A Father For Bella. Jill Weatherholt

A Father For Bella - Jill  Weatherholt

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it, sis.”

      Tears streamed down her cheeks. “Really? You’re behind me on this?”

      Joy laughed. “Does it really matter? You’ve got your mind set—I know you.”

      “Of course it does. Your opinion means a lot to me.” She fingered her necklace. “As a kid, I always wanted your approval.” She smiled and reached for Joy’s hand. “I guess nothing has really changed.”

      “A lot has. You’ve been through so much in the past four years, losing Chris and raising Bella on your own. I’m so proud to call you my sister. You’re the strongest person I know, Faith.” Joy wiped away a tear and straightened her shoulders. “I think God has orchestrated this auction just for you.”

      Her, strong? The weeks following Chris’s death, she’d been about as strong as a newly fledged hummingbird. “I couldn’t have survived those first couple of years without you, sis.” Faith leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. “As for God, I’m not so sure about Him being behind this.” She watched her sister’s reaction. “You know we’re not exactly on speaking terms.”

      “That doesn’t matter. He still loves you and wants the best for you. He’ll work everything out for good, if you open your heart to Him.”

      The hum of the refrigerator hung in the air.

      Joy squirmed in her chair and leaned forward. “About yesterday, let me make sure I’ve got this straight,” she said with a grin. “That gorgeous man, Joshua, is your boss’s son and your landlord, too...very interesting.”

      She couldn’t argue the facts. He was handsome. “I thought there was something up with him.” Faith sat forward and placed her elbows on the table. “What I don’t understand is why Joshua’s father doesn’t just give him the property.”

      “Maybe he doesn’t know his son’s interested.”

      Faith drummed her fingers along her lips. “I suppose, but why keep it a secret?”

      “People keep secrets for different reasons. Why didn’t you ever tell me you’ve dreamed of owning an inn?”

      Her stomach sank. “After Chris died, I didn’t see any reason to harp on a dream that was over.”

      A smile curled across Joy’s lips. “So...how does it feel to bring it back to life?”

      “Exhilarating. Scary.” Could she do this? She let her gaze drift toward the window and the snow-covered mountains. This land had always been her home. She couldn’t lose it now. “I think I’ll have to take out a loan.”

      “What about the insurance—”

      “No!” Faith shook her head. She refused to touch the life insurance money. One thing she knew for sure—life could change in a heartbeat and you must be prepared. That money was the only way she could provide a secure future for her daughter.

      “I can help you.” Joy squeezed her sister’s hand. “You know I’ve got a good pension through the school’s retirement plan. I could borrow from my 401(k).”

      Faith shook her head. “No way. It’s your security. I won’t have you tapping into those funds.”

      “But I believe in your dream. If anyone can make this happen, it’s you...don’t ever forget it.”

      Faith didn’t know what she’d do without her sister. “I won’t...thanks.”

      “Maybe you could talk to Joshua? Let him know the inn was your childhood home after Mom and Dad were killed, and we went to live with Grandma and Grandpa.”

      “He already knows, but it doesn’t matter to him. He wants it as much as I do.”

      Joy’s brow arched. “And you know that after only a couple days?”

      She shrugged her shoulders. “If only we’d been here, instead of away at college, maybe we could have helped Grandma and Grandpa financially and prevented RC Carlson from purchasing their property? It would have been nice to have kept their house in the family.”

      “Well, as determined as you are, I think you’ll get what you want.”

      Faith only hoped she could stay strong and fight for the property. Being back in the hospital and then having to use her medical skills to care for Joshua had sapped her strength. Who was she kidding? She was weak. Anyone who dropped out of medical school because they have panic attacks—at a hospital of all places—was pathetic.

      But she was about to show her strength.

       Chapter Four

      Joshua squirmed in the front seat of Faith’s SUV. It smelled like lavender, his mother’s favorite fragrance. He buckled his seat belt, thankful Tuesday morning had finally arrived. Cute as she might be, he couldn’t wait to be released from Faith’s care. She’d been like a hawk, watching over every move. Now it was time to get back to the business of keeping the inn for his mother. “I thought Mrs. Watson was driving me to my doctor’s appointment.”

      Faith yanked down the visor as the morning sun streamed through the windshield. “She had to stay and help Michael. He’s preparing a special meal for tonight.”

      “I know this is the last thing you want to be doing—so thanks.”

      “It’s not a problem.”

      They traveled in silence for the remainder of the fifteen-minute drive. Faith hit the turn signal when they reached the parking lot of the hospital.

      Once inside, Joshua took a seat in the waiting room. Faith made him nervous as she paced the floor. “Why don’t you have a seat?” Her heels pecked against the tile. When he was married to Jessica, her stiletto shoes had always annoyed him. But now, even though she’d broken the vows they’d made before God over love for another man and money, he missed the sound.

      It made him think about Jessica. Had she ever really loved him? He certainly had loved her. And he had to admit that a tiny part of him couldn’t wait for her to get wind of his new business venture.

      “The receptionist said the doctor was behind schedule because of a multicar accident.” He patted his hand on the empty brown vinyl chair next to his, but Faith turned and walked toward the vending machine.

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