Weekend With The Best Man. Leah Martyn

Weekend With The Best Man - Leah  Martyn

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stopped, breathing away the coil of utter wretchedness. The few seconds’ hiatus gave her some relief and she scrambled inside. Letting her head rest back, she closed her eyes and steadied her breathing.

      It took only a few minutes for her stomach to settle. Feeling more in control, she leaned down and took a bottle of water from the Esky. She began sipping, feeling better after each mouthful. But now she was beginning to feel cold.

      Dan’s jacket was draped across the back of the driver’s seat. Guardedly, aware she could overstretch her already sore neck muscles, she reached over and slowly managed to unhook the coat, draping it across her body like a blanket. She felt herself relax, snuggling into its warmth, breathing in the faint scent of sandalwood and seasoned leather.

      And him.

      Out of nowhere, Lindsey felt a warm sensation down low, sensual tentacles humming through her whole body. She burrowed more deeply into Dan’s coat. And felt connected to him in a way she could have only imagined.

      Her mind flew ahead to something much more intimate and she snuggled deeper, as though taking his body warmth into herself.

      Gradually, she became aware that the ambulance had arrived in a blaze of lights and a blaring siren, the police vehicle and a tow truck not far behind, the multi-coloured strobes looking like a weird kind of stage show. Lindsey watched through the windscreen, glad to be away from it all. Her tummy had settled but the feeling of it all happening to someone else persisted. Unfortunately, the reality was there in the ache of her neck muscles.

      She could only hope the injured man would recover. And if he did, it was all down to Dan’s skill as a doctor. He had been amazing.

      Twenty minutes later the ambulance had gone. Lindsey registered the activity up ahead. The police had redirected the oncoming traffic. She wondered why there seemed quite a bit for this rather quiet road. But, then, it was Friday and lots of folk liked to get away for the weekend for wine tours and the B&B comfort offered by several of the vineyards around Milldale.

      ‘How’re you doing?’

      Lindsey startled. The driver’s door had swung open and Dan was there beside her. ‘Much better.’ She gave a wan smile. ‘I borrowed your coat.’

      ‘Good. I’m glad you had the sense to keep warm.’ He sent her a perceptive look. ‘I take it Milldale doesn’t have a hospital?’

      ‘Not even a GP. Why?’

      ‘Why?’ Dan frowned. ‘Because I think I should take you straight back to Hopeton and get your neck X-rayed.’

      ‘Oh, Dan...please, no.’ Lindsey squeezed her eyes tightly shut in rebuttal. ‘I’ll be fine, honestly.’

      ‘You can’t know that for sure, Lindsey.’ He seemed unconvinced. ‘But I had a feeling you’d be stubborn so I managed to snaffle a collar from the paramedics.’

      ‘No collars.’ Lindsey was adamant. ‘Look, it’s whiplash, resulting in a bit of muscle strain. I have some massage oil that works miracles. I’ll attend to it the minute I get to where I’m going.’

      Dan quirked a brow. ‘And where is that?’

      ‘Milldale. Home.’

      ‘Home,’ Dan repeated. ‘I thought you lived in Hopeton.’

      ‘I do, for work. But home for me is Lark Hill, the vineyard where my parents live. Where I grew up. I’m starting a bit of leave.’

      It took Dan only a few seconds to process all this. She still had some way to drive to Milldale before she could get relief for her neck pain. Was she fit to drive? Was her car even drivable? He came to a decision. He was a doctor, for God’s sake. He could treat her. Here and now. ‘Do you have your miracle oil with you?’

      Lindsey looked uncertain. ‘Of course I have it with me.’

      ‘In your luggage?’ Dan was slowly opening the driver’s door. ‘Tell me where to look and I’ll massage it in for you. The sooner it’s done, the sooner some relief will kick in for you.’

      Lindsey’s hands clutched the collar of his coat, pulling it higher as if to ward off the idea. She couldn’t let him do that. It was too intimate...too...everything. She moistened her lips. ‘If you get me the oil, I can rub it on myself.’

      He snorted. ‘And how high can you lift your arms without it hurting?’

      Emotions began clogging Lindsey’s throat. If she was honest, she was aching all over and suffering the aftermath of shock. It would be so lovely to let go of all her scruples and let Dan take care of her. ‘My car keys are still in the ignition.’

      ‘And your luggage in the boot?’ Dan swung one leg out of the car.

      Lindsey managed a small nod. ‘Just bring my beauty case. It’s black with—’

      ‘Lindsey, relax,’ Dan broke in gently. ‘I know what a beauty case looks like. I’ll find it.’

      * * *

      Lindsey closed her eyes. He’d told her to relax so she’d try. He’d taken over anyway. And right at the moment the idea sounded heaven-sent.

      Dan was back. Not only did he have her beauty case but he’d brought along her shoulder bag as well. And her long woolly cardigan was draped over his forearm.

      ‘You’ve thought of everything.’ Lindsey managed a trapped smile.

      ‘And I have something for your neck pain as well.’

      ‘What are they?’ She looked dubiously at the foil-wrapped tablets he handed her.

      ‘They’re standard painkillers,’ Dan said. ‘Nothing to send you off to la-la land.’ He watched as she broke open the foil and then handed her a bottle of water. When she’d swallowed the tablets, he asked, ‘Now, how are we going to do this?’

      Lindsey blinked. He was obviously referring to her massage. She unzipped her beauty case and handed him the bottle of oil. ‘I could probably just manoeuvre myself so my back’s to you,’ she said throatily.

      ‘Or we could fold back the rear seat so you could lie down.’

      ‘That’s not necessary.’ Lindsey was firm. ‘Just take your jacket back, Dan, and I’ll get my shirt off.’

      Dan’s eyes widened. His heart gave a sideways skip. ‘OK...’

      Lindsey undid the buttons and shrugged off the loose-fitting shirt to reveal a snug little vest top beneath. She sent him an innocent look. ‘What?’


      She managed a soft chuckle. ‘Had you going there, didn’t I, Daniel?’

      ‘A guy can live in hope,’ he countered, his mouth lifting at the corners. ‘Now, give me that oil and we’ll get started.’

      Lindsey felt her body relax its tension as Dan’s fingers began the gentle kneading of her neck muscles. It felt good, so good, and she wanted it to go on for ever...

      Dan let his hands drift over the smooth column of her neck and then tease out the tense muscles at its base, almost hypnotised by the feel of her satin-smooth skin under his hands. ‘It’s Dante, by the way.’

      ‘Really?’ Lindsey’s voice went high in disbelief.


      ‘From the Italian poet of the Middle Ages?’

      ‘At least you have the origin right,’ he said. ‘My sisters used to tell everyone I’d been named after a middle-aged poet.’

      ‘Oh, poor you. Were you teased a lot?’

      ‘Sometimes I felt like quietly enrolling at another school.’

      ‘I think Dante suits you.’

      ‘Hmm.’ Dan was noncommittal.


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