was, giving him—of all people—her precious gift.

      When her small hands fumbled at the hem of his shirt, untucking it from his jeans, desire coursed through him. He peeled off the unwanted clothing in one smooth motion.

      In response, she clung to him, her soft flesh flattening against his chest. It was all he could do to keep from backing her onto the bed and having his way with her—hard and fast.

      But that wouldn’t be good enough for someone as special as Christina. He wanted to unwrap her gift slowly, savoring the anticipation as her treasure was gradually revealed to him. Dropping another kiss on her lips, he told her, “I want you so much.”

      She sighed, and the motion pressed her closer against his naked torso. “I want you to know,” she began, pausing as she obviously groped for the words she wanted to say. “Those vows we said earlier—for

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